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Okay guys, I decided to re-write the story from here. Because it was going of topic and plot-less. It wasn't going according to the plot. I'm sorry if I cause y'all any inconvenience. I was starting to hate this story. So I thought I'll do something about it. Sorry once again!

Louis was going crazy.

He was tied to his bed from morning till night, with cum dried on his stomach. His wrists were red, bruised, and he doubted whether his father cared about him or not. Because-lets be honest- fathers don't leave you with some psycho who shoves his dick down your butthole without a warning, that too for just talking back.

Louis had no idea how he'd marry and live with this person.

Harry wasn't bad per say, he did bring him  breakfast on bed and took him out to a restaurant. (that was once, Louis definitely wasn't hoping for another one. Really.) but that didn't make Louis like him anymore.

That day was,fortunately, Harry free.

Louis was happy, his smile wide but he was so used an annoying Harry that it was weird when he wasn't around.

But Louis didn't mind it one bit.

He read his books, went out and grinned when people had a look of fear on their face.

Atleast that was normal in his life.

When Louis got back home, he was met with his dad, talking on the phone.

"Wait he's back!" His dad said on the phone.

"Louis! Harry's on the line, he wants to talk to you!" His dad said, smiling.

"Well I don't want to talk to him." Louis said walking over to his room.

"Just talk to him Louis, please." His dad said, a pleading look in his face.

Louis's face softened, his dad never looked at him like that.

He sighed and walked over to the phone.

He took the phone from his dad.

"What do you want?" He snapped.

"Hello to you too, Louis." Harry's rough voice spoke.

Louis sighed.

"Yeah whatever, what do you want?" Louis repeated.

"Can't I just call up my fiancé, without any particular reason? " Harry asked, now sighing.

"No you can't." Louis said, a frown on his face.

"Well I called because I missed you, wanted to hear your lovely voice." Harry said, smiling.

Louis snorted.

"Right, well I didn't miss you. What else?" Louis said, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked on the other line.

Why was he asking that ? Louis thought.

"I'm fantastic considering the fact that you aren't here." Louis sassed.

"Watch your mouth, Louis." Harry said, sternly.

"Yeah yeah, you watch it. Now if you're done I have sleep to catch on. Bye."

With that Louis hung up the phone.

Blowing out a breath, making his feathery hair blow upwards, he stomped towards his room.

He didn't like Harry, not one bit.

THAT WAS WAS..... *please put in your views*

I hope y'all like it :)

Ask your favourite authors to read this if y'all like it! (If you think they might not even notice you, I feel your pain really. Ugh. Don't need to do it really.)

I love you, stick till the end please.

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