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Harry was taking Louis out today.

Both of the husbands stood next to each other, facing the mirror, fixing their hair.

They pushed each other, laughing as the other stumbled.

Louis was dressed in Harry's large blue sweater and black jeans to go with it. It was so large on him, he had sweater paws and he looked so cute. According to Harry he was going to be the death of him.

Harry wore a similar colour button down shirt and black jeans. Louis hoped he wasn't drooling, because Harry looked fit. And Louis was ready to show off the fact that Harry was his to the whole world.

They walked out the front door of their house, their rings on their fingers.

Louis wondered what it was like to hold Harry's hand. He wanted to.

And he did.

He was surprised when Harry held his hand more firmly, intertwining their fingers.

He loves me.

Louis thought, a smile making its way across his face.

"There was a fair in town, so I thought it'd be a good idea to go there." Harry said, when they got into their car.

"What are we? Five?" Louis said, grinning.

"I'd like to think we're not, but unfortunately we are." Harry said, shrugging.

Louis shook his head.

His husband was such an idiot.


Louis looked up at the big rides, eyes going wide, lips parting. Harry looked at him and the breath was knocked out of him. Louis was that beautiful.

"Where do you want to go first?" Harry asked, squeezing Louis's hand.

"Can we go there?" Louis said, eyes lighting up with mischief, pointing to a very fast ride.

Harry took a step back. He was afraid of heights. He was more afraid of fast moving machines.

"That doesn't look safe Lou..."

"C'mon it'll be fun,promise! Hold my hand and scream in my ears if you want! Please Harry?" Louis said, looking at him with puppy-dog eyes.

How could Harry say no to that?


Louis smiled brightly at him.

And they went in that.

Like Louis promised, he let Harry hold his hand and scream in his ears.

It was exhilarating.

Next, they got themselves some cotton candy and fast food.

Harry even won Louis a stuffed animal.

They went to a photo booth and got some pictures too.

They went on rides, holding each other, laughing, smiling, being in love.

People didn't bother them, they didn't even look at them. Atleast that's what they thought. They were so lost in their world, they seized to notice, they didn't care.

When night fell, they decided to go on the Ferris wheel.

Louis was jumping in his seat, excited. Eyes shining brightly, his stuffed bear next to him.

Harry couldn't help but smile at him. He loved Louis so much.

Louis looked around, taking in everything. It was so beautiful out there.

His eyes drifted to Harry then, to his surprise Harry was already looking at him.

His cheeks heated up at that.

He wanted to kiss Harry so bad.

He looked at Harry then, he didn't look away. He looked into Harry's eyes, looking into his green orbs, taking in every single black stroke, every gold, every green.

They were leaning in, Louis could feel Harry's breath on his face. His breath hitched, because this was happening.

Harry's lips were on his then, soft and full, just like he imagined.

Their lips moved in sync and Louis embraced every moment of it.

He felt like there was a stampede of elephants in his stomach. His chest clenched-in a good way.His head felt light, like nothing mattered. Just Harry did. It was true though.

Nothing mattered except Harry.

They pulled back, breathing heavily, smiling like idiots.

Louis looked up at the sky, smiling brightly. He looked at the only star up there, shining brightly.

Thank you mom.



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