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*re -written version*

There was a party today.

Louis's dad held those every once in a while.

The thing that never changed in those was- Louis wasn't invited.

It really didn't bother Louis anymore, who even wanted to be in that party? Louis didn't.

So Louis was in his room-like always- while people got drunk and had the time of their lives.

Louis was just laying on his bed when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in!" He shouted.

"Hey Louis." He heard Harry.

He groaned loudly.

"What do you want now?" Louis snapped, getting up.

Harry sighed.

"Why do you always assume people want something from you when the come to you?"

"Well why else would they come to me?" Louis asked, confused.

"Maybe they're wondering why you aren't at the party." Harry said, his eyebrows raised.

"I'm not invited." Louis said, waving him off.

"Well come with me. I got an invitation for two and I'm only one, so I could take you. " Harry said, sitting on his bed.

"I might as well not go than go with you." Louis said, snorting.

Harry sighed.

"Why do you make this so hard for me." He mumbled going over to Louis.

"Go get dressed." He said, his shadow looming over Louis.

"You are not my father. I won't do what you say." Louis said, annoyed.

Harry picked him up bridal style, and walked them over to his wardrobe.

He dropped Louis in front of his wardrobe.

"Get dressed." Harry said sternly.

"I won't." Louis said, staring him in the eye ,challengingly.

Harry walked closer to him, never losing eye contact.

He walked closer, until Louis was backing his wardrobe. Once he was sure Louis had no way to escape, he attached his lips to Louis's neck. He trailed kisses down his neck, sucking on his sweet spot.

Louis moaned at the contact.

Harry's other hand placed itself on Louis's crotch and palmed him through his pants.

Louis was a mess.

"Promise me you'll get dressed or I won't finished you off." Harry said against Louis's ears.

"Ok-kay." Louis mumbled weakly, his eyes shut.

Harry smirked against Louis's neck. And then dropped down to his knees.

He pulled down Louis's pants along with his boxers and took Louis into his hands.

Louis moaned loudly.

Taking that as an encouragement, Harry licked Louis's tip and took him in whole.

Louis, grabbed Harry's hair, pulling his curls as Harry bobbed his head.

"I'm..I'm going to come Harry." He mumbled.

Harry pulled back, looking Louis in the eye.

"Come for me." Harry said, looking through his eyeslashes.

And Louis did, all over his face.

Harry licked the cum he could and wiped the rest of it on Louis's shirt.

Louis just looked at him.

"Now c'mon, get dressed." Harry said, smiling.

Everyone was looking at them.

Louis didn't know whether they looked at them in awe or fear.

Louis didn't care.

They made their way towards Louis's father. Who was gaping at them.

"Hello Mr.Tomlinson." Harry greeted with a smile.

"Hello..Harry." Louis's father said.

"Okay I came down, now can I go back?" Louis asked, fidgeting with the helm of his blazer.

"Not without a dance." Harry said, grinning.

"That was not a part-" Louis was cut of by Harry's look.

"Fine, but I'll leave right after." Louis, huffed.

Harry grinned and took him towards the dance floor, keeping his hands on Louis's waist.

"Your hands are supposed to be on my shoulders." Harry said, looking at Louis.

Louis snorted.

"Careful there, I might choke you." He said, placing his hands on Harry's shoulders.

"No, you won't." Harry said frowning.

Louis stared into his eyes, all innocent and honest and beautiful.

"You trust me too much, Harry." Louis said, sighing.

"There is no reason to not." Harry said, kissing Louis's forehead.

"They don't call me cursed for nothing." Louis said, leaning in to Harry's touch.

"If you are cursed so be it, I'll take you cursed." Harry said, pulling away.

Louis had never felt so wanted before.

And he liked it.

picture of how Louis dresses for the party above ^

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