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Omfg. Twenty chapters what is this.
This story will come to an end in like five chapters -ten chapters max. Omfg I can't even. Do you feel the change in to story of whut.


Louis wanted to cuddle up next to Harry, keep his head on his chest -so he could hear his heart beat- and have his legs drawled all over him.

But he slept on the other side of the bed. It was too soon, wasn't it?

He laid awake.

When he heard Harry's soft snores he turned towards him.

He watched Harry's peaceful features as he slept. His plump lips, his flawless skin, his eyelashes which spread over his eyes evenly, his sharp nose. Louis saw it all and Louis thought 'How did I get so lucky?' Before he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Louis woke up before Harry.

He again watched as Harry slept and he wondered how could one person be so beautiful?

He would have stayed there and watched Harry all day but he had errands to run.

Errands that included going over to his mother's grave and updating her on Louis's life.

So Louis got out of bed and walked over to the suitcases. He frowned when he saw none of the two belonged to him. So he opened one of them, removing all the clothes and making a mess until he found a green hoodie and a black pant that he thought might actually stay on him.

Louis took a shower and wore the clothes he bought along with him.

The hoodie was still large and Louis had to roll up the pants more than necessary, but it was okay. Louis loved how he smelled like Harry.

Louis peeked into the bedroom to see Harry still sleeping so he made his way towards the exist.

He made his way towards the garden and greeted Ellie, the gardener , thanking her for plucking the lilies for him.

He told her he'd be back soon and if Harry asks then tell him he's went to meet his mother.

With that he made his way to the graveyard, telling one of the drivers to take him ofcourse.

He was done running, done hiding.

He'll be whatever Harry wants him to be. He'll give Harry whatever he can.

And if that means being himself again, so be it.


He ran away.

Harry thought the first thing as he saw clothes all over the room and Louis missing.

He quickly got up from his bed, pacing frantically.

Why did he leave?

Did I do something wrong?

Was he okay?

Harry couldn't help but think.

Maybe he's just out, in the garden maybe. He thought before making his way towards the garden.

He looked around to see Ellie there but no signs of Louis.

"Ellie?!" He shouted from the window, to get her attention.

"Good morning mister Styles!" She shouted loudly, so that her voice could travel all the way over there.

"Good morning! Have you seen Louis?!" He shouted again.

"Oh yes, he said he's going to meet his mother! He took one of the butlers with him too!"

Harry sighed in relief.

He didn't leave.

He didn't hate me.

He didn't run away.

Harry thought, before going and making himself a cup of coffee.

Once he was done he went and had a shower, he really needed to calm down.


"Hey mom." Louis said, gently placing the lilies on her grave.

"They're pretty, aren't they ? Got them from Harry's and I's garden."

"That's right, it's ours now. If you didn't know I got married you know?"

Louis smiled, taking in the silence.

"I wish you were here you know? Could have talked to you about this stuff. It's like I'm scared. How on earth am I supposed to know if I'm in love with Harry?"

"Like would someone come and tell me? Will there be a hallo around his head ? I wonder why there isn't he is angelic.

Well that's besides the point. The point is how am I supposed to know I'm in love? I hope I'm not too late. Please help me mom. I don't want to lose him. I can't afford to lose him....I can' just won't feel right. "

"I hope you help mum, because if I lose Harry i don't know what I'd do with myself. Once I was scared of being this person and now here I am being exactly what I fear. But I'm done denying. I love you mom. Please help me through"


Harry heard as the door shut close.

"Good morning." Louis said, smiling, as he entered the rooms

"Morning." Harry smiled back and then he saw what Louis was wearing. It was his shirt and pants. Harry couldn't help but smile wider.

"I bought you this..." Louis said, setting the paper bag on the counter.

Harry raised his eyebrows and opened the bag.

He grinned when he saw his favourite muffin.

"Thank you." He said, his cheeks hurting from all the smiling but he could bring himself to stop smiling.

"It's no problem was passing by the bakery thought I'd get you something..."

"So how was your visit?" Harry asked, eating his muffin now.

"Was good..yeah..same old same old." Louis said, smiling sadly.

Harry didn't like it when Louis was sad not one bit.

So he smiled and said,

"Ready for unpacking and decorating?!"






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