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I see you guys adding my book to some reading list in which there are these big ass famous books and i stg im grinning like the Cheshire Cat, I love you guys so much.

Dedicated to @ezeka3l for leaving those comments behind, made my day! ,, I thought I'd start dedicating chapters from now on? Would y'all like that? Tell me if you would.

"Harry no!"

"Harry yes!"

And it wasn't long before Louis was dripping water from head to toe.

Louis whined and said, "ugh. You'll have to pay back."

"Sure thing little man." Harry said, chuckling, trying not to let his eyes wander around Louis's body. But how could he not? Louis's shirt was practically like second skin Harry could see each and every dip, each and every shape of muscle and why did Harry think this was a good idea?

It was a pleasant morning, the sun shining just right, the birds chirping, the flowers in their garden blooming, the blowing wind making Harry's hair fly a bit.

They were supposed to be gardening, they were supposed to be watering the flowers, but Harry had other plans apparently.

Louis shivered as the wind blew against his wet body.

"C'mon lets get in, don't want to you to catch a cold love." Harry said, his hands around Louis's shoulder guiding him in.

"If I do catch a cold I'll blame you and make you cook food for me twenty for seven." Louis mumbled into Harry's chest.

"But I cook for you twenty four seven without you catching a cold." Harry said, laughing.

"I'll make you my personal slave then." Louis said, then laughed later.

But I already am. Harry thought. It was true, Harry would do anything for this man.

"I'll consider it, but that's only if you catch a cold and during the period if your cold. Not after or before that." Harry mused.

They made their way inside the house, Harry getting a towel for Louis immediately.

"I'll go have a bath." Louis said, walking towards the bathroom.

"Can I join?" Harry asked cheekily.

Louis blushed hard, flustered.


"Go ahead love I was just joking." Harry said, shaking his head.

Louis quickly made his way out of the room at that.

"How do you make this stuff? I tried making toast and I burnt it instead?" Louis said, eating the lasagna Harry made for them.

"It's nature's way of telling you to be a queen and do nothing." Harry said, shrugging.

"I might be a queen but I have no one-no Kingdom to rule."

But you rule me. Harry thought.

Then there was a comfortable silence between them.

The noise of their spoons clattering against the plates the only noise heard.

"I start work from day after tomorrow." Harry said, suddenly.

Louis frowned, "Oh?"

"Yes, it'll be from ten in the morning it five in the evening I suppose? I can leave early too, that's no problem it is my business after all."
Harry said, taking in Louis reaction.

Louis suddenly felt sad, he didn't want Harry to leave him even for a second but now he had to wait hours before he could see him again. Louis knew he couldn't live iwith Harry next to him every second of the day but it still made him sad.

"You promise to call every hour or so?" Louis said, looking up at Harry.

Harry smiled wide, "every minute if you want me to."

"No, then you won't be able to work, you idiot." Louis said, laughing.

Harry just shrugged.

"Do you want to spend the day out tomorrow?" Harry suddenly asked.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." Louis said smiling.

Harry smiled at that, dimples poking out.

Louis was so so so fond of his smile. He'd do anything to make sure it's always there.

What Louis didn't realise was that you love the person for whom you'll do anything just to make sure they're always smiling.

But that was okay.

He'll figure out eventually.

Question- is this book fluffy?

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