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Dedicated to namii01 !Ily NamuBro .

Harry walked along with Louis, his big hands engulfing Louis's small ones.

No, Louis hadn't agreed to it, it would be quite the shock if he did, but after cornering him and trailing a few kisses down his neck in other words making him a hot mess he was in too much of a daze to say anything against it.

As Harry walked he noticed the glances, he noticed the whispers and for the first time in his life he held sympathy for someone.

Harry didn't sympathies with anyone because he knew they didn't need it, people were strong enough to get through it , they had to be, because they were the ones who bought it on themselves.

But as he saw Louis's hunched shoulders, head bowed, eyes lowered, he wondered what exactly had Louis done to deserve this. Just because he talked rudely and was short tempered didn't mean he should be treated this way.

Harry drew Louis closer to him, Louis fidgeted not liking the closeness, but Harry stood his ground giving Louis a look which made Louis sigh and stop fidgeting.

Harry took them to a little restaurant, all pretty and homie, and held the door open for Louis with a smile on his face. Dimples and shit. Louis didn't like that, not one bit.

They sat in a small booth at the far end, away from everyone.

A waiter came up to them, trembling as he noticed Louis's presence. Louis didn't even glance at him, he was too busy glaring at the table.

"What would you like to have, love?" Harry asked.

"I don't care, order whatever you'd like." Louis said.

"We'll take two plates of spaghetti then." Harry said with a smile.

"Wh-What about dr-drinks?" The waiter stuttered.

Harry was about to speak, but Louis cut him to it.

"If we wanted them, wouldn't we tell you huh?" Louis said, annoyed.

The waiter quickly left at that.

"That was rude." Harry said, folding his hands on the table.

"That was dumb." Louis said in return.

Harry's eyes scrunched up at that.

"I'd appreciate if you'd talk nicely." Harry said sternly.

"I'd appreciate if you'd shut the hell up." Louis snapped.

"I'll give a minute to take back what you said, honey." Harry said calmly.

"Don't need it, because I have nothing to take back." Louis said, his hands placed on the table.

"Your wish." Harry said, a hard look on his face.


Louis shook of his coat and put it up on the coat rack.

"Do you still not want to take your words back or apologize?" Harry asked, taking of his coat too.

Louis snorted.

"You wish." He said, with a smirk on his face.

Harry nodded.

"Alright, we'll have to do it the hard way then."

"What do you-"

Harry cut Louis off as he kissed him hard, his back hitting the wall.

Louis moaned into the kiss as Harry grinded against him. He lifted his hands to tangle them in Harry's hair, but Harry had other plans. He held Louis's hands against the wall and he kissed him hungrily.

Harry pulled back, out of air, searching Louis's face for any regrets, but he had none. So Harry picked him up and laid him on the bed. He unbuttoned his shirt, quick, and then pulled it of him. He then went over to his coat, bringing his bandana with him.

"What-" Harry didn't let him complete, shutting his mouth with a hard kiss.

He took Louis's hands, his mouth never leaving the other's, lifting them towards the headboard and tying them there.

"Wh-what..what are you doing?" Louis asked, nervously.

Harry smirked, " I told you to take it back, didn't I?"

What kind of a freak am I stuck with? Louis wondered and gulped.

Harry didn't waste any further time, and unbuckled Louis's belt and pulled off his pants, his boxers following suit.

"I'll fuck you into this headboard." Harry whispered into Louis's ear.

Louis held back a moan at that , he should be freaked out, even creeped out but he couldn't help the heat pulling and his dick hardening.

Harry grabbed him in his large hands, stroking him.

Louis shivered at the contact.

Then Harry dipped his head down, licking his top ever so slightly.

Louis squirmed in his bed, wanting to shove all of himself into Harry's mouth.

Harry smirked as Louis buckled his hips upwards. How much ever Harry liked Louis, he couldn't give into him.

He was going to tame him, and everyone was going to love his lovely Lou but none of them could have him. Because he was all Harry's.

Harry sucked Louis's sweet spot at that, pulling, stretching, licking, leaving a good bright mark which everyone could see. And he wanted them to. He wanted them to know Louis was his, only his.

Then he got at the task in hand.

Marking Louis all over was for another day. When they made love, slowly and gently, with love so intense it could be felt in their bones.

Harry dismissed that thought and pulled off his jeans along with his boxers.

He held one finger near Louis's mouth, asking him to suck it and Louis did, more than willingly.

Then he stuck it inside Louis's hole, no gentleness at that. He heard Louis wince, and he wanted him to. He then picked up a rhythm, pulling in and out, slowly thrusting.

He pulled the finger out completely, when Louis was getting used to it, finding pleasure in it.

Then he placed his dick near Louis's entrance. He knew this would hurt, but Louis brought it on himself.

So he thrusted inside Louis, hard.

Louis's scream filled the room and Harry kissed him to shut him up.

He thrusted in and out, harder and deeper each time.

Soon Louis wasn't crying anymore, wasn't screaming, he was moaning out Harry's name, his eyes rolling back, sweat on his forehead and Harry thought Louis looked the prettiest when he was being wrecked by Harry.

Harry came in Louis, couldn't help but doing that, as Louis moaned his name filthily, looked so so so pretty and wrecked.

He pulled out after that, without Louis coming. Louis looked up to him, confused, breathing heavily.

Harry got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"Where..where are you going?" Louis asked, his voice weak.

"To shower." Harry said, firmly.


Harry walked over to Louis, bending down so he was close to his ears and whispered,
"That's the reason why I said, take it back."

And Louis came at that, untouched .

Umm... Uh hello?
I'm not the best smut writer, but I'm trying. Please leave your views behind! It means the word!

All the love- Z xx

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