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"Get out of my room." Louis said through clenched teeth.

"Oh but Louis, I just came here to meet my brother." Eric said, twirling an apple in his hands.

"Your brother lives in the same house as yours, you don't need to meet him." Louis said, his hands clenched into fists.

"We haven't talked in ages Louis, we're more strangers than brothers." Eric said, touching the flower pot on Louis's dressing table.

Louis tried to compose himself. Eric was an asshole. A selfish asshole who was unfortunately Louis's brother. But no one saw that. No one saw when Eric stole Louis's food, wore his favourite shirt and ruined it, ruined his favourite shoes, everybody shrugged it of as immaturity and didn't care as Louis cried but Louis knew better. His brother was an imp who never let anything good in Louis's life last.

"You could've tried to make the bond sooner, but you didn't. So tell me what you want already." Louis said, his hands crossing over his chest.

"About that," Eric said, a smirk on his face," I want Harry."

Louis eyes went wide at that, his breath was knocked out of his lungs and everything around Louis seemed to have gone darker and lonelier already.

"Why do you want him? You have so many people who want to marry you. Choose anyone from them." Louis said, ready to defend himself. He wasn't going to let the only thing that came to him willingly go away without his will.

"Oh but they're not Harry you see. Not as fit, not as green eyed, not as rich." Eric said grinning.

Louis hated Eric right then. He knew Eric was a shithead but he didn't know he was such a low shithead.

"You better leave before I do anything that might ruin your pretty face Eric. God knows without that your line of admirers will dwindle into nothing, since you do not have a personality of your own and all, I don't get how you keep up with all your facades what if you forget to put up your second face in front of someone? Yikes, now that must be ugly." Louis said, calmly , hands crossed on his chest.

Louis saw Eric's eyes twitch and his fists clench and oh Louis loved being honest and putting people in their rightful places.

"But you don't want him right? You said it yourself. So why even fight me for this Louis? He would be so much better with me anyways. I mean I have the better face, and let's be honest that little tummy of yours isn't quite a turn on." Eric said, grimacing at the last part.

Louis knew he was right. Eric was way better looking than Louis, Harry would probably look better with Eric than Louis. And he could be all nice in front of people with Harry. Nobody liked Louis, Louis the cursed, Louis the bad mouth, just Louis.

But Louis wasn't the one to admit it in front of his younger brother.

Next thing he knew, his flower pot was on the floor, shattered into pieces and Eric was holding his cheek.

"Get out of my room." Louis said, sternly.

"The truth hurts doesn't it brother?" Eric said, smirking.

Louis grabbed the first thing his hand could reach, which turned out to be a wooden block, and threw it at Eric.

It hit Eric right on the face, making him wince.

"They don't call me Louis the Shrew for nothing, now get out of my room." Louis said, his hands set besides his body.

Eric quickly ran out of his room, screaming,"Dad!", on his way.

Louis knew he was in a shit ton of trouble. But he didn't care. All he did was hate everything and everybody. Mainly hate himself. Because he was nothing. A simple nothing. He was ugly, inside and out. He was sure, Eric would find his way into Harry's heart and all Louis would be able to do was sit and watch it happen. What Louis didn't know was why he cared so much. He didn't like Harry right? Then why did he care if Eric had him or the old man next door?

Louis sighed and got up, taking his coat and going out. Maybe the fresh air would make it better.

He walked through his town, everyone looking at him and murmuring. He was sure people heard about the new Eric incident and he was quite sure that they thought of him more lowly. If that was possible.

He heard the whispers.

It wasn't the first time.

"He hit his own brother."

"Oh poor Harry, he'll have to live with that thing."

"He's cursed, better stay away from him."

Louis ignored them, keeping his tears to himself.

They meant nothing.


He thought as he made his way to the graveyard.

Louis entered the graveyard ,went to a corner and just sat there.

He liked this place, because he knew no one would whisper things about him here. Wouldn't care about who he is.

Louis sat there and recalled his brother's words. Tears rolling down his cheeks. He didn't want to be the bad one.

Louis was sure he would lose Harry to his brother like any other thing and person.

But this time, he wasn't prepared for the aftermath.

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