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So y'all ended up asking me a few questions oh well. Here it goes.

"How did he know who Lou was?"
Answer- He as in Harry, right? Well. If you didn't notice in the Prologue Harry has a friend named Derek who tells him about the condition Eric'( whom Derek wanted to marry) s father had kept forward which was that Eric wouldn't get married until Louis, his elder brother, was. That's how he got to know about Louis and volunteered to 'woo' him.

"Tell us about Harry before meeting Lou?"
Answer- Well Harry was grieving-since his father had died. His mom had died before, because of some illness.(I really don't want to dwell on which illness) So he had no one. He was kind and patient. Not to forget he always had a big heart. He was carefree, smiley all the time. He put others before him and craved for love-which he got in the end.

"Who was you fav. Character?"
Answer- I love all my characters really. But Louis always gave me so much life. (Who was yours? Let me know)

"How old are they here in the epilogue?"
Answer- Harry is 28 and Louis is 26 (yes Harry is older)

"What happened to Eric?"
Answer- I don't like to think about characters or what happens to them after the story is over but for your sake I thought up a future for Eric- since he had a lot of people who wanted to marry him, his father chooses one suitor for him named Bradly. Bradly regrets proposing. Eric's a pain in the arse. But they survive.

"How did Lou's mom die?"
Answer- I never thought about this much and I didn't think it was important as to why she died. But people asked and okay, I'm a dumb shit for not mentioning it. She dies in a car accident along with the driver who was taking her to her destination.

"I have one question: will they have another child? a boy?"
Answer- like i said I don't like to think about characters and their futures after the book ends but sometimes I do. For this story I don't. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It's all up to your imagination if you want them to, they will. (I think they will, most probably)

That was all! Hope I cleared all your doubts! If you have any more of these let me know :) all the love xx.

Please check out 'Take you home' xx

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