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"Keep the doors shut, if you need anything Ellie is right here."

"Alright." Louis replied, to a stressed Harry.

"Eat Lunch."

"I will, Jesus, you're the one going to work not me." Louis said, giggling, then moving ahead and planting a kiss on Harry's cheek.

"I'll be fine, I promise." Louis said, smiling at the grinning Harry.

"You'll call me if you need anything right?"

"You'll call me every hour right?"

"Hundred percent."

"Then that's settled. Now shoo, don't want to be late on the first day back!" Louis said, his hands on Harry's back pushing him ahead.

"Alright, see you at five."

And Louis sighed, watching Harry's retreating back.

He already missed Harry, he already wanted him back and it wasn't even a minute yet.

He was fucked.


Like Harry promised, he called Louis up every hour and to say Louis wasn't grinning like fifteen year old, twirling his fingers around the cord of the telephone, well that would be a lie.

Two hours before Harry was going to arrive Louis decided he'll make dinner.

He had never cooked. He had absolutely no idea what he was supposed to do but he was going to try. For Harry.

He called Ellie and asked her if she had any idea what he should cook.

Ellie thought for a moment and Louis could see the bulb above her head light up after a few minute.

"I've got the perfect idea."


Louis washed his hands first and set out to work.

He did everything from cutting the vegetables to marinating the chicken.

When the chicken was prepared and in the oven, he let out a content smile and looked up at Ellie.

She was grinning like mad.

"What?" Louis asked, blushing.

"Both of you love each other a lot , don't you?" She asked, making Louis blush more.

"He does love me, but me.. I don't know." Louis said, sighing.

"What do you mean you don't know?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I mean, I've never been in love. I don't know how you're supposed to feel when you're in it. I don't know what love is Ellie how am I supposed to know if I love him?" Louis finally said, getting teary eyed. Because he hated not knowing. He had weird feelings all over him but he couldn't say whether it was love or his organs were not functioning properly.

"Oh dear," Ellie said coming forward and hugging Louis,"when you're in love you just know. It kind of just happens. One day you'll wake up and look at this person and everything will make sense. You know you're in love when you're content with just that one person, when you look at them and wish to wake up to their face everyday.You know you're in love when the person makes you feel whole, when you care about that person so much you'd give everything, do anything, to make sure they're happy. Nobody can describe what love is. So when you have a feeling you can't quite describe-you know what it is." She completes, pulling back, a smile on her face.

She then leaves, leaving Louis with a lot of thinking to do.


Harry comes back home, tired. All he wants to do is hold Louis close to him and drift into a slumber.

But when he enters his house he's met with a grinning and very excited Louis.

Harry raises his eyebrows, an amused smile on his face.

"Guess what I did?" Louis asked.

"Burn down a part of the house?" Harry said, removing his shoes.

Louis frowned, annoyed, "No," then he put on a bright smile, "I made us dinner!"

Harry looked up at him, surprised,"Without burning down the house?"

"Without burning down the house." Louis said, his eyes crinkling by the way he is smiling.

Harry smiled wide at that, because Louis did something for him. He felt flattered.

"Well, then let's go eat whatever you've made." Harry said, walking in.


When Harry had had a shower and changed into his sweats and a lose shirt , he sat with Louis who had set up the table and was bringing his food-hands covered in gloves twice the size of his hands. Harry loved him so much.

Louis looked at Harry intently as he chewed and swallowed the food.

"Soooo, how is it?" Louis asked, leaning towards him his hands on the table.

"It's really amazing Lou," Harry said, "what's it anyways?"

"Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with a side of home made mash." Louis said grinning.

Harry just smiled brightly at him, continuing to eat.

That's when everything just stopped for Louis. He just looked at Harry. He took in his green eyes, his perfect smile. Louis wished he would always wake up to his face.

"You know you're in love when you look at the person and you wish you wake up to their face everyday."

He looked at Harry and just felt whole, content.

"You know you're in love when you're content with just that one person."

"You know you're in love when the person makes you feel whole."

He looked at Harry and promised himself that he'll do everything and anything to make him happy, to make sure he's always happy, to make sure he's always smiling.

"You know you're in love with a person when you care about that person so much you'd give everything, do anything, to make sure they're happy."

Louis couldn't describe what this feeling was. It was just bubbling there. Making his chest tighten-in a good way- and his heart beat faster -again in a good way-he didn't know how to describe it but he cherished every moment of it because it made him happy.

"Nobody can describe what love is. So when you have a feeling you can't quite describe-you know what it is."

And oh, Louis was in love.

He was in love with Harry Styles.


I'm sorry I didn't update even though school wasn't being a major bitch. I had a huge writer's block. Still do. Then later I was lazy af. Then I was like no, get up you lazy idiot and okay. I hope y'all like this, I really do. Plus this is the second last chapter. Next chapter will be the last chapter and behold the epilogue. :)
[please read my story called 'take you home' thanks ]

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