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Enjoy Louis's butt. :)

Harry made sure the tray in his hand didn't fall or tip as he made his way to Louis's room.

Once in the confinement of his fiancé 's room, he went over to the nightstand and placed the tray of food gently on it, then proceeded to wake up the sleeping boy.

"Louis." Harry called out, gently shaking his shoulder.

"Go away." Louis says, his voice muffled, as he spoke with his face buried in the pillow.

Harry grinned at the smaller boy, his heart warming up for a reason unknown, even to himself.

"C'mon Louis, don't make this hard on me." Harry said, climbing on Louis's bed.

Louis grunted in response.

"Louis." Harry said once again, sternly.

"I'll have it dad, go away." Louis says, nuzzling into his pillow.

Harry sighed, bending down he whispered in Louis's ear, "get up Louis, before I make you."

Louis's was covered with goosebumps at that, a shiver running down his spine. His senses coming to life, he knew that voice. It was too familiar.

Louis wasn't the one to give up though,

"I'd like you to make me." Louis said, not raising his head from the pillow.

"Are you sure about that Louis?" Harry says, now trailing kisses down Louis's neck.

"I-I- uh." Louis is out of words as Harry's hands massage his butt slowly, his large hands seeming to have been made for it.

Louis moans as Harry lifts his shirt up slowly, trailing kisses down his back, sucking and marking him.

Louis can feel himself harden against the mattress and he grinds down, needing some kind of friction as Harry's gentle touches make him go crazy.

Harry notices that and smirks, big time, and pulls away.

Louis whines at the loss of contact as Harry pulls him up, not letting him grind.

"Go have a shower." Harry demands, not waiting for an answer.

Louis looks at him, his eyes adjusting to the light, and says, "Who are you? My father?"

"Nah," Harry says and then leans closer, his lips touching Louis's ears, " but I am your fiancé."

With that he flops on Louis's bed and Louis looks at him dumbfounded.

"C'mon I didn't have breakfast and let me tell you it's way past my breakfast time." Harry says, flipping through a book which was kept on Louis's nightstand.

"You didn't have to wait." Louis mumbled, trying to cover up the fact that the little gesture warmed his heart.

"But I wanted to, now go shower."

Louis gets up with a sigh, he was letting a man he hardly knew control his life, control him, and he didn't know whether it was a good thing or bad.
"I'd like to take you out today." Harry says, swallowing his toast.

Louis chokes on his tea, coughing badly.

Harry hurries over to his side and pats his back gently.

"You what?" Louis asks, surprised.

"I want to take you out." Harry repeats, smiling at the small blush spreads over Louis's cheeks.

"Why would you want to do that?" Louis asks, his voice small, his gaze set on his hands. Why would Harry want to go through that? Why would Harry want to go through that undignified moment, Louis didn't know. Harry had heard about him, hadn't he? Louis wasn't someone you'd take out on a date.

"Because you're my fiancé? Because you're going to my future husband? Am I not permitted to take you out?" Harry asks, frowning.

Louis shook his head, he didn't want to be blamed. He didn't want Harry to complain later that it was because of Louis he had to bare all the taunts. Louis could take the insults, Louis couldn't take it when he was blamed on.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Louis says, looking at his nails.

" don't want to go out with me? Is that the case?" Harry asks, his heart tugging painfully.

"Well yes,that's one thing," Louis says, pointing out, "but there's another reason too."

"What is it?" Harry asked, feeling low with each word Louis spoke.

"You don't want to be seen with me Harry. They..they..won't treat you well if I'm next to you..and..and you don't want that." Louis says, trying to make sense.

Harry looks over the boy, feeling bad about how the people had brought him down. Harry thought Louis didn't care, but apparently he did or maybe he was just trying to get rid of Harry.

"Louis," Harry says, cupping Louis's cheeks and making Louis look into his eyes, "I don't care about what they'll tell me, as long as you promise to stay next to me."

"Why should I promise you that?" Louis asks, scrunching his eyebrows. Louis hadn't asked Harry to marry him, he'd brought it on himself, all Louis could do was warn him, Louis didn't make promises.

Harry sighed, his hope of getting somewhere with Louis- crashing.

"Just come on the date won't you?" Harry asks, defeated.

"You won't blame me for anything later, will you?" Louis asks.

"No I won't." Harry says, forcing himself to smile.

"Okay, then."

Geez did that make sense?
Tell me. x

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