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[i'm trying to do this thing where everything is detailed af because I'm bad at it so yeah. Hope this is not bad]

"What on earth is this? I'm not going to have that! Make me something edible!" Louis said to the chef who looked like he's going to piss his pants, throwing the plate of food on the counter, spilling it every where.

No one gave Louis vegetables. Did he look like the person to eat vegetables only? He didn't like it one bit and, from all the pampering his mother did to him, he didn't eat what he didn't like. Louis was the son of an estate owner, they were rich- they could afford anything. Then why would Louis have something he did not like?

He stomped out of the kitchen and to his room then.

Harry walked into the house, hearing commotion in the kitchen.

He walked in to see the chef picking up food spilled on the floor.

"Who dropped that?" Harry asked, helping him.

"Master Louis." The chef said, sighing.

"Why is that?" Harry asked, confused.

"He didn't like it, I'll cook him something else." The chef said, going over to the stove.

Harry's jaw clenched. Louis was such a brat sometimes. Just because he didn't like it, doesn't mean the chef didn't work hard on it. Louis couldn't just throw it away.Oh that stuck up person-who happened to be Harry's fiancé whom Harry adored- was going to have it. He was going to learn how to be grateful. Sure Louis might have had everything, Harry did to, but that doesn't mean you waste things-more importantly you just don't appreciate someone.

"Alright, but when you get food into his room and I say something go along with it." Harry said, now turning to go to Louis's room.

"Hello." Harry greeted, clearly pissed.

"What died up your arse?" Louis snorted.

"Nothing." Harry said, straddling Louis's lap.

Louis raised his eyebrows.

Harry didn't think anything, did not wait for Louis's reaction, just attached his lips to Louis'. Louis kissed back because Harry's lips were soft and oh god Louis loved kissing Harry.

Whenever Louis kissed Harry, his mind went blank, he didn't care about anything just Harry and Harry's lips on his. Harry's lips were so soft and tasted of strawberries and Louis loved it. How could someone not?

Their tongues met, exploring each other's mouths. Louis's hands traveled along Harry's body, moving up and down Harry's sides, then traveling down his hard, muscular chest and oh god Louis loved Harry's chest.

Harry's hands travelled from Louis's soft hair and for a moment he forgot that he had a plan behind this, because Louis's hair was so so so soft and Harry loved how they felt but then he remembered what he was here for and his hands went down to Louis's chest and then on his little tummy, oh Harry loved it so much, and then to his hardening dick.

Harry palmed him, slowly, his big hands moving with so much ease Louis wondered how many people had he done this to because he was just so good at it. Louis shut his eyes, a moan escaping his mouth and he jerked his hips upwards into Harry's hands.

Louis didn't know what was happening. He told himself he didn't like Harry, but then why did he have butterflies in his stomach whenever they kissed, why did his chest tighten like it was going to burst open whenever they were close, why did he want to kiss Harry everyday ? Why did he want to write sonnets about Harry's eyes, about their beauty? Why did he think they were beautiful?-just why?

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