Twenty One

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Louis had never experienced 'redecorating' before. He thought it'd be easy, but now that he looks at the house, well it's gonna be a long few days.

Louis wanted to be open about whatever he wanted, because it was his house too.

He frowned looking at the bare white walls.

"I want the walls red." He said, tapping his finger on his chin.

"Red? Seriously Lou?" Harry said, rolling his eyes.

Louis blushed at the nickname but stood his ground,

"Like the royal, dark red. You know what I mean? For our bedroom that is. For this living room, something light but not white." He rambled on.

"Yeah, that'll be nice." Harry grinned, looking at Louis.


The next to days went by fast, painters painting their new house while all of their furniture a was covered with a blanket and Harry and Louis were running around trying to make it perfect.

The living room was pastel blue and their bedroom royal red. They left the rest of the rooms white.

Once that was done, they started on the decorating.

On the living room wall was their flat screen TV , the couch facing it, a coffee table infront of the couch and a love seat to the side.

They added a nightstand and a dresser to their bedroom and that was about it.

Next they brought in their boxes.

Louis's heart fluttered as he saw his and Harry's clothes hanged side by side.

He'd wished for this at some point of time,he was sure.

"We have another box of those." Louis said, as Harry tried to fit his blazer as neatly as he could in the wardrobe, which was already full.

"I don't remember buying so many clothes, dammit." Harry said, plopping down in the bed, exhausted.

"You do realise we have another wardrobe, don't you?" Louis said, sitting next to him with a smile.

"I know, but I don't even wear half of this stuff."

"You have an option of giving them away." Louis said, shrugging.

"I don't have the power to do that." Harry said, laying down on the bed, spreading his hands and sighing to prove his point.

Louis shook his head.

"I'll do that just tell me which one it is, okay?"

Harry grinned.

"Thank you."

So the next few hours were spent that way, Louis picking up clothes and Harry saying whether he wants it or not.

"Want it."

"Want it."

"Want it."

"Want it."

Louis frowned.

"You won't give away clothes this way. You clearly want all of them. We'll do one thing, keep them in the second wardrobe alright?"

Harry sighed, because it was true," Alright."

Harry watched as Louis kept all his clothes in the second wardrobe-humming as he did.

Harry loved Louis's voice, he decided.


"These are the last boxes." Louis said, opening them up with his small hands.

"Oh my god, Harry you were so cute." Louis cooed, a frame in his hand.

Harry blushed, "You weren't supposed to see that!"

"Aww, I'm putting these up on the wall." Louis gushed, removing them all.

"Is this your mom?" Louis asked, holding up a picture of Harry with a lady who looked quite similar to him. They were standing behind this fountain, Louis didn't quiet recognise.

"Yeah." Harry said, smiling sadly.

"You look just like her! She's so pretty." Louis said, looking at the picture still.

"Yeah I know." Harry said.

"This is my personal favourite, it'll go right in the centre." Louis said, keeping it aside and searching for more.

Harry shook his head, smiling fondly.

The next and the final thing they did was, that-hanging up pictures.

They were so so so happy and nobody could ruin that.

I hope you like that :)

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