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Louis watched as Harry decided the day of his doom.

Louis knew he was a handful, but he didn't do anything to change that. Why would he change himself?

"So it's decided, second of the next month?" Harry asked Louis's father.

"Whatever you say son." He replied smiling.

He was so happy for his son, he found such a good boy for himself. Hopefully he won't be too bad to handle.

"How does that sound Lou?" Harry asked Louis.

"I've told you a thousand times, I am not marrying you." Louis said sipping his tea.

"I know you've told me quite a few times, you want to be married me as soon as possible, but I have a few errands to run before that. So second of next month it is then." Harry said getting up and shaking Louis's father's hand.

Louis groaned and left for his room.

Why was Harry ruining his life , himself? Hadn't he heard about Louis? Louis was bad, Louis was cursed. Nobody wanted to be near Louis, more or less be in a relationship with him. Then why was Harry trying?Louis wondered.

"What's the problem Louis?" Harry asked, leaning on his doorframe.

"You are." Louis said, his face in his pillow.

"Is that so?" Harry said, sitting on his bed- next to his laying figure.

"Yes." Louis says.

Harry hums and puts his hands under Louis's shirt, rubbing his back.

Louis's breathing became slow, goosebumps covering his skin.
Why did Harry do this to him? Why did Harry have such good hands? Louis cursed whoever was up there for making him feel this way.

He didn't move his face from the pillow and pressed his lips tight to make sure no voice left his mouth. He wouldn't give Harry the satisfaction. He wouldn't let Harry know that he had any affect on him. If he hadn't figured out already.

"Alright, I'll not be talking to you for the next week then. Tell me when I stop being a problem alright?" Harry said, getting up leaving a half hard Louis in bed.

"It'll be better if you won't speak to me for the rest of my life." Louis snapped.

"Oh we both know you can't live with that Louis." Harry said smirking and leaving.

Harry knew he had some affect on Louis, he just did. He knew Louis wasn't what everyone said him to be. Harry just had to gain his trust. He just had to break through his walls and find out the hidden part of Louis, the reason why he was the way he was. Because Harry couldn't leave now. He had his heart out in the open for Louis, for Louis's tiny hands, his thin lips, his frown, his pout, his eyebrows when they scrunched up, his voice, his eyes , for just him. Harry would make Louis Tomlinson fall for him, because he was already falling for Louis Tomlinson.

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