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*re written version*

"I'm not coming anywhere with you." Louis said, flipping the book's page.

Harry sighed.

Like Louis had said, they both forgot about the little 'cuddle' they had the night before. They didn't forget per say, they just never brought it up.

"But you are."

"What about I'm not coming with you- put me down you chawbacon!" Louis said, thrashing on Harry's shoulders as Harry picked him up and set him on his shoulders so that Louis was upside down.

"Not until you say you're coming with me!"

"Never!" Louis screamed.

Harry just swung him around.

"Alright keep me down I'll go with you!" Louis said as the blood rushed to his head and he started feeling faint.

Harry grinned and put Louis down.

Harry watched as Louis stumbled, catching him by the waist until he was stable.

"You're one cruel shit." Louis said, placing his hand on Harry's shoulder to stable himself- subconsciously.

Harry grinned.

"Only for you."

"Haha very funny." Louis said, his eyes shut.

"Are you alright though?" Harry asked, worried.

"Yeah, I'll survive." Louis says, opening his eyes.

His blue eyes bore into Harry's green ones.

They're so pretty, Louis thought.

Louis believed he could write sonnets about how green Harry's eyes were, which shade of green were they exactly then a few more sonnets about how beautiful they were.

They were green, so so green, the greenest of grasses were put to shame.

Louis then realised what he was doing and shook his head, pulling away from Harry.

"I'll go get ready." He says, before leaving.


"Watch where your hand is, Harold." Louis says, referring to Harry's hands on his waist.

"I'm watching it, Lewis." Harry said, a smirk on his face.

Louis narrowed his eyes at him.

"Remove your hand from my waist right now, mister." Louis said, sternly.

"And if I don't?" Harry said, backing Louis to the wall of a building.

Louis's breath hitched.

They were too close.

Louis could feel Harry's breath on his face.

His eyes took in every part of Harry's face. His pink lips, his smooth milky skin, his freckles, his nose and Louis wanted to touch Harry so bad.

"I-I.." Louis stammered, he didn't know how to form words, Harry was just too close.

Harry looked at Louis, his smirk falling off as he studied every inch of Louis's face.

His smooth tan skin, his thin pink lips, his high cheekbones, his long eyelashes, his blue eyes and Harry was so glad Louis was his.

Harry leaned in, eyes closed, wanting to kiss Louis's pink lips.

Yes they had kisses before but the circumstances were different. This kiss was not out force, it was because they had something for each other.

Louis didn't know what to do.

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