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Louis didn't expect Harry to come around the next day, but he did. Louis didn't know why the lad was trying so hard. Louis was sure as hell that he didn't want to do anything with the boy.

Louis huffed and looked away ,as Harry entered his house. He quickly made his way to his room, not wanting to make any conversation with him or seeing his face for that matter.

But Harry had other plans and Louis's father wasn't stopping it.

He walked behind Louis, and into his room.

"What are you doing here?!" Louis asked annoyed.

"Spending time with my fiancé?" Harry said it as more of a question.

"Listen here Mr.Styles, stop living in your little fantasy world. I'm not marrying you, and you have no right to call me your fiancé, see there is no ring anywhere." Louis said, his hands raised and showing his fingers, trying to prove his point.

"About that," Harry said rummaging through his pockets and removing a small red box.

"You've got to be kidding me." Louis said, stomping his foot.

"Oh but I'm not Lou." Harry said grinning, his dimples poking out.

Louis didn't want to glance at him, no, he didn't want to find him cute but he did. No, he was not cute, there were many lads with dimples like that. Why would Louis find him cute? He was annoying not cute.

"I'm not wearing that." Louis said, walking over to his bed.

Harry watched as he walked, his hips moving gently, and yeah he liked his rude ass. So he walked over to him and sat down on his bed.

"I'm glad you're wearing it Lou." Harry said, removing the ring from the box.

"What about 'I'm not wearing it' do you not understand-"

Louis was cut of by Harry straddling  his lap.

"What do you think you're-"

With that Harry attached his lips to Louis'. His hands cradling Louis's face.

Louis had never kissed anybody-but he would never admit that-he didn't know what to do, but he liked how Harry's plump lips slowly moved on his. He felt weird in his stomach and he was not sure why. He liked the way Harry's big hands felt on his cheeks and how his thumb caressed his cheekbones gently, like Louis would break any moment.

His eyes fluttered shut, and he moaned as Harry grinded on him.

Harry smirked at the way Louis moaned in his mouth. Yeah Louis surely hated him.

Louis's hands settled on Harry's hips and he felt one of Harry's hands place themselves on his.

Louis liked the way Harry's large hands engulfed his small ones- no he wouldn't admit it. Never.

He was so lost, his mind blank as Harry's lips worked their magic and as he grinded down on him.

All Louis could think of was Harry's lips on his and Harry grinding down on him.

Suddenly, Harry pulled away, his lips red and his breathing heavy, Louis wasn't any better.

Louis watched as Harry's grin widened, those dimples which made Louis's heart flutter again taking their place.

Harry's eyes were set on Louis's hand as Louis admired his smile.

"What were you saying about loving the ring?" Harry said, looking into his eyes.

Louis frowned and then his eyes settled on his left hand to see a platinum ring placed on his ring finger.

He felt weight lift from his lap and he looked up.

"Would you like some tea?" Harry asked, walking out of the room and all Louis could do was groan because not only was he hard, but also had an asshole to handle.

A sexy asshole.

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