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[Sorry for not updating since million years. School is a bitch.] [yes my summer vacations are over] [this chapter might or might not be short]

Louis was feeling giddy.

Harry had called up not too long ago and said they , as in Harry and Louis, were going out on lunch together.

Louis wasn't the one to feel giddy, really, but it was something about spending alone time with Harry, being surrounded by Harry's cologne, being surrounded by Harry's deep voice which only had good things to say that sent a shiver down Louis's spine.

He learnt to accept that.

He was in front of his wardrobe, hands on hips, foot tapping against the floor, trying to find something suitable to wear.

Most of his stuff was packed because, well, he was getting married in two days and well he was going to move in with Harry.

Jesus Christ.

Louis shook the thought away and pulled out a pair of black jeans. He was half way through pulling them up when there was a knock on the door.

"Yes?!" Louis screamed, pulling on his jeans.

"Harry is here."

"Tell him I'll be down in a minute!" Louis said.

He fumbled with his jeans and then dived into his wardrobe to find a suitable shirt to wear.

He pulled out a dark blue button down shirt and wore it quickly.

He stood in front of the mirror and tried fixing his messy hair. He couldn't do much to it since Harry was already here, so he left it the way it was and went downstairs.

When he was at the entrance of his hall, his wide grin dropped.

There was Harry being kissed by Eric.

Of course Harry wasn't kissing back, not had his eyes closed and was trying to pry Eric off.

Louis knew Harry wouldn't cheat.

But Louis had told Harry to stay away from Eric.

Louis stomped his way inside and pulled Eric off of Harry roughly.

"You stay away from him do you get that? Or else I'll make your life a living hell." Louis hissed at his brother.

Eric stood there, scared, but he didn't let it show.

He coughed, "sure, whatever." And then left.

Louis turned to look at Harry, tears brimming his eyes.

"I asked you to stay away from him, didn't I?!"

"Louis, listen I'm sorry.. I-I didn't know his intentions..I-"

"Of course you didn't know his intentions! But I did! Why do you think I hit him with the block in the first place?!" Louis's voice boomed in the empty room.

Harry looked down, guilty, "I'm sorry." He mumbled. He wanted to be happy about the fact that Louis was possessive of him, as in he didn't want any one else having Harry aka didn't want his brother having Harry but now was not the time.

Louis sighed

"It''s alright I guess..I think it's better if we see each other on the wedding'll just go." Louis said, on the verge of tears.

"Louis, I really am sorry. For not doing what you asked me to. I didn't know...I really am very sorry..I." Harry trailed off not knowing what to say, because the last thing he wanted was Louis to not trust him.

"It's alright, I guess, I'll see you on the big day."

Louis said, before leaving with a heavy heart.

Do you know what's the full form of 'oops?'

Object Oriented Programme System



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