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It was pouring heavily and Harry was hoping the Tomlinson's would show mercy on him and tell him to spend the night with them, or preferably Louis, because if he travelled in this rain the chances of him not dying in a car crash were minimum.

"It's raining like crazy today." Mr.Tomlinson spoke up.

Harry was currently sitting on the couch, while Mr.Tomlinson sat on an arm chair and Eric sat on the love seat, giving Harry heart eyes , and asfor Louis- he was in his room. Harry should've been there with Louis but when Louis Tomlinson shuts the door on your face, you are left with no option.

Harry was now sure that Mr.Tomlinson was aware of the fact that it was raining like crazy, so he decided to pull a move.

"I think I'll leave, before it floods." Harry said getting up.

"Nonsense! I won't let you drive in this rain or walk! Stay over tonight, leave in the morning." Mr.Tomlinson said.

Harry did a victory dance in his head, because yes, he doesn't have to die in a car crash and he gets to spend more time with Louis.

"Thank you, Mr.Tomlinson. I'll be heading to Louis's room then." Harry says before any of the two Tomlinsons could object or tell him to go somewhere else, walking over to Louis's room.

Harry knocked on the door.

When he didn't get any response he frowned.

He knocked again.

"What is it?!" He heard Louis scream and a fond smile found it's way on his lips.

"Open up Louis, it's me Harry." He said loudly so that Louis could hear.

"You're still here? Why haven't you left?!" Louis asked, his voice clearly annoyed.

"It's pouring heavily, your dad asked me to stay the night since it's risky to drive in the rain." Harry asked, his palms pressed on the door.

"Well then go sleep somewhere. I need to sleep too..." Louis said, trailing off.

"Louis open the door, I'm sleeping in your room." Harry said, demanding.

He heard a groan on the other side and shuffling of feet.

Then the door opened, and Harry should have been prepared. Because what he saw was the most adorable sight ever. There was Louis in his pyjamas which had cartoons on them, rubbing his eyes with his small fists, his hair messed up in all directions and lastly his slippers- his slippers would be the death of Harry. They were fluffy bunny slippers. Bunny slippers!

"C'mon in and stop annoying me. Take the floor or something..ah...there is an extra comforter on the bed and yeah." Louis said while walking back into the room.

"Does Eric know about those slipp-"

"No and I'd like to keep it that way." Louis said, throwing himself on the bed, snoring as soon as he did so.

Harry couldn't help but smile.

People were scared of this?

Shaking his head Harry took the comforter from Louis's bed and made himself comfortable on the ground with the given pillow.

Yes he could be on one of those comfortable beds- but he wanted to be with Louis. Even if it meant sleeping on the floor.

Suddenly Harry heard thunder and he flinched- loudly.

Harry didn't like thunders, not at all.

He shut his eyes tightly, pulling the comforter over his head, trying to block the noise out. He had faced this before, he lived alone in his house so he had to face it, so he could this time too.

His breathing slowed down once he didn't hear any thundering for a while, he relaxed and was drifting of to sleep when suddenly it thundered, again, loudly.

He whimpered loudly.

He found himself as that five year old again, standing there as it poured down heavily, the thunder making him whimper and everything more scarier and lonely, his father crying and his mother's lifeless body laying on the bed.

He didn't like thunder.

He started sobbing at this point.

Louis woke up from the noise, rolling over to see Harry curled up and his shoulders shaking violently. His eyes soften, he might be mean but he wasn't heartless.

"Harry?" He said, softly.

Harry didn't hear him, so he climbed down and sat down next to him. He ran his hand through Harry's hair which peeked through the comforter.

"Lo-Louis?" Harry asked softly.

"Yeah it's me, are you okay?" Louis asked, tugging at Harry's comforter.

"I'm fine." Harry said, sniffling, shaking still and tightening his grip around the comforter so that Louis won't see him like this.

He wasn't fine, Louis knew that.

He laid down next to Harry, he hesitated before he settled his hands on what he assumed was Harry's chest, patting it slowly through the comforter.

Harry noticed it and calmed down slowly.

He snuggled, his face now out of the comforter, into Louis, his nose pressed in the crook of Louis' neck and Louis didn't mind. He shifted his hands on Harry's waist and tightened his hold.

Harry heard Louis's steady heartbeat and calmed down, slowly.

Harry put his hands on Louis's torso, breathing in.

"Thank you." Harry mumbled into Louis's shirt.

"You forget this ever happened in the morning." Louis said, sternly, his grip tightening on Harry.

Harry nodded, smiling.

That's how they slept that night, tangled in each other's arms.

Somehow the thunder didn't bother Harry that night.

I like this better :)

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