Chapter 11: arim all the way! OTP!

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Louise's POV

"Oh my gosh. I am so tired." Caspar says, walking into our hotel room with me. Alfie and Zoe are asleep in her bed, fully clothed I might add.

Caspar flops down on Ariel's bed and I crawl into mine. Before I know it, I'm asleep as well as Caspar is.

We have a right to be tired, though. We went to a place called SkyZone. It's a trampoline place with so many activities. We did everything, Caspar, Dan, Phil, and I.

It was amazing! I loved every second of it.

I felt guilty, though because Ariel wouldn't have anywhere to sleep. I knew Jim would let her sleep with him because he is obsessed with her but maybe she wanted to sleep with her girlfriends which are Zoe and I. How would I ever know?

Jim's POV (the next morning)

I hear snickering and clicking. Honest to god, I hear someone laughing, loudly. Then I hear voices.

"That's a bad angle!"

"Should we post it on Instagram, too?"


"What should the caption be?"

I shuffled a little but then I hit a body. Another body in my bed? I crack my eyes open a little to see Alfie, Marcus, Joe, Zoella, Louise, and Caspar standing at the end of my bed and Ariel laying right beside me.

All the memories of last night hit me. Ariel left the room, came back a few minutes later crying. I didn't ask her why she was crying, but I really want to know.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I ask them, annoyed about being woke up so early.

They all just giggle to themselves and I hear Louise whisper, "Tweet it." to Joe. He touches the screen and smirks. I hear my phone go off saying I have a notification. I go to the Twitter app, click on Joe's profile and am horrified about what I see. Right there is a picture of Ariel and I snuggling in my bed with the caption, "I ship it, do you?" I'm going to kill him.

@Beautyguru1234: Arim all the way!!

@soccerlover43: OTP!

@jasparisreal: So cute together!! Ily @jimstweetings @theseasonofwinter

Those are just some examples of replies to Joe's tweet. Ariel will love this. She will make a big joke about it, have a laugh, and forget about it. I can't do that. I can't just forget about it because that is my fantasy. My perfect world would be me posting that picture with a caption like, "Lazy Saturdays are the best." It honestly wouldn't matter because at the end of it all, I would still have her as my girlfriend. Not as my friend who I have the biggest crush on. It's unfair and stupid how I am stuck in the stupid friend zone all the freaking time. Honestly, I can't take it any longer. I've got to ask her out or I just might die. But I've got to get expert advice and there are a few people I know from which I can get it from.


Wow, this is getting intense. Well I hope you liked this chapter. I did two POV's so the chapter would be longer.

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