Chapter 26: anime & dad visits

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Jim's POV

A lot of people has came to visit her or bring her presents to comfort her. She didn't want to take any of them, but they all insisted she did. They all handed me their flash drives with their videos on them while they stopped by, too.

The video is coming along great. We've got it all edited from what we have so far. We only need a few more videos. The videos that I've watched are great. Ariel still has no clue, but it probably won't be long until she does. It is literally killing Phil not being able to tell her. He hates lying but he knows it's important. I have a feeling she knows something is going on, she has always been like that, but she will never guess. She can't.

"Jim, really thank you so much." Ariel says again as I finish editing her video. She argued with me for a while but finally let me do it. She keeps on thanking me.

"Wait, is Eren dead?" Connor asks Dan as he grabs a bag of gummy worms someone brought Ariel.

Dan and Phil has made Tyler, Zoe, and Connor watch Attack On Titan and I know they are in love with it. They are starting to slowly become anime trash.

"I'm not going to tell you! Just wait and see!" Dan sighs as he leans his head on Phil's shoulder. They've been trying to get spoilers out of them the whole time. We've been in this hotel room all day, watching movies and recording a video for Ariel's channel, now watching anime.

"If you want to watch a really cute anime, look up Say "I Love You" because that shįt is adorable. And Yamato is cute af." Ariel says from her position on my legs. She is sprawled across my legs, her head on my lap, her feet near my feet. I'm using her pillow as a rest for my laptop which I'm using to edit the video.

"I'm going to get crunchyroll and watch everything on there, no joke." Connor says and we all laugh. I've already finished the AOT series so I of course volunteered to edit the video, mainly so I could get the cute parts of Ariel in it that she always edits out.

"This is so intense! I'm glad it has subtitles so I know what they are saying." Zoe laughs.

I'm glad we are all together again. I remember just a day ago how I was so angry towards Ariel. She was being stupid and not thinking straight. She was being selfish. That's what I thought. But then I realized, she thought she was making herself happy. She thought that she needed him, even though she clearly didn't. It wasn't entirely her fault, he did manipulate her some but she still went along with it. I'm glad that they are finally apart once more. I'm not happy about the way Ariel learned that he didn't love her. He had to physically abuse her to get his message across. Just thinking about it gets me riled up. I wish I was there so I could have gave him a piece of my mind and I'm glad that Dan did. He flat out punched him. Dan isn't a very violent person, so if he does get violent, you know it had to be something bad.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" A familiar voice comes through the door. I look down to Ariel with wide eyes and she does the same to me. I, of course, knew he was coming but I've got to play along and pretend that I don't.

Ariel scrambles out of the bed and rushes over to the door, swinging it open in excitement.

"Dad!" Ariel exclaims as she throws her arms around her father. I'm glad that Alan has finally made it! I'm sure all of you remember my little "surprise" in my video? Well, here he is! Yes, I have called Alan to come down here so he could be in my video. Ariel adores her dad. She loves him and looks up to him so I thought it would be a nice gesture to have him in my video. Plus, Alan wanted to come down and talk to Ariel because he wanted to "talk some sense" into her about getting back together with Chad. I really don't want to be the one to break it to him that Chad hit her. Alan will be furious. He never really liked Chad from the start. He 100% loathed him after they broke up the first time. He knew how Chad destroyed his daughter.

"Hey honey." Alan says as he hugs her back. I personally love Alan because he is quite funny and really nice.

"What are you doing here?" Ariel asks, shock laced in her tone. I can tell in her eyes she knows exactly why he is here. She knows he knows about Chad.

"Hey guys, lets go get some pizza and let them have a little family reunion, eh?" I ask, knowing that Alan and Ariel need some privacy to talk about Chad. Alan looks at me with relief in his eyes and Ariel looks at me with confusion. Everyone agrees and we head out, me shutting the door and taking one last look at Ariel before leaving.

She's going to have a grand time talking to her dad.


Ok I know this is short and I'm really super sorry about that!! This chapter was really fun to write though!

If you can't tell, I'm total anime trash.


The picture above is of Jim! ^__^

Also thank you so very much if you read this book because I know it sucks but you still continue to read it which amazes me! This has like 880 something reads which is crazy!! Just thank you!!

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