Chapter 23: playing & partying

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Phil's POV

"I really liked our video, though. I really hope that it makes her realize what's important to her." Dan sighs as he lays down in our hotel bed. "I'm glad we've got it over with so we don't have to worry about not doing it." We sent in the video before our meet-up so we wouldn't have to worry anymore about it.

We just got back from a meet-up and we are exhausted. It's the fourth day of playlist live and I can just feel myself getting more and more nervous about the EYPLD (extra youtubers playlist live days). I really hope it shows Ariel something that she has never seen before. She really isn't one of those people who takes compliments well and doesn't really believe them. So it would be nice having everyone give her one to kind of convince her more.

"Yeah. Hey, do you want to go to the party they're having tonight?" Dan asks, grabbing his laptop.

"No, not really. I kind of just want to have a laid back night tonight. I mean, we have went to every party so far and I don't feel like having another hangover." I answer. I walk over and cuddle into his side, closing my eyes to rest them for a little bit.

"Hey, do you maybe want to invite Ariel over then? We could even play the WiiU! I know Chad won't let her go to the party and I know for sure that he's going to go and hook up with another chick like last night." Dan looks down at me and I nod to indicate that I say yes. He kisses my forehead and pulls out his phone to text Ariel.

After a few minutes he gets a reply, saying that she was with Joe and asks if he could come too. Of course Dan says yes, and starts getting the room ready. We always pack DVDs in our bags so we won't get bored. We also have Mario Kart 8. Dan sets up the WiiU while I finish tidying up the room.

"Knock, knock." A voice says through the door, then proceeds to knock twice.

"Who's there?" Dan calls out, seemingly busy with the WiiU. I start giggling to myself at what he just said because he doesn't even know that he did that. You can hear Ariel and Joe quietly laughing from outside.

I stride over to the door, quickly open it, and take in what they had in their hands.

Joe and Ariel had two tubs of ice cream, some WiiU games, and some DVDs. They are in their pajamas, which Dan and I are in ours too. I beckon them in, taking the WiiU games and bringing them over to Dan.

"I'm glad we weren't the only losers who didn't go to the party." Dan jokes, and hands out the controllers. Everybody laughs and we start playing. It was like our own little party.

This really reminds me of that one night when Ariel and Jim got into the biggest fight ever.


"Phil, I swear to god if you pass me I will end your life." Caspar threatens me, so I of course do the right thing and pass him by using a speed mushroom.

"Dammit!" He yells and I can't help but laugh.

We were having a celebration party for Alfie for releasing his first book; The Pointless Book. We were all over at the "Cool House" which the five of them like to call it. Everybody was here and we were having a blast. Jim and Marcus cooked burgers (yeah, I know so American) with of course some veggie burgers because of the vegetarians that were here. It was going great.

Then all of a sudden Ariel started yelling from outside. We all rushed to the kitchen to get outside to where she was.

Ariel was standing in the backyard with Jim, an empty glass in one hand and a soaking Jim right beside her.

"What the hell is going on?" Marcus shouted, walking over to them. He asked the question that was surely running through everyone's minds.

"Why don't you ask Ariel? The one who drenched me with her punch." Jim said angrily, glaring at Ariel.

"Me? You were the one insulting me again and again! I was just trying to make you stop!" Ariel yelled back at him, her knuckles turning white from how hard she clenched her empty cup.

"Insulting you? Ariel, all I said was that you needed to stop letting Chad destroy you! That's not an insult, it's trying to save your life. I don't know if you see this but you have changed and not for the better. You have completely let yourself go, not even caring about your fans anymore or us! Joe had to drag you here, isn't that a bit ridiculous? We are your friends and you don't even want to be around us anymore." Jim spat, tears welled in his eyes. He didn't let them slip though.

Everyone knew it hurt him the most, the way she was just giving up on herself. He always thought so highly of her and I used to also. But now she has let Chad manipulate her into something she's not. Ariel is a very beautiful, nice, caring, sweet, funny, and generous person. She always puts her friends and family first, no matter what because we were all that she had. But whoever this person was wasn't Ariel. Ariel doesn't lose her temper. She doesn't throw her drinks. This wasn't her and Jim knew it.

"Jim, I am not letting him destroy me." She said, her teeth clenched. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with me. I don't know why you keep saying that.

"I'm doing just fine on my own. You all think I'm so dependent upon y'all that I can't even take care of my own self. I can handle things by myself, I'm an adult! So stop acting like my dad because you're not him. And it's not that I don't want to hang out with you all, it's just because whenever I do someone is always trying to "beat some sense into me" about how Chad is horrible and that he is hurting me. Well he's not, ok! So you all can go back to your petty little lives and stop sticking your noses into mine!" Ariel looked straight at Jim then stormed off. We knew that she wasn't mad at us, we knew that she didn't mean a word she said. But she still said them.

I looked over to Jim to see the saddest look on his face. He looked so dejected, so forlorn like he just lost his grandpa or something. I could never forget that face that he made.

~End of Flashback~

"How are you so good at this game?" Ariel asks Dan, trying to catch up to him. She looks so in awe at how he is so far ahead of us. The only reason that I was in last place was because I accidentally keep falling off the track.

"I've had practice." Is his short reply as he crosses the finish line in first place, immediately jumping up for joy.

The rest of the night was quite like that. After awhile we put a movie in, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

This was a good night, filled with laughter. But little did I know, that just the next day, there would be no laughter at all.


This is kinda long and it was really fun to write. If you can't tell, I'm phan trash af.


Anywho, have any of you ever watched Ben Cook's Becoming YouTube? I just finished it and I'm just in awe. I'm literally in love with it.

The picture above is of Phil ^-^

Please vote & comment. it would be greatly appreciated. :)

My Favorite Song: November by Sleeping With Sirens. It's honestly so great and November is my birthday month. ;)

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