Chapter 25: movies & family time

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I know I haven't done Jim's POV in a while but I feel like this chapter needs to be in Ariel's just to kinda capture the emotions and feelings.

Enjoy xx

Ariel's POV

He hit me.

He physically hit me on purpose.

Why would he do that? I thought he loved me. He said that he was so happy that we were back together, that he would do things right this time. But it's exactly like last time, except worse. He never actually physically harmed me in our last relationship. Emotionally, mentally, and verbally, yes, but never physically. I physically harmed myself because of him but he never did me.

"Hey, you need to stop thinking. Just relax and enjoy the movie." Jim whispers from beside me, still playing with my hair.

Jim, Dan, Phil, Zoe, Connor, Tyler, and I are currently sitting in Louise, Zoe, and my hotel room watching The Benchwarmers. It's been like four hours since Chad hit me. Dan, Phil, and Joe called Jim and he told them to bring me here. He had all my favorite snacks and ice cream flavors out with a few of my favorite movies. He pushed all three beds together (with help of course) so it made a huge, mega bed and brought all the pillows from his and Marcus's room. Hank Green let him cancel all his plans after he knew what happened. All six of them cancelled.

The news spread like wildfire. I don't know how, my friends didn't say anything. Chad must have told someone. My social media accounts have been overflowing. Jim had to take my phone away because I couldn't look away from it. There were so many comments, some were good, some were so horrible. I didn't know what to do with myself.

"There must be steroids in macaroni!" The movie blares. My head is on Jim's lap, my thighs over Zoe, and my feet over Tyler. Dan and Phil are cuddling on the other side of Jim and Connor has a pillow propped on my stomach, with his head on it.

This is what I've been missing. My amazing friends who would do anything for me, who cancelled all their plans today just to comfort me, who put all my stupid actions behind them. They're amazing and I didn't know how much I have missed them. I haven't talked to Zoe in what feels like forever. She's literally my girl bestfriend. We're always together, when she's not with Alfie. I have completely ignored her for the past few days and I feel horrible. She has always been there for me and now it's my turn to give back. These people (including the other four of my housemates, and my other great friends) are my family.

How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?

I could never put anyone else in front of them ever again. I know exactly why they were mad at me. I'm mad at me too.

"Hey, can you pass me that water?" Phil asks Tyler. Tyler throws him the water bottle, the lid not all the way on and some spilling out...directly on me. Jim freezes his eyes wide and Zoe pushes me off of her. I try to get off the bed but The Turning happens and I fall off the bed from unbalance. All I can hear is silence and I'm starting to get freaked out.

"Ok, what the hell is going on?" Tyler asks, looking down at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"Uhh..." is Zoe's reply.

I probably look like a deer caught in the headlights.

Great, more people knowing about my sec- well, it's not really a secret anymore, is it?


"This is so fùcking weird." Tyler comments as I freeze the water for the sixth time already.

Jim, Zoe, and I have explained my "situation" for the past few minutes. Dan and Connor were the ones who had the trouble believing it. Tyler and Phil jumped right on board. I think my carpet is ruined from how many times I've spilled water on me. They all needed some reassuring actions. Phil is probably the most excited, just because mermaids. He started squealing like a little girl who just got her first Barbie doll.

I'm now demonstrating my powers for the sixth time because they can't believe that I can do such a thing.

It's weird when other people find out about it and are amazed because I've lived with it for awhile now and it has became normal for me. I used to think that what I could do was crazy and amazing but now I've grown accustomed to it. So it's weird when people want to see me use my powers.

"Ok, can I stop now?" I whine, my arm hurting from holding it out in front of me for an hour.

"I guess. But don't think I'm never going to need your help with boiling water now." Phil sighs and we all laugh.

That really took my mind off the fact that I was domestically abused a few hours ago. My friends can do anything to make me feel better without even trying.

Don't even get me started on my subscribers. They are the most amazing people ever. They take the time to watch my videos, they still encourage me when I'm acting like a complete dįck, and support me so much. I can't even fathom how much I appreciate them. They may not know it, but I do. I'm not the best at showing my emotions and I want my subscribers to know how much I love them. I wouldn't be where I am today without them. They have supported, encouraged, loved, and accepted me throughout the years and I can't believe I forgot that these past few days. How could I? You know what, I want to film a video right now. A big collab with Dan, Jim, Phil, Zoe, Connor, and Tyler. I'm sure my fans will love that.


"Hey guys, so I'm here with the best people ever and I've decided to clear some things up..."


Wow ok yay I have updated and yes it's late and I'm so very sorry but I lost my phone for two days and I almost died.


The picture above is of Ariel! :)

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