Chapter 18: mornings & memories

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Jim's POV

"Jim, you need to meet me downstairs in the lobby in ten minutes." Zoe commands through the phone.

It is 7:27 in the morning and I feel like murdering someone, preferably Zoe.

"Zoe, what is so important that I have to get up right now?" I ask sleepily, feeling myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

"It's about Ariel." She says, her voice firm and kind of angry. Honestly, Zoe is a pretty nice person. She doesn't get mad very often, just irritated. So what could Ariel have done that made Zoe so angry?

"Zoella Sugg, what has Ariel done that could possibly be so important that you have to wake me up so early in the morning to tell me?" I inquire, my eyes drooping slightly. I can feel that in the next three minutes I will be fast asleep. All that is keeping me from that wonderful fantasy is Zoe on the phone.

"Jim, she's back with Chad."

That one sentence. That one little sentence woke me up so fast. I drop the phone on accident, my arm weak. She can't be back with that bastard. She wouldn't put herself so low. She wouldn't do that to me, would she? I feel my eyes go wide.

I remember what she was like after their break up. I remember how unhealthy, sad, and broken she was. She was a disgusting mess, with her trust issues level sky high. But I still managed to fall in love with her. She needed someone to help her, to fix her. I was that person. I'm just really glad she hadn't told him her secret. That would've been horrible.

I grab the phone off the floor and whisper into the receiver, "I'll be right there."

I put some clothes on and brush my teeth, not bothering to do my hair. I put my glasses on.

I head to the elevator nervously. What if she gets bad again? It was hard enough to nurse her back to health last time, what will happen this time? He will manipulate her even worse this time. What if I won't be able to save her?

"Jim! Over here." I hear Zoe yell from my left. I head towards her, crossing my fingers just hoping what she said earlier wasn't true. I even pray just a little.

"Zoe, please tell me that you were just joking. Please tell me that this isn't happening." I beg her. She looks at the ground, her gesture indicating that she wasn't joking. That this was reality, a sad, but true horrible reality.


"Ariel, you're alright. Everything is fine. You're okay." I whispered to her, rocking her back and forth in my arms.

She had another nightmare.

It was my night to go and help her. We all took turns so the rest of us could get some sleep at night. She didn't always wake up screaming, but when she did one of us was right there, ready to help her calm down. It was routine. I mean, we were glad to help her. We wanted to. She was like a sister to us, well except me. As I cradled her in my arms that night, as she was bawling her eyes out, I wanted to do nothing more than to just kiss her, right then and there. She wasn't one of those girls that looked stunning when they cried, she looked pretty horrible. But I didn't care. In that moment, I just wanted for her to be happy. That's all I ever wanted. And I wish that my love could do that. But it couldn't. The whole reason she has nightmares is because of love. Chad really messed her up.

"Thank you, Jim." She whispers so softly I barely hear her.

"You're welcome, Al. Come on, let's get you back to bed." I help her up and lay down with her in bed, sleeping with her the rest of the night.

-End of Flashback-

"Jim, we need to help her. You know she can't stay with him, he will break her even more." Zoe states, looking at me in the eyes.

We need to help her. I need to help her. And I think this huge, amazing romantic gesture Louise cooked up just might help.

"We need to get everyone together after the meet ups today. And make sure you film your part of the video. Operation YouTube LV is in action. Make sure to get the word out. I have a meet-up with Ariel in 20 minutes so I've got to go. I'll call you." I rush to Zoe, an idea pulsing through my brain. We have a way to get her back. To see what she will be missing.

And maybe, just maybe get her to love me back.


Hey, this is kinda short kinda not? Idk but yay! I updated! So I hope you enjoy because this is getting really fun to write! Also, I changed the character who played Ariel Winter from Nina Dobrev to *drumroll* Ariel Winter!! Ariel Winter is not a youtuber but she is really pretty and they have the same name so, I thought it worked out.

P.S. Thank you to everyone who reads this book! It means a lot! I really hope you like it.

The picture above is of Jim!

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