Chapter 20: panels & filming

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The picture above is of Alfie!

Enjoy xx

Alfie's POV

My job is to make her leave so I can film my part of the video of her fans. Easy peasy. Well, if Chad wasn't here with her.

Yes, she has brought Chad to mine and her panel. He's just sitting there, watching her answer questions. The fans are feeling really awkward, and so am I. Doesn't he have fans and meet-ups to go to, too?

I just got back from our meeting, knowing my plan to a tee. It went really well, surprisingly. Everyone loved the idea. Jim was very nervous, pacing back and forth behind the curtain. He didn't know what he was going to say or how he was going to even talk. He was very relieved afterwards, heading off with Louis, Joe, and Marcus to a meet and greet picture thing. He told me to make sure that she showed up, and if she looked ok.

When Ariel did show up she looked drained, like she hasn't had anything to eat all day. That may be true if she was with Chad. She looked hungry. I offered her a slice of pizza. She was about to take it but Chad glared at her, so she declined. I can already tell she's getting bad. She always vlogs her meet ups and panels, but it looks like she didn't even bring her camera. This has got to end, right now.

"Ariel, could I talk to you in private for a minute? Chad, you can answer all the questions they have for right now." I say loudly, letting the fans hear what I said. I beckon Ariel to come and she reluctantly gets out of her seat. Chad looks at me suspiciously but doesn't say anything.

We walk out to the hallway, my hand on her back.

"Ariel, what is going on? You don't have your camera, you're not eating, and you didn't even show up for your and Jim's meet-up. I'm worried about you and so is everyone else. You're not just hurting yourself, but us too." Ariel looks taken aback from my words, processing everything I just said. Her facial expression morphs into one of regret. I can tell she feels bad, but she thinks this is what she wants. That she needs Chad in her life. That's why it was so hard to help her last time. She couldn't let go of the past. She's like a little sister to me and I'm not going to let her get hurt.

"Alfie, I know you're trying to do what's best for me but I'm not a little kid. I can make my own decisions. He's not the bad guy anymore. He treats me well and it wasn't his fault that I had to skip Jim's and my meet-up. I just didn't feel good. That's why I didn't eat either." She says, looking into my eyes. She looks at me almost pleadingly, as if she is begging me to believe her. I sigh, not knowing what to believe.


"Alfie, I don't give a shit. I don't care if you think that I'm "destroying myself" or whatever bullshit Zoe is feeding to you. How about you stop worrying about me and try to actually make original content, eh? I mean look at you, you've become like the rest of them. All those youtubers who couldn't think of a creative idea to save their life. All the tags and challenges. How does that make you feel?" She yells angrily, looking at me with a glare.

'She didn't actually mean those things, did she? She knew I worked really hard on my videos, always trying to make it original ideas. She's had a bad day, that's all.' That's what I thought at least.

"Ariel, you didn't really mean that, did you?" I whispered, trying to hold myself together. I didn't want to look weak. "You know I try to make everything original."

"I don't really know what to believe anymore." She spat at me, slamming the door on her way out. It felt like I had lost a family member. She was like my sister, but now she didn't want anything to do with me. She didn't want anything to do with any of us.

~End of Flashback~

"Ariel, if you're sick then you don't need to be here. You need to be at your hotel room resting. It's ok, I'll let you leave." I tell her, forcing a smile. I know she's not sick but might as well get her out so I can film my part of the video.

She looks guilty, but goes along with it. She calls Chad to grab her things so they can leave.

Everyone is confused, wondering why she's leaving. They're gonna hate that she left but I think they will be happy once I tell them the news.

"Yes, I'm so very sorry that Ariel had to leave but it is very important that she did. Now that she has, I'm going to ask something of all of you. Can you all keep a secret?" I say into the microphone, hearing all of them shout yes very excitedly.

"Jim is trying to put together this secret video for Ariel, and he would like to add her fans into it-" I'm cut off by screaming, everyone going crazy. After it quiets down, I begin my speech again.

"As I was saying," I laugh, "He would like to incorporate all of you in it. So, we're going to go down the rows, each one saying something very nice and positive they would like to say. So please, get with your rows and converse with each other. It doesn't matter if you have the same thing as another row, it really won't matter. Please sit back down in your row when you are finished. And this has to be kept secret! So don't tell anyone, please! We would like it to be a surprise!"

Everyone immediately gets up and starts chatting. I get out my phone, take a picture, and send it to Jim with the caption reading, "Phase one is a go" because he really likes those spy movies.


After filming all the rows, the footage only taking about three minutes, I end up taking pictures with everyone.

New Text Message:

My love💖: Alfie, did you get your video taken care of? xx

Text Message Sent:

Me: yes, of course! I'll show you the footage when I get back. xx

Jim's going to love this.


Yay I updated! Finally. Alfie does not like Ariel in any relationshipy way. I just wanted to clear that up.

And thank you to whoever reads this book because that is just amazing! 688 reads is a lot. Thank you so much! <3

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My favorite poem:

the tired sunsets and the tired
it takes a lifetime to die and
no time at

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