Chapter 7: info & fans

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Jim's POV

She looks stunning, as always.

Her brown hair is curled, she's got on a cute black sundress, with black converses, and her make up is beautiful. She would still look amazing without make up, too.

"So, where are we eating?" Ariel asks, humming some My Chemical Romance song that I can't comprehend.

"There's this nice little diner Connor told me about. I thought it would be perfect." I reply, hoping she will be alright with it. Its small, quaint, and cozy. I didn't think she would want something big and fancy.

"Hallelujah. Diners always have the best burgers." She says giddily, typing on her phone.

"Who are you always texting?" I ask, hoping, it's not a guy.

"My dad. He's always the worrier." Ariel explains, shaking her head.

After her mom died when she was 12, Alan, her dad, was all she had left. They are really close, always texting and checking up on each other. Its quite sad actually, how she only has a father. I have both my parents so I have no idea what it feels like but I know that she is uncomfortable talking about her. I make sure to not bring her up in conversation. Ariel took it really hard when her mother died. She locked herself in her room, shut everyone out. And that's why she was on the island with her friends. They persuaded her to go, because they knew how adventurous she is. I think her mother died by a car crash but I don't really know. She doesn't talk about it.

"Why are you so quiet?" Ariel asks me as we exit the elevator. We step outside and I look for the taxi I called for.

"Omg, are you Ariel Winter?!" A teenage girl comes up with a friend and asks Ariel excitedly.

As you can see, Ariel is very popular. At 15 million subscribers, she has way more than a lot of youtubers. She always gets fans coming up to her and let me tell you, she is ecstatic when they do. Ariel loves her fans, and loves meeting up with them. She has way more meet ups than any other youtuber I know. Besides Felix, or pewdiepie, that is.

"Yeah, I am." She smiles and hugs the girl and her friend.

"Would you like a picture?" Ariel asks almost as excitedly as the two girls. Like I said, she loves taking pictures.

"Would it be a bother?" The friend asks, being very polite. I love fans like that. Always caring about your personal space, or your personal time. It's really nice and so thoughtful of them.

"Of course not. Jim and I are just going out to dinner or actually waiting on a taxi." Ariel replies, looking at me and smiling. She has a beautiful smile. Perfect white teeth, dimples, and just so captivating. Which is really weird because I'm talking about a mouth.

"Aww, y'all are so adorable. You are my OTP. Arim all the way." The girl squeals and we both burst out laughing. I wish though, that we could actually be together. That would be amazing.

Ariel snaps a picture with the girl and their friend and they head off. We sit there in silence. But it's not an awkward silence, more like a comfortable silence. We don't need to talk right now. We don't need to violate the silence with laughter, babbling, or noises. We're enjoying each other's company, and that's all that matters.

The taxi pulls up and we get into the back. The feeling in my stomach grows more and more intense and I feel like I'm going to throw up. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm honestly so nervous. This has never happened before, and why now? I've gone out to dinner with her before. What makes this time different? As we go along, the feeling in my stomach loosens as I listen to her talk randomly about anything.


The picture above is of Jim!

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