Chapter 16: advice & a huge, amazing romantic gesture

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I honestly love this chapter. the writing sucks because it always does but I like the concept of it. I think I update on kind of a schedule. I make sure to post every week, or less than a week. So, yay hope you like it!

enjoy :)

Jim's POV

I said I would need some expert advice, and trust me I got some.

"I just went up and kissed him." Phil says, throwing a knowing glance at Dan. Dan nods as to confirm this is true.

I'm in my room, waiting for Ariel to arrive. While I'm waiting, I decided I needed some help. I went to the most experienced people I know, which is Dan, Phil, Zoe, and Alfie.

"So, I just go up and kiss her?" I ask skeptically, not knowing if that's the best way to approach this situation. It needs to be more romantic than that. Ariel deserves more than just a kiss.

"Well, no. You need to make sure she wants you to first." Alfie explains.

Ok, make sure she wants me to kiss her. Then kiss her. This doesn't sound very romantic.

"Where is she anyways? She left the room before I did." Zoe gets out her phone and texts Ariel, asking where she is.

"She may have ran into a friend." Phil comments, and we all nod in agreement. Of course that's what happened. She just ran into a friend, they're probably talking, catching up. She's okay, no need to worry Jim. But something feels wrong.

"PARTY!!!" Caspar yells, holding his cup in the air. Yes, he is drunk. We came back to the room from the party because we were a little tired, but not Caspar. Oh no, not Caspar.

Zoe rolls her eyes and gets up to get a soda.

My phone starts to ring. I look down to see the Caller ID is Ariel. I hurriedly pick it up, breathing a hello into the speaker.

"Oh sorry Jim, I pressed the wrong contact," she laughs, her beautiful sounding laugh. "I'm not going to make it to the room until a little bit. I got caught up in some things." She then proceeds to hang up on me.

What just happened? I heard a male voice in the background while she was talking. Who was that? Why the sudden change of plans?

'You're not her boyfriend, Jim. Stop worrying about something that you don't need to worry about. It may have just been a fellow youtuber, wanting to catch up with her. You need to calm down and stop being jealous. How can you be jealous about something you don't even have? Honestly, you are so clingy. Literally.'

My subconscious is such a nice person. So supportive and very comforting, note the sarcasm.

I shake my head, getting the thoughts of Ariel out of my mind. You can deal with it later, go have some fun!

I get up off the couch and head over to Louise. She always brightens my mood, without even trying. She's just a genuinely funny person, and I love that about her. She reminds me of Ariel in a way, always kind and cracking jokes to make people happy.

(A/N the italicized part is his 'subconscious' talking to him. Kind of like having an argument with yourself.)

'God, quit thinking about Ariel.'

Right, quit thinking about her. It sounds so simple, why can't I do it?

Because I'm in love with her.

'Hold up, big boy. What did you just say?'

I'm in love with her.

'How would you know that for sure?'

I'm 100% sure that I'm in love with her. I love the way she talks, or how every time she sees an old couple she awws, or how appreciative she is of her fans. Maybe it's how she can just smile and it instantly lights up the room, or how she talks about something she loves her eyes shine. It's not that I know her secret, or that she's pretty, or has a nice body. Yes, those are bonuses but it's her personality. It's how she is so humane, nonjudgmental, and is able to speak her mind without causing offense to someone.

It's just her, her everything. Everything she stands for, believes in, cries at, laughs over. It's her whole embodiment that I'm in love with. Not just her body.

'Holy shit, that was deep. I would be crying if I could cry. I hope you're sure about these feelings."

I'm sure.

"Jim? You there?" Louise shakes a hand over my face, trying to get my attention.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I guess I spaced out.

"I thought you were in space or something." She laughs, and I laugh along with her.

"No, just thinking about something." I wave my hand as if it is nothing. She gives me a pointed look.

"Are you thinking about Ariel?" She inquires, tilting her head to the side, a trait Darcy inherited from her.

"Yeah." I sigh. There's no reason to lie, she would figure it out anyways. It's not like it's not obvious.

"Jim, why don't you just act on your words? Go ask her out on a real date, or do some big romantic gesture." She says, her arms moving in a fast pace.

"What's a big romantic gesture?" I ask, my mind drawing a blank. What's something unique that not a lot of people can do for a romantic gesture?

"I have the perfect idea." She then proceeds to tell me this huge, amazing, magnificent plan that is sure to work. It will take some time for preparation and I'm going to need lots of help, but I know we will be able to pull it off.

"Louise, that's amazing!" I exclaim, giving her a huge hug to show my gratitude.

I run over to the table, to announce the plan.

"Hello, can I have everyone's attention? I need you to call all of our YouTube family to get their asses over here right now! Call The Fine Bros, The Slo Mo guys, ERB, everyone! We are going to need everyone! Louise has come up with a magnificent plan and I need your help," I yell, shouting out the orders to anyone and everyone. I then tell them the plan, making sure to get the right people for the right job.

This is going to be great.


Man, I was really excited writing this. Next chapter is what happened when Ariel went to the room! It's going to be really great, I hope.

Plus, I edited the other chapters so the book would make more sense.

The picture above is of Jim!

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