Film is Powerful

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I was exhausted after the day of working. Emotionally, after my presentation, my battery was drained. It was nice to just be alone. I also knew I had to get Angie some fee back on her script she had sent me. I had printed out the first half of it so I could sit on the couch and mark it up with my red pen. I had opened a Yuengling and set it on the coffee table. I played some Blue Oyster Cult from the Sonos that was wired through the room. 

I was a few scenes in when I heard a knock at my door. I put the script down on the table and walked over. I had been so wrapped up in the script that I just now noticed my favorite song Godzilla blasted through the speakers. 

As I swing open the door, I was shocked to see Josh standing on the other side. In his hand he held Chinese take-out. "The guy's girfriends all came into town tonight so I was left by myself" he explained. So all of them had girlfriends? I was not shocked but found it weird I had not found out about them yet. "I thought we could hang out. Celebrate your presentation" Josh said ripping me from my thoughts. How could I say no? 

"That sounds lovely" I said as I stepped back to let josh in. He had changed and I liked him in more of a casual outfit. He looked good in the plain long sleeve white shirt. "We can sit on the couch" I instructed him as I went to grab some dishes from the kitchen. I also grabbed another Yuengling for myself and one for Josh. I had never seen him drink beer, only mixed drinks, but it was all I had. 

"What are you working on" Josh asked as he picked up the script I had thrown on the table. 

" I was just giving feedback on my roommate's script. I do it quite a lot since a lot of my friends work in the film industry at varying levels" I answered as I came to join Josh on the couch. 

"Really so you have worked on big movie sets" Josh asked with a sparkle in his eye.

"Yeah quite a few actually. More so in college while I was trying to build my resume. I went to school for costuming but had to take lots of film classes which were always a lot of fun. My friends from those classes all went off to do such cool things. I chose to do more theatre as it is my first love." I missed college back when I got to over work myself with projects. I loved getting to meet cool people from the industries. I never failed to be starstruck. 

"You know I did theatre in high school" Josh said with a smirk as he lifted the beer to his lips. 

"That is the least shocking thing I have learned about you Kiszka" I said with a laugh. "Actually you strike me as the type of actor that is a double edged sword, amazing to work with because you are always funny and energetic but also a pain in the ass because you never focus when needed."

"I can be very focused for your information... besides, you think I'm funny" he asked. Shit had I said that out loud. 

"Ehh funny lookin more like" I said as I pulled the script from his hands. I can not believe I just used such a dad joke. 

"So what is the script about anyways" Josh asked turning to face me on the couch we shared. 

"Well thus far it is about a young man who decides to run away to a different country. Once he is there he meets a woman who invites him to travel with her and her friends. That is all Angie has written for sure but she is debating making him the villain revealing a murderous past or go with classic drug fueled cult for the women characters. I told her to do both and end before the falling actions. You know leave us at the climax where they reveal themselves to each other and their true intentions." I throw the script on to the table before picking up the box filled with orange chicken. 

"I always dreamed of making movies. Jake promised me that if I ever wanted to pursue it he would support me fully." I could tell this was something Josh thought about a lot. "I use to make lots of short films do you want to see them" he asked as he pulled out his phone and pulled up Youtube. "I want your feedback since you are a pro." 

"Josh really I am not a pro besides I am much better with the script side of stuff-"

"Nonsense you have been on big movie sets you know more than me."The way he talked about this was really cute. He was so passionate and his over the top ways still there but seemed more concentrated. 

Josh clicked from video to video as I gave him advice that I knew my profs would have given in my classes. They were honestly really good especially for not having all the fancy equipment. The stories were very out there but those were the types of stories I enjoyed. 

It was not until he put his phone down that I had noticed we had cuddled into one another. Neither of us talked, I could hear his heart beat to the rhythm of the music. At some point my music had decided to go from Oyster Cult to classic rock in general and now Hold the Line by Toto played. 

Josh started to run his fingers up and down my arms. "I have never taken the time to truly look at your tattoos" he said as he traced the outlines of the small linework that was scattered across my skin. "Which is for favorite" he asked in an almost hush. 

"This one." I pointed to the ink that was shaped like Gene's axe bass. "Do you have tattoos?"

Josh did not answer me verbally but shook his head no which bounced his head of curls around. He stopped tracing my arm and moved his glance to meet mine. 

We were inches apart and I could smell the beer and Chinese food on his breath. I wondered if mine smelled the same. His heart beat no longer matched the music but instead thumped along with mine. He moved his hand from my arm to rest on my face. Was I leaning in? I was leaning in. Was this happening? Before I could answer that question our lips met. It felt like this was not their first meeting though as we were so in-synch. He moved both hands to my cheeks as I repositioned myself to straddle him on the couch.  

I started to grind on him to the speed of the music as Crazy by Aerosmith poured through the system. 

He has moved his hand to behind my neck while the other slid down to graze the small of my back. My fingers found themselves intertwined in his hair. I worried about my rings getting caught but could not think about this for very long as Josh's finger found the bottom of my shirt and removed it over the top of my head. Our rhythm never being stopped. 

He wrapped his arms around me tight as he repositioned us on the couch so now he was hovering over me as I lay flat on the couch. I slid my hands into his shirt to trace the muscles I felt trembling in his back. My hands were startled by the cold air as Josh had taken the opportunity to remove his shirt as well. 

As our mouths became one again, I felt our skin make contact giving me goosebumps. It was not until his hand reached under the lining of my bra to caress my right breast that my eyes shot open. 

"Wait" I breathed. He did as I asked and raised himself to look at me, though he did to remove his grasp on my chest. "We should not do this. It is unprofessional, we have a job to do." I was sad I had asked him to stop but I knew it was for the best.

"This won't effect anything, I promise" he said as he leaned down again. I turned my head so his lips fell on my cheek. 

"But it will, it already has. Just this is changing the balances. I came here for a job and I can not get side tracked. I have already ruffled feathers with the help of you no less." I untangle my legs that I had wrapped around his waist and pushed myself out from underneath him. 

He looked sad but after a while he shook his head. "Ok I get it. Don't want people thinking you are some kind of groupie" he chuckled to himself. I knew he said it to lighten the mood but it stung.  He leaned over to retrieve his shirt from the ground and toss it on. 

I didn't know what to do, I had made an extremely awkward situation. I stayed curled up on the couch. 

"Have a good night and thanks for the beer" Josh said as he kissed the top of my head. I could tell his energy had changed. He was hurt and upset but tried to remain the cool guy he was. Something told me women did not tell him no very often. 

After I heard the door shut behind him I got off the couch and flopped on to the bed. I took a pillow from beside me and used it to muffle a scream. 

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