Im leaving on a Jet Plane

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Sorry for such a heavy last few chapters, the beginning of this one is the last of it. This one might be a little shorter. Hope you guys are enjoying the longer chapters!

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We had all returned to my mothers house after the hospital. No one said much so the only sound was the occasional sniffle. "I knew it was coming and it is still so hard" my mother started.

"He got what he wanted though, we were all together" Mell said getting up to join my mother on the couch in the living room.

"What is next" I said. "I mean I know dad wanted to be cremated."

My mother looked up at me. "Yes, he didn't want a funeral. He will be cremated tomorrow and divided, that was the plan." It was weird how we were talking about making someone divided like he was just some object now.

"No funeral, not even a celebration of life? Dad loved to brag about his accomplishments, thought he would have loved that. Besides won't his girlfriends and side chicks want to say goodbye, do they get some of his ashes?" I guess all was not forgiven with my dad. I didn't mean to say this out loud but as I did I watched my mother'd face twist.

"Not the time" Megan said quietly to me. I looked over at Mell who was smiling slightly, she loved that I was the only one that called dad out for his bullshit. I fit into the rebellious youngest sibling stereotype I guess.

"None of that, we are his family and we got to say our goodbyes. I know you are not here for long Molls so any other information I will plan on sending your way." There it was, my mother's and I classic exchange, cold. Our relationship was more business like than family. "Now I thought we would go get dinner, as a family." My mother got up and made her way to her room.

"Italian" I ask happy at the change of subject and knowing my parents favorite restaurant was the Italian one owned by my friend from high school.

"Italian" Mell and Megan answered back.

Dinner went by without a hitch. I got to see my fried Juno who was now the big shot owner and meet his boyfriend for the first time. They were perfect for each other and I was so happy for Juno.

That night Josh held me in his arms as I cried. All of the feelings from the day rushed to me as I could not sort them out but eventually the sun came up and Josh and I had to leave. The three days he had negotiated off were up we were expected back in Nashville. We quickly said goodbye to my family before getting in an Uber headed to the airport.

After Josh checked in at the desk he returned to me handing me my ticket before putting a tag on Franks carrier. "Hey babe, I think they gave us the wrong tickets, these say Michigan."

Josh smiled big, "nope they are correct. I talked it out and we are going to visit my family for a few days."

My brain was not thinking straight. "But work and the band-"

Josh cut me off as he waved his hands "they are coming home too. Kenzi is at the office making sure the the last few days of editing go by smoothly. You do have to have a zoom meeting tomorrow though just to stay in the loop."

I let out a deep breathe. "You really planned all this" I asked looking down at the ticket.

"I wanted my family to get to meet you and I figured since we were already away and such a close flight." Josh's hands were moving quickly as he explained. I, for the thousandths time, started to cry. "What is wrong, do you not want to go? Did I do something wrong?"

I shook my head no as he placed my face between his hands and wiped away my tears. "No, I am just so happy to have you in my life." Josh pulled me into a hug as my tears stained is white t-shirt.

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