I Want to Know What Love is

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"Hey Mr. Tambourine Man" I said as I set my phone up on my desk while I answered Josh's FaceTime. 

"What is up firefly" he asked with a goofy smile plastered across his face. 

"Finishing up some paperwork and then I have a few designs to fix before I send them off tomorrow" I said typing on my laptop. 

"A hard working woman" Josh laughed, "how is the gig going?"

I took a break from my typing to look at Josh through the screen. "Honestly it is a lot right now but I am having so much fun. Being thrown into the head of wardrobe position for the theatre in town is amazing but my brain is numb from all the paperwork I am having to redo. Luckily my remote design job lets my brain create more, though I will admit designing Shakespeare set in the 1970's has been a wild ride." 

Josh shook his head like he understood anything coming out of my mouth. "Well guess what... only there more days" he said with a huge smile. 

"Babe you tell me every call how many days are left" I laugh, "I am counting with you." 

Josh fake pouted at my statement and crossed his arms across his chest. 

"Hello Molly" I heard come from behind Josh before Jake's head popped into frame. 

"Hi Jakey" I waved back still laughing from Josh's pouting. 

"What have yo- are those ukuleles" Jake asked interrupting his own thoughts. 

I turned around to look at my wall that had all my ukuleles hung in and orderly fashion. "Yeah I told you I use to play uku."

Jake shook his head slowly still staring behind me. "Yes but  you made it sound like you owned a soprano just like every other person who went through that phase."

I turned back to my phone saying "well I do own a soprano but it is not may favorite. They never stay tuned."

Jake was still looking at my collection "so you can play a baritone ukulele but say you can't play guitar? I mean that is the same size as a tenor guitar dude."

I rolled my eyes as I got up to grab the largest of my six ukuleles. "Look my fingers struggle with the frets and I worked my way up to this over a very long time" I said placing my fingers on the neck. I hung it back in it's spot and pulled down one of my smaller ones. "This is my comfort zone, I mean I own three concert ukuleles for a reason."  

"That is one of the prettiest ukuleles I have every seen" Josh said about the one in my hands. 

"This was my baby that I played all the time" I said holding the midnight blue instrument up to the camera to show off the hand-painted celestial deign that covered the body. "I always dreamed of having a custom electric solid body but I just never got one." 

"Well now me gotta jam sometime" Jake said patting Josh on the back and waving goodbye to me before turning around and leaving frame. 

I placed the instrument back in its holder on my wall before running back over to grab my phone. Making my way to my bed I laid down continuing to talk with Josh. We talked for the next hour and a half. He played me some songs they had been playing around with and we talked about the things we were going to do when he came down to visit. I could feel my eyes get heavy as Josh was explaining to me the new records he had picked up. "Am I boring you?"

I smiled a little at his question, "never I am just getting tired. Keep talking I want your voice to be the last thing I hear as I fall asleep."

Josh smiled and continued on about how Side A was better than Side B or something like that as I floated off to sleep. 

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