99 Luftballons

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"Josh please take off your jumpsuit" I instructed as I wheeled in a rack to the green room. 

"Babe we are working, now is not the time for that kind of thing" he retorted with his little smirk as he sat on a couch with Danny. 

"You put it on before I asked you to and I need to steam it, there are wrinkles that are going to be so noticeable in photos" I said giving him a stern look to show I was trying to get them ready quickly. My attention was stolen however by Sam and Jake who had taken it upon themselves to have a cartwheel competition. "Jake I swear to god if you rip your pants AGAIN" I said pulling their focus to me. "Honestly at this point I am about to send y'all on stage naked if you are gonna act like hooligans" I said now with my hands on my hips.

"I think the fans would be ok with it actually" Sam said giving me a smile that I knew he was hoping made me relax but it was not gonna work right now.

 I looked over to Danny who was chuckling as he watched me try to contain the boys' energy. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes from my purse and threw them to Sam. "Go smoke one and calm down or something AND MR TAMBOURINE MAN.. if your tiny ass does not hand over that jumpsuit, I will steam it while it is on your body" I said before taking a deep breathe. 

"She is not joking, she will. Once she hot glued leaves to her friend's legs while trying to hurry and finish a costume" a very familiar voice said from the doorway. I looked over to see Angie standing 10 feet away from me. I was shocked, I had no idea she would be here. My brain once again was racing so I stood frozen with my mouth a jar. "Wow no 'oh my god I missed you' from my best friend" she said making her way into the room and wrapping me in a hug. 

"Oh my god I missed you... but what the fuck are you doing here" I asked backing out of our hug and looking at her face which I had missed a shit ton. She did not answer me but looked over to Josh who was now removing his jumpsuit and not paying attention to us. 

"Well I arrived at the perfect time it looks like with the chaos" Angie said to me but loud enough for the boys to hear. 

"We are just extra excited tonight since this is the last show before we get a little break to explore and relax" Danny said as he went over to grab a water bottle from the table of food. 

"And if I could just get them ready for the stage, it would be great. Especially if they worked with since my normal helper is out with food poisoning tonight" I said as I took the jumpsuit from Josh and hung it on the steamer while it heated up. 

"Yeah that sucks for them, I heard it was from the fish they ate last night" Josh said as he laid down on the couch now just in his underwear. 

Quickly, I steamed the wrinkles from Josh's outfit and threw it to him on the couch. "Ok line up please" I said to the boys as I glanced down at my watch to check the time. They all walked over and formed a line shoulder to shoulder in front of me. One by one I glanced over each of the boys to make sure they looked good and then sent them for a last minute hair and makeup check. 

"Thank you for fixing my outfit" Josh said as I looked over his body before handing him a light djellaba inspired cover to put on. He pulled me into his body close with that smirk of his once again. This time the smirk was welcome as I was not busy. 

"It's my job" I said leaning in close. He gave me a quick but intense kiss before heading out the door. 

"We have a lot to discuss" Angie said pulling my attention from the now empty doorframe. 

"Why not start with how you are here right now" I said excitedly and pulled her over to the couch. 

"Well I was flown out last minuter to France for a movie. I helped write the script and then I acted as a script supervisor on set which was so much fun since this is a very small project. Once we were wrapped, I was like well now I am in Europe so why don't I spend a few days exploring. This is when I remembered you were here but classic me I didn't want to let you know of my idea so I reached out to Josh.  I honestly just wanted to know when you were free so we could get lunch but he insisted I come to a show. All it took was a train ride and boom now I am here in Germany. Actually living with you and you constantly calling things by their German names really helped me get around today" She said giving me a nudge. "Ok enough about me, tell me what you guys have been doing traveling all around" Angie said as she relaxed into th couch waiting for me to fill her in on all the details of my past month. 

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