Step Into Christmas

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"Merry Christmas" I heard a groggy voice whisper in my ear. I opened my eyes and they slowly adjusted to see a smiling Josh. "What do you think Santa brought me" he asked kissing me on the forehead. 

"Probably coal" I responded. 

Josh pulled away acting jokingly hurt, "I have been a very good boy this year for your information." 

I started to get up and slide on a pair of moccasins Josh had near the bed before I turned back to face him, "we will just have to see." I threw the flannel pajama bottoms and tshirt that were sitting on the floor to Josh and waited for him to slide them on. The flannel pattern of the pants matched the pattern of the flannel dress Karen had given me the day prior. 

Yesterday Josh had taken me into town and showed me around. It was so fun to go into all the little shops especially since they were decorated for the holidays. We even managed to get Sam to unhand our dogs for awhile so we took pictures with them in front of all the lights. We got lunch at this little cafe before Josh made me walk through the huge Christmas store. It was actually very impressive and reminded me a lot of the one in Rottenburg my parents always made us go in. Part of me was upset though knowing my parents would have loved to visit this place since they always loved Christmas, deeper down I wished I loved Christmas as much as they did even if they didn't give me great Christmases to remember. 

"Ready" a now clothed Josh asked, ripping me from my thoughts about yesterday. I shook my head yes as he took my hand and we made our way downstairs. Kelly and Jake were sitting on the couch with a guitar while having a deep discussion and Jita was helping Karen to make coffee for the group. Sam was organizing the presents that had been under the tree into piles while trying to get Barry to stop pulling the bows off. "And we still beat Ronnie" Josh said taking us over to sit down on one of the couches. Jita tapped my shoulder lightly before handing me a a hot cup of tea. 

"It is a green tea, hope the is alright" she said while handing Josh a cup of the same kind, "I just know you are not much of a coffee person." 

"Thank you so much you really did not have to do that" I said to Jita as she gave me a smile and brushed off my comment before going back to get drinks for everyone else. 

"The princess has arrived so now we can finally open presents" Sam said as a sleepy Ronnie emerged from the stairs. Even in her tired state she made sure to play along with her brother's teasing and she took a bow. 

As Jita joined Jake on the couch he was on and Kelly moved to sit with Karen, Sam went around and distributed the piles he made for us. I received so many wonderful gifts from everyone and I was so thankful. Jita had gotten me a beautiful sweater that was the perfect weight to be worn for both a midwest winter and a southern one while Ronnie got me a beautiful coffee table book about Georgia O'Keeffe. Sam had given me two hooks to hang by our front door, one with my name and one with Franks, that matched the ones he got for Josh and Barry. The gift Jake got me was so sweet as he gifted me a set of custom picks for my ukulele that were made out of old country and rock n roll memorabilia which was so much cooler than the handmade ceramic slides I got for him. Karen gave me the best gift though as she had gifted me a beautiful frame with a photo that was taken the last time we were here. It was a photo that showed all of us gathered around Josh playing the piano and singing. 

"What a lovely photo" Josh said as he put his arm around me, "thankfully you can't hear my piano skills through the photo."

I hit him lightly on the shoulder for saying such a negative thing about himself but then I got lost in his eyes. In his eyes I felt at home. The love and support his looks gave me made me whole. Maybe it was the Christmas morning magic that I had never felt before but I felt like I wanted to live in that moment for forever. It was like Josh could read my thoughts as a smile crossed his face and he kissed me on the nose. 

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