Band on the Run

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Josh sighed loudly as we parked in the parking lot of the studio. "Let's do this I guess" he said turning to me with a half smile. It was the first day in the studio after break and Josh was still exhausted even though we had been home for half a week and spending it just the two of us  with the dogs. 

"Hey I know you have been writing poetry the past few days so look forward to sharing it with the boys" I said as I traced my thumb along Josh's cheek, "and you got all of us here with you today." Josh smiled looking at me and then to the dogs who were curled up together in my lap. I had been talked into coming to the studio today by Josh since he felt he might need my opinion of things. What things? I have no idea and no matter how much I asked, I never got answers. 

I was the first to step out of the truck followed by Josh as we walked in the doors together with the dogs. We walked into the area at the ned of the hall where the space was still set up with a few couches.

 "Hello" we were greeted as we walked in by the big boss manager who was sitting at a table writing some things down. "I hope you both had a lovely break and are ready start this new year off running. And Molly I am glad to have you back on the team officially here in a few weeks." 

I looked at him confused before turning to Josh who was looking down at the floor. Turning back to make eye contact with their manger I gave him a smile before asking "Joshua, do you wanna explain?"

Josh looked up and took a few steps towards me before opening his mouth. "Well I know your current job wraps next week and you wouldn't go on tour with us just for fun so I convinced everyone to hire you as the head of wardrobe for the tour" Josh said with a tone that was both pleased with himself but pleading for me not to be angry. 

"Convinced is a strong word, he made the suggestion and we all agreed you were prefect. You will lead the team in acquiring items over the next couple of months and making them stage ready. As well as act as head on the road in the wardrobe department. And we have all your info due to you working with us in the past so we can handle a few paperwork things on your first day" he said patting me on the shoulders and making his way down the hall and into his office. 

I turned on my heels to face Josh who was looking at me with a happy smile. "Yay right now you will be in the office with us again and then you can come with us to Europe" he said walking over to me and taking my hands in his. 

"You did this without telling me" I said annoyed. 

"I know you are perfect for the spot" Josh said running his hands up my arms. 

"But what if I had been looking for another job already" I said pulling way slightly. 

"I knew you weren't, you always tell me everything when it comes to your job offers" Josh said stepping closer to me. 

"Why wouldn't you discuss with with me before hand" I said getting increasingly louder than my last comment. 

"Because I knew you would over think it" Josh said matching my volume which surprised me. We let the silence hang in the air for a moment as we stared into each others eyes. I was shaking a little so Josh stepped forward and wrapped me into a hug. "I'm sorry, are you really that mad at me" he asked as he held me close. 

"Yes... no... I don't know. That is just a big descicion about my life that I did not get to even make. Babe this is not a hey work for a month seven hours from where you live type of deal this is 60 days living out of s suitcase in not only another country but countries" I said into his chest. 

"Hey hey hey" he said pulling away to look at me in the eyes " I know your mind is giving you a list of all the things to worry about with this and me telling you to calm down is not going to help any so let me do this." Josh pulled me over to the couch and made me sit next to him while he continued "I already lined up a house sitter to come over every other day to make sure it won't burn down or fly away. The dogs were already accepted to be taken with us on the tour and we practically have a built in dog sitter with Sam around. Your work schedule is going to mirror mine almost exactly so we will be able to hang out AND work efficiently. We have two tour buses and you will have a spot on the one with everyone else on the team while the guys and I use the other so just incase we need separate spaces we got it but I hope you will chose to stay with me most of the time. When we have hotels you once again will have your on space but I hope you choose to stay with me." 

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