Ticking, ticking

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Our day was so much fun and it totally helped having time for Kenzi and I to relax the night before. We had spent the whole afternoon walking around downtown picking up items and getting fabric swatches. 

"This thing is magic you know" Kenzi said holding my electronic Mixbook in her hand.

"I mean it makes comparing fabric to lighting color so much easier and it is not too bad for fun instagram photos either" I said as I typed in the color numbers that we had settle on yesterday with the other designers. 

"Ok I think the burgundy color is going to work better" Kenzi said as she held up three different colors of velvet.

"Could not agree more besides it will appear darker on set so it will be perfect for our dramatic dark feel." I grabbed the fabric we agreed on and asked the lady for a swatch. I added it to the large bag we had already filled with other fabrics. 

As we left the store we made our way down the street looking at all the store incase we saw a perfect piece. That is when I saw it, Manuel Designs. 

"Oh my god" I said dead in my tracks and reaching out for Kenzi beside me.

"What?" She looked around but could not find what I was shocked by. 

"This is the store of THE MANUEL CUEVAS! This man made western wear famous. He blends culture with fashion and music." I started to get a little loud and spoke with my hands as I rambled on. "I have never been inside, I never felt worthy."

"Well let's go" was all Kenzi said grabbing my arm and pulling me across the street. "If he is amazing as you say we are getting pieces." 

"Woah this man has worked with Elvis, Johnny Cash... I mean Salvador fucking Dali. We can not just waltz in. Kenz the man has worked with ELTON JOHN!" I was dragging my feet.

"It is a store so we will walk in, who knows maybe he can add Grea Van Fleet to that list of his. Besides Greta has worked with Elton too." Wait what! The boys had met the SIR Elton John and this is how I am finding out about it. This could not be happening. "Besides you are dressed for this occasion" Kenzi joked. 

I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing once again a pair of flared jeans but these had embroidered roses down the sides. My top was a western shirt I had designed with fringe that ran the length of the shirt. My red cowboy boots peeked out from the bottom of my jeans. 

"Girl you are pulling me so fast my hat is gonna fly away" I said as I flew my hand up to hold it on tight. 

Once we were inside it was just as magical as I imagined. The walls were lined with colorful shirts and bedazzled suit coats. My jaw was on the floor. 

"Hello welcome in, what brings us in today" a young woman asked as she stepped out from behind d the counter. 

"Yes we are working on a music video and thought we would stop in to look around." Kenzi pulled out our sketches to show the employee. "This is the feel we are going for."

I was silent, I was still in shock as I ran my hands along the row on green western shirts. 

"Hola, finding everything?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around to be a few feet away from Manuel himself. 

My throat did not work, no words came out. Kenzi came over and reiterated what she had told the young woman. Manuel walked over the counter where the designed were sitting.

"We can work with these" he said picking them up one by one. He turned is attention to me "I enjoy your shirt. I know it is not one of my own so I would love to know where you got it." Once again nothing came to my brain.

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