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Hey dears, sorry i haven't been active lately, since i was immersed in work...hope u all fine
Here we go

"You mean all that was part of your plan?" TenTen asked.
"Yes, of course, how would you think of me like that?"sakura defended.
She looked down.
"I...i know i was so in love with sasuke, i made silly mistakes...i was just a child...back then. I want..." she sighed.
"I want sasuke to be happy...with hinata...he loves her" sakura continued.
"I was just trying to help, and never thought it'd turn out that way." Sakura continued.
TenTen was shocked.
And as sakura was talking, suddenly, a loud cry came from afar, the red haired, megane girl came screaming.
"SAKURAAAAA" karin shouted.
She stopped and took her breath.
"What..happened" she asked.
TenTen looked back and forth.
"Kiba picked up a fight with sasuke, hinata is sick" naruto said.
"NANI? Is this because of what she saw?" Karin asked.
TenTen and kiba raised an eye brow.
Karin looked at both of them.
"I mean, is this because she saw you at the ramen shop?" She elaborated.
"I mean, i was the one who was watching hinata coming over, and gave sasuke and sakura the sign to laugh..." karin said.
"You too were involved?" Kiba asked.
"Yeah...i mean anything for sasuke..." karin said.
Kiba rubbed his temple.
"Hinata saw sasuke and sakura hugging to the point of kissing...she collapsed and had fever!" Kiba growled.
"What!" Karin growled.
"Okay we never thought it would turn that way" karin said
TenTen, kiba, karin and sakura started shouting at each other and suddenly naruto screamed.
"Now we need to find her" naruto interrupted
They stopped fighting.
"I guess we need to leave sasuke take over things...right" TenTen exclaimed.
"I am not sure that this bastard would fix anything! Hinata is a fragile and decent human being...this uchiha bastard is heartless" kiba scowled.
"I know you hate sasuke for having your precious hinata, and your hatred is understandable, but i won't let you say that sasuke is a heartless bastard just because you think he doesn't deserve hinata!" Sakura growled.
"You don't know how much he loves hinata!" Sakura continued, her eyes were looking down, her voice cracked...it pained her, but it was the truth.
Sasuke did love hinata...even more than anyone could imagine.
"Sakura is right" naruto affirmed.
"Sasuke loved hinata long ago...and it was obvious for the blinds to see how he looked at her." Naruto continued.
"His eyes never lie." Naruto nodded.
"And when he heard she'd marry...he couldn't bear the news and decided to go against all the odds and have her for himself." Naruto continued.
"So give him a break." Naruto said.
Everyone sighed.
Kiba felt embarrassed for accusing the uchiha, yet he was still enraged.
Hinata is an angel and she deserves an angel...not a demon, and sasuke was so dark...dark that none can bear, yet hinata was the light..the light that shines over everything, the radiating sun.
The warmth... which kiba thought...maybe thats what makes them the perfect match...the light and the dark...the ying and the yang...
Hinata and sasuke.
The angel that changed the ferocious demon.

Hinata was sitting in the veranda of the hyuga compound.
The place where she sat and watched neji, the place where she and neji were fighting against each other.
The place where she felt the love for the first time...to her cousin.
Yet, now she is sitting, thinking about how upset she is, how...jealous she is.
She can't deny now...hinata wasn't of a coward person, she had always be true to herself when it comes to her emotions.
She was jealous...jealous of sakura...jealous over sasuke.
She doesn't hate sakura.....
but she hates that sakura has sasuke's attention...
She had always had naruto's attention, rockLee's attention, now sasuke's.
The attention should be her's, right? She is his wife! Isn't she!
She isn't as beautiful as sakura...she knows...she isn't as vibrant, or strong like her...maybe its because of the byakugan? The funny looking eyes? That looks like she is blind? Or maybe because of her dark indigo hair...sakura's bubble gum hair is more catchy.
She was never jealous of sakura, she loved her...yet now, she is so hurt and upset...she felt betrayal!
Sakura betraying her.
But the real question that hinata asked herself was, why was she so jealous!
She knows she didn't love sasuke...or last time she checked.
Her feelings and emotions were neji's and now he is long gone.
She can't betray neji, yet...she is jealous over sasuke!
Is it because she is unstable?
Or because she is filling a void?
Or she likes his attention?
Or what?
Her train of thoughts were cut when she heard screams and shouts outside the hyuga mansion.
Hinata turned her heels and went to the source of commotion, she saw hanabi ranting towards the dark haired male.
She felt a tinge of hurt, as his eyes left the short young hyuga girl and crossed with her, hinata turned her back and walked inside when suddenly, she felt a hand grabbing her wrists, and stopping her from moving forward.
Hinata turned around and said shaking.
"Let me go"
"Come with me, hinata" sasuke said, his voice was stern as always, his face was stoic..as always.
Hinata felt even more upset!
That heartless uchiha.
She tried to free his grip, but he was stronger.
"Come hinata" he repeated, now more sternly, now his eyes getting darker.
"Let go of me..uchiha...i don't want to go with you!" Her voice shaken again, her eyes now were filled with tears, she tried and tried to loose the grip.
Sasuke sighed.
He pulled her again, suddenly, she pushed him away with her free hands, he held her arms tightly, hinata winced and started punching his chest, and sobbing.
"I..said...let...go" punching his chest, hiccuping and sobbing like a child.
Sasuke sighed and with a swift act, he lift her up on his shoulder like a potato stack.
"What the hell you think you are doing" hanabi scowled.
"Taking my wife to her mansion!" He said as he walked through the door, didn't even bother to look back to his wife's sister.
Hinata was screaming, and struggling but sasuke's grip was firm.
"Put me down...." She was wincing and sobbing.

Finally, sasuke reached the uchiha compound, he finally put hinata's down inside the mansion.
Hinata was walking past him, heading to the door again when he grabbed her wrists and turned her around.
"Where are you going!" He asked coldly.
"Leaving" hinata said.
"You are not allowed!" Sasuke said.
"Why?" Her voice was enraged and filled with fury.
"Because you are my wife!" Sasuke said coldly.
"And as your wife, that gives you the right to go around...and...and hug..." she was breathing heavily, and sobbing, her voice and her eyes betrayed her, tears fell uncontrollably.
"S..sakura...hang out with her.......h..hug her!" Hinata kept shaking and crying.
Sasuke was felt with pain, yet felt with happiness!
Hinata was jealous...finally...its a good sign.
But he had to make sure that this jealousy is not because of possessiveness, or any other reason...but love!
"Why are you upset? She is my teammate..." sasuke said coldly.
Hinata bite her lips!
"I...i..know!!! B..but..." hinata was lost in words.
"by any means  are you jealous?" Sasuke hit her with the question that she gasped, as if a cold bucket of ice was thrown over her head.
Hinata looked down crying.
"N..no..." she shivered.
She can't admit it!
"Then what is upsetting you that much" sasuke exclaimed.
"I..mean..i...i am your wife...y..you are supposed to...to respect me..my existence..." hinata had to bluff.
"What..what would people say...i ...i am a bad wife...not good enough....i..i accepted marrying you...and..and everyone! Is bashing me!" Hinata cried more.
"Y..yet, you..you don't respect me...if..if you liked...sakura that much...marry her then!" Hinata heaved.
"So, you are upset because of how people would perceive you or because you are jealous of sakura?" Sasuke said.
Hinata's eyes widened...no..she didn't mean it that way, but yes! Because of sakura, if she cared about people, she wouldn't agree to marry in the first place.
"Yes...i mean...no! Sakura is my friend!" Hinata tried to bluff.
"Then because of how people perceive you? Then why did you agree to marry me in the first place? Selfish purposes?" Sasuke teased!
"Or you loved that all the girls chasing me would point their fingers and say the hyuga won the mighty uchiha?" Sasuke spat.
Hinata's sobbing stopped, her mouth gaped!
No! No! It wasn't that way!
"But too sad, he actually likes his old teammate!" Sasuke continued.
"Noo" hinata defended.
"Then why?" Sasuke asked sternly, taking slow steps towards his wife, as she took a step back, each step he took, she took back, until she hit the concrete wall, her back stuck to it, and sasuke was towering over her, inches away from her, his mouth whispering to her hears, as she felt the breath tackling her hair, sending shivers down her spine.
Her body was so hot.
Will he kiss her now?
"Why, hyuga..." his cold voice brought her back,  to reality.
"B..because...i..am your wife" she was lost in words, shivering, couldn't focus, his smell is intoxicating, his body over hers.
"You know this marriage is for business purposes" he teased.
She looked down, eyes squinted as a tear rolled down her face.
He caught the tear half way as he felt her shivering and crying.
"Th...then why...m..marry sakura..." she sobbed.
He went to the other ear, and whispered.
"You'd give me better heirs" he teased.
Hinata cried again.
Now her sobbing was loud.
"T...then..then..marry...another...hyuga" she sobbed and hiccuped insanely.
Sasuke placed his thumbs and forefinger under her chin, and raised her face to meet his eyes.
Hinata's pearl blood shot eyes now were looking at him.
He looked at those plump lips insulted by crying, her sniffling nose.
He approached her lips, inches away and said.
"Why marry another hyuga when i have the hime" he  teased.
Hinata cried more...he was driving her insane.
But sasuke has to make sure! He hates to see her cry, but he has to make her admit!
Hinata decided to push him but her was stronger.
She looked again at him and said.
"Then why didn't you touch me until now" hinata sobbed.
"Or is it because of sakura" hinata sobbed.
Sasuke dropped his hands.
He stood upright then turned around.
"You have ten minutes to be ready...i'll be waiting upstairs...i'll call the servants to prepare you!" He walked coldly and left!
This foolish little girl! Was testing him.
Hinata dropped on her knees and cried insanely! Her whimpers were echoing
As sasuke was walking away, with his face darkened!

To be continued

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