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Another update here we go

Hinata eyed her reflection. Her eyes were now all puffy, her nose was red and her eyes were bloodshot.
Hinata's skin is so pale to a point if she is tainted slightly with any color, it'll be visible like the sun.
She had to get rid of such commotion.
She rinsed her face thoroughly and fixed her hair.
Sasuke shouldn't see her like that.
Hinata headed back to the kitchen, to find sasuke almost finished his food.
He eyed her, she could swear that his eyes slightly widened, in shock, yet, it was back in a slip of a second that she'd say she was only deluding herself.
Sasuke looked down back to his bowl and finished his food.
Hinata took the dishes and placed them into the kitchen sink.
Sasuke brought the rest of the bowls, and he stuck his torso to her back, squeezing her to the front.
Hinata's eyes widened and mouth gaped, she slightly gasped as he squeezed her more.
She turned around to see him inches from her.
Their faces almost touched, she can hear his breathing.
Sasuke placed his bowl inside the sink, then turned around and left.
Hinata looked back to the sink, thats the second time they almost kissed! She thought he'd kiss her.
She looked down and her tears started streaming down again and her face flushed.
"Baka!!" She sobbed.

Sasuke got inside his room, he smirked.
He was elated.
He decided to head back to konoha's hospital.
He wanted to meet sakura...he has to see sakura.
Sasuke head towards the door, he saw hinata was doing the dishes.
He didn't know wether she was still crying or not.
He was thinking wether to tell her that he was going out or not, but decided he wouldn't.
Suddenly, her voice stopped him.
"S..sasuke kun, are you going out?" Her voice broke, it was a little shaky but she tried to managed not to be too obvious.
Sasuke just nodded.
He walked again but was stopped.
"Are you...are you meeting team seven?" She asked.
He turned around.
"Only naruto" he said and walked outside the the house.
Hinata looked down, she sobbed again.

Hinata finished the chores but her heart wasn't settled, she wasn't calm...her mind was going back and forth.
She felt sasuke was lying...she had to see for herself.
But sasuke wasn't a liar, maybe he was multiple things, but he ain't no liar.
She wanted to see for herself.
She decided to follow him.
Hinata used her byakugan and ran towards the hokage's office.
She was searching for naruto's chakra.
Yes, she found it, but this is not sasuke's chakra, this is...ino's and only ino.
Where is sasuke!
Hinata ran further, until she passed by konoha's hospital, where she found this dark chakra.
So cold...its definitely is sasuke.
Hinata activated her byakugan again, and her eyes widened, she started shaking...she saw them, again!
Sakura and sasuke! Hugging!!! Their face was so close! They would have kissed!
Why did he lie!
Hinata gulped...she felt she was going to throw up!
If he is so enamored with her, and she is sure sakura would give anything just to be with sasuke! Then why?
For the convenience of the offspring?
A hyuga and a descendant of otsutsuki, the heiress of the hyuga! Of course!
Hinata turned around and threw up.
Her tears were streaming down hysterically.
Hinata wobbled a little.
She felt dizzy and her temple was sweating, her bangs stuck to the damp temple.
She started walking when she suddenly crashed to someone, she was going to fall but an arm wrapped around her back and supported her.
Hinata looked up, her view was blurry but yes she knows that sound.
"Hinata chan? Daijoubou?" The voice of the person was concerned.
Hinata rubbed her temple.
"K..kiba kun" hinata stammered.
"Hinata? Did something happen?" Kiba was concerned, akamaru whimpered.
Hinata couldn't answer.
"Come hina, lets take you home." Kiba said as he supported her back, walking with her slowly.
"N..no..kiba kun, take me to...hanabi" hinata was going to cry, she wanted to go to her house, not to the uchiha's.
She doesn't want to see him.
"Hinata...did sasuke that bastard done something to you? Whats the matter?" Kiba was enraged.
"N..no..i...i just...feel a little bit tired" hinata said.
"Then we need to go to the hospital, lets see if tsunade sama or sakura can see whats wrong" kiba said but hinata panicked hearing sakura's name.
She can't let sasuke see her in that state.
"N..n.. no no no kiba kun...oniigaiii...no" hinata panicked and kiba was puzzled.
Thats the first time he saw his dear friend in such hideous state.
"Okay...okay, lets go to your compound." Kiba said as they walked.

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