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Hinata's pale orbs  widened, she couldn't believe her own eyes.
It was truly sasuke, in flesh and blood.
He was looking down on her.
His black obsidian's felt like piercing her body, like arrows of fire.
The wind blew, brushing both their hair's to the side.
The silence felt like death, they kept looking at each other for a while.
Sasuke pointing his katana towards her,  piercing a little of her skin.
After the pregnant silence, hinata stood up.
"Sasukee kun..." she squeaked and stood up, hinata couldn't contain herself.
It was her long lost friend.
She never thought she'd ran into him.
So, the unexpected did happen, and sasuke froze there, when he felt couple of hands surrounding him, tugging him tightly.
Sasuke's both arms were at place, he didn't flinch, he didn't move, his face remained stoic as hinata hugged him tightly, murmuring 'oh sasuke sasuke...'
but his heart beats said otherwise.
He felt as if his heart would pierce his chest.
He gritted his cheek bones...
He felt himself heating...and thats was normal.
Because this morning and every morning, for couple of months now...sasuke kept having those wild dreams...his hormones were crazy.
He cursed the puberty and adolescence.
How much did he long for her to hug him.
He wanted to feel such warmth.
Her body grinding with his.
Her scent, he can smell her, her scent didn't change since academy days.
Same vanilla and lavender, that he always smelled when he passed those fields.
But that wasn't the issue.
He needed to focus on revenge...but hinata kept visiting him in his dreams.
Hinata and no other girl.
Maybe because she was his closest? Or maybe because they spent so much time together...and he caught feelings.
That's ridiculous.
Sasuke threw that thought away.
Those feelings would have been erased by now.
He have been away, and never saw her for three years!
Add on, Sakura was close to sasuke, sakura used to touch sasuke much, then it would make sense if he dreamt of sakura...but hinata! That pale orbed angel.
Angel! Sasuke paused.
Another thing added on the list.
Yes, he knew she was an actual angel.
He indeed saw her as one of the most beautiful girls.
Maybe even the most beautiful and none can beat her in the list.
And he always wondered what she'd look like with long hair.
And that dream came true.
She looked even more angelic...
All these train of thoughts were cut when hinata broke the hug.
She looked at sasuke with a little of teary eyes.
"Sa..sasuke kun..." hinata said.
Another thought crossed.
His name in her lips felt so sweet.
Coming from a lips of an angel, hearing those words, it made him weak.
"Hinata...ka" he said stoically.
Hinata smiled and nodded.
Sasuke slowly put his katana back to his belt.
He closed his eyes and turned around..
He stepped on his heels and started walking.
He knew, he was sure that hinata would follow him.
"M..matte matte sasuke kun" hinata said.
Sasuke didn't stop, but kept on walking as he heard her following him.

Sasuke was sitting on the tree branch, hinata was sitting by his side.
The weather was good, birds chirping.
Hinata enjoyed the atmosphere.
She enjoyed it, and she thought about neji, she wanted to enjoy such atmosphere when they get married and rule the hyuga...no, change the hyuga.
A dream that she will make it true, together they will.
Then, her feelings switched as she realize it was sasuke, she was happy spending such quality time with her old acquaintance, she felt nostalgic, it brought memories of their sparing, she was so happy she ran into him.
She felt herself lucky.
As for sasuke, he enjoyed that silence.
Being with hinata, and not forcing himself to talk...or she was noisy, clingy or needy.
Just enjoying the silence together.
The silence broke when hinata's gentle voice came.
"Sasuke kun" hinata said.
She wanted to say she missed him so much...but the words froze.
"Hm" he hummed.
Instead she said.
"Do you remember our days of sparing." Hinata asked.
Sasuke turned his eyes to her, her side profile resembled someone so much, someone was dear to him, Mikoto!
then sasuke looked back to the spot he was looking.
He didn't answer or even nodded.
The silence fell back.
Hinata decided to break it again.
"Naruto kun has been looking for you" she said.
Sasuke didn't react again.
Hinata noted how even cold and stoic he became since he left the village.
Though she knew what he felt inside, but he was an expert in hiding his feelings.
The silence fell again.
"Your stammers..." he noted breaking the silence.
Hinata's eyes widened looking at him.
Sasuke's face was still stoic, focused on the horizon.
He noticed that her stammers subsided.
Hinata was happy he noticed.
"And your chakra signature" sasuke noted again.
Hinata was bewildered.
Hinata smiled a little and looked down.
Her cheeks were dusted pink.
At least that didn't change, her shyness and timid act.
Though she became a lot more confident, but she still has this, which sasuke loved about her so.
Then he remembered something...
He wanted to know, how things went with her cousin.
How he hated him.
But little hinata knew he'd ask, he would never ask or say anything until hinata comes up with the subject, and that what sasuke was hoping.
"Neji also said that...." hinata answered.
Sasuke was shocked, but he didn't show.
He kept his demeanor and his gaze to the horizon.
He just hummed.
"Neji also said that i became much stronger" she looked down and smiled.
"I wished he came to that mission, but he left onto another" hinata said.
She knew sasuke hated neji for what he was doing to her, she wanted to improve his image.
"He warmed to me...sasuke kun, he became protective..." hinata kept saying that.
Little did she knew that the more she said, the more it made sasuke enraged.
Jealousy, the called it...it drives men mad.
Hinata meant well, because sasuke was her closest friend...in the past.
"He takes a good care of me...sasuke kun...and together we would change the hyuga" hinata continued.
'Is he your boyfriend now' Sasuke was thinking.
Hinata kept talking about neji, her eyes glittered and sasuke hated it.
He grunted inwardly.
Why won't she shut up.
Neji this, neji that!
He was enraged, he hated it, he wanted her to talk about him, about sasuke...about how beautiful and caring he is....
Suddenly, sasuke couldn't take it anymore.
Her pale orbs, her smooth skin, and those plump pinky lips.
Suddenly hinata's eyes widened.
Hinata was taken aback...her mouth gaped.
Her eyes widened.
She couldn't believe it, as sasuke rested his hands behind her neck, pulled her into a kiss, pecking her lips with hers.
It wasn't deep, but a peck.
He broke the kiss, stood up and walked.
Hinata looked down and her cheeks were shades of red.
"E..eh..sa..sasuke kun" she stammered.
"You talk too much" he said and jumped from tree to tree.
Hinata watched as sasuke vanishes into the woods.
That bastard!
He stole her first kiss!
Neji didn't even kiss her because he wanted to save it for the wedding.
Even if she pecked his cheeks, but he didn't want such thing to take place so he won't taint the hyuga.
But sasuke took it.

Sasuke jumped from tree to tree, with only one thought in his mind.
The cinnamon taste on his lips.
The scent of the hyuga...and the fact that he was smirking...because he was sure, he stole hinata's first kiss.
She wasn't kissed before due to her reaction.
But one thing on his mind.
Today's date...he'd save it.
8/8...which resembles the score of their love...

To be continued.

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