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"ARGHAAAAAAAAAA"  a loud scream came from hanabi as she looked at her sister's face when she was trying to wake her up.
Hinata yelped and flinched hardly out of her bed.
She looked at hanabi's scared face.
"Ha..hanabi...shhh its me hinata nee chan" hinata stammered and was scared, trying to shut her sister's loud mouth, she was so scared that someone would see her that way.
She knew how her face looked like.
She just doesn't want to put herself or neji in trouble.
"Hanabi shhh honey its me...hinata nee" hinata held her tightly trying to shush her but hanabi pushed her and turned around, she screamed outside the room.
The butlers were scared and headed to where they heard the scream.
"Hinata sama...hanabi sama" the butler's voice came across.
Hinata started to shiver until they saw her, sitting on her bed, with a widened right eye.
They all gasped at the scene.
Hinata's whole face was battered.
"H..hinata sama!!!" They whispered in awe.
They can't believe the scene.
Suddenly, they heard a stern voice coming across the hall.
"Whats with that fuss" hiashi hyuga was walking, as he saw the butlers standing in front of his daughter's room.
"I..it.." one of the butlers stammered, he pushed his way inside and saw it.
His eyes slightly widened but his stern face was kept.
Hinata was bruised.
He snorted.
"Who did this to you hinata?" He asked.
"N..n..no one oto sama..i was just...sparring and..i..f..fell" hinata lied.
"Liar" he growled.
Hinata flinched in terror.
"N..no.." hinata pleaded.
"Are they bullies again! And you are too weak to defend yourself" hiashi spat.
Hinata opened her mouth to say no when hiashi clicked his tongue.
Hinata looked down, at least he didn't suspect neji and he won't blame him or punish him.
"Summon me neji!" Hiashi snorted he turned around and left.
Hinata's eyes widened and mouth gaped.
"Follow me hinata!" Hiashi commanded, and he left.

Neji came by after a while upon being summoned.
He was ready to be blamed..of course, that weakling coward, she must have been crying to her daddy!
He chuckled sarcastically.
Neji entered the main hall.
He looked at hinata, glaring, then his eyes fell onto hinata.
How he hated them.
He hated them because he saw his father suffering.
Hiashi looked down onto neji.
"Hinata has been beaten by bullies" hiashi snorted.
Neji's eyes widened, he looked at hinata who was looking down.
He thought hinata would tell about the beating.
Neji looked at hiashi.
"And where were you! You are suppose to protect the main family!" Hiashi scolded.
"A hyuga prodigy can't get the job done" hiashi taunted.
"Ot..oto sama..nej..neji wasn't at fault! I..its all mine" hinata interrupted.
Hiashi glared and neji eyed skeptically.
"I..i ran off...trying to spar and..and thats when...i came by some people...they..they sparred with me" hinata lied.
"And beaten you to death!" Hiashi spat.
Hinata looked down.
"Pathetic, even you can't spar properly!" Hiashi snorted.
Neji looked at her bewildered..she was just beaten from him, still she defended him!
Is she a masochist? Or she is so selfless to feel his own pain and give him the excuse.
All he knows that she must be an idiot, for standing up for those who gave her hard times!
Why can't she hate him back! She must hate him like he does!!! Whats wrong with her.
"You are both dismissed" hiashi said.
Hinata nodded and left, so did neji.

Hinata walked down the hall, suddenly, she felt a hand grabbing her arms tightly and turning her around.
She was met by two pale orbs glaring at her.
"Why haven't you told him?" He snorted.
"I...its just...nii san" hinata tried to explain.
"Don't call me nii san, i am not your brother!" He spat.
"B..but..." hinata explained.
"Do you think you can buy me with your pathetic fake gentleness! Or respect...i hate you!" Neji spat.
Hinata's eyes squinted closed.
Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes.
He pushed her, then he walked away.
Hinata wiped the tears and went to play with hanabi again..after a while she excused hanabi and sneaked outside her house.

Hinata was watching naruto admiringly.
The blond was the only thing that gave her hope.
She knew his pain, and understood what he went through, everyone bashed him..but she admired his strength, his determination, he inspired her to be stronger, to be better.
She wants to be better, she wants neji to accept her as well as her father...hinata also admired neji's power..if he only gave her a chance.
Hinata smiled and turned around, she went between tree shrubs inside the woods, and decided she'd spar there.
Hinata started sparring when she heard kunai sounds.
She decided to activate her byakugan, to see who is there, but her vision sight wasn't that strong much.
She needed to practice furthermore.
Hinata sighed, and decided to dismiss and focus on her sparring.
Hinata started training back again, when she felt a pair of eyes watching her.
She turned around and saw same coal orbs staring at her from above the trees.
Hinata gasped a little.
"Y..you scared me" she squealed.
"Who thought you'd be here" sasuke said.
"I..i" she looked down.
Sasuke smirked.
How fluster can she get, he felt amused teasing her and it was   The first time he felt so apart of being powerful to surpass his brother.
"So, won't you tell me who did this to you?" Sasuke asked.
Hinata smiled and dismissed answering.
"I..gomenne, i need to continue training" hinata stammered.
Sasuke nodded and gave a shrug.
Hinata took out kunai's and started throwing them, but again, she failed hitting the targets.
"You are doing it wrong" sasuke said.
"E..eh? H..how" she stammered.
Sasuke jumped out of the branch, he stood behind her.
He held her left hand, and his face was inches from hers, hinata felt herself flushing red.
She could feel his breaths against her ears, sasuke could smell her scent, her scent was so intoxicating, she smelled like his mother, vanilla and strawberry.
He placed his feet between her legs and pulled them slightly apart.
"Here...swing" he said as he swung both their arms together.
Hinata threw the kunai and it hit.
"I..it..worked...a..arigatoo sasuke san" hinata smiled.
Sasuke nodded and smiled.
He turned to walk away..when hinata stopped him.
"S..sasuke san" hinata said looking to the side blushing.
He stopped but didn't turn.
"C..can you...can you spar with me" she asked.
Sasuke smirked. To be honest, he was thrilled, and his ego was satisfied.
Hinata saw his strength and worth, to ask him to spar and help her.
For the first time he felt himself superior to his brother.
He turned.
And nodded.

Hinata was on the ground heaving...sasuke was so good.
"You still have so much to learn" he said.
"I.." she coughed but managed to stand up.
Sasuke was actually amused! She doesn't know how to give up, three hours had passed and he beaten her, still she is trying so hard.
Hinata tried to stand up but her knees betrayed her and she instantly collapsed.
Sasuke went to her.
"Enough for today" he said.
"N..no..oniigai" she pleaded.
"You can't even stand" sasuke said.
He crouched down, and gave her his back, like his brother used to carry him.
"Climb" he commanded.
Hinata looked up with widened eyes.
She nodded.
Sasuke held her on his back like a piggyback.
He walked down the path to the hyuga compound.
"I..arigatoo sasuke san" hinata smiled and sasuke dropped her away a little bit from the door.
He nodded.
"Owaisminasai" she smiled.
Sasuke nodded and left, he watched as she tried to support herself entering the compound.
Sasuke climbed up the tree and saw a little girl squeaking and running towards her little sister, she hugged hinata.
He saw hinata hugging her and kiss her.
He heard her sister pleads for her to play and hinata nodded and ran around with her.
Sasuke smiled involuntary and then frowned.
He remembered his onii san before he changed.
How can hinata be so diligent and kind like that, she can't even stand and is playing with her sister.
Sasuke felt a twist inside his heart.
He turned and walked away.

Hinata turned around, as she felt a pair of eyes watching her, she looked up the tree but found none.
"I must be dreaming" she whispered, as she turned she saw a pair of pale orbs glaring at her.
"N..nii san" she stammered.

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