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Sorry for slacking off...
Thanks for ur patience.
Here we go.

"SASUKEEEE....." a loud screams were coming from behind...behind hinata in the battle field during the great ninja war.
As sasuke wrapped his arms around her shoulder, tightening his grip as he dodged the attack of the nine tails.
Her wails for neji, as she saw her beloved one falling down...body's limp and cold.

"NEJIIIIIII"  hinata snapped her eyes opened as she screamed at the top of her lungs.
Her eyes were wide opened and she placed her palms over her eyes that were activated and tears rolling down her face.
Suddenly, the door snapped open.
"Hinata sama..." her attendant had her voice panicked.
"Daijoubu..." she asked.
Hinata heaved and smiled.
"Its okay...j..just a bad dream" hinata assured.
"Yakata..." the attendant sighed.
Hinata rubbed her temple and sniffed...
"Hinata sama...the..the elders are asking for an urgent meeting today.." her attendant said.
"Hai" hinata said and looked down at her shivering hands.
"I'll be ready shortly" hinata smiled..
The attendant nodded and she turned and closed the door.
Hinata looked down, as the holding tears started to roll down uncontrollably.
She started to shiver.
She hates it...she hated when she had this recurrent nightmare.
It has been a year...a year since the war ended.
Since the fall of the otsutsuki.
Since the death of her beloved cousin...and what suppose to be her future husband.
"Nejii" she held tightly the jade pendant he gave to her.
His pale orbs were shining looking at her as he gave it to her as a token of love.
"Keep it" his voice echoed inside her head as he smiled to her, the wind flapping his brown locks.
The sun warmth over his pale cheeks.
She can remember all that.
His mint scent.
Then, this sweet memory turned into his lifeless eyes, his cold limp body, falling down..
Where were the medic ninja's...
Where was sakura.
Hinata clutched her hands tightly.
She opened her palms and she saw that scar she got from the war.
The scar that the uchiha made...sasuke uchiha who gripped her to take her away from the battle field.
For an unknown reason...he chose to shield and protect her.
All she can remember from the war is the death of her beloved, the ten tails, and all of a sudden, everything went black and she woke up with fatal wounds inside konoha's hospital.
She couldn't even attend the burial of neji...she was comatose.
She can't remember a single thing.
Only the first thing that she saw when she opened her eyes inside the room was bouquet of tulips.
Her favorite flower.
The one who brought it to her must know hinata so well...and must love her so deeply, for tulips, they aren't grown anywhere near konoha, but behind the mountains..a place that consider to be rough environment.
He must have gone through a-lot to get such flowers.
Then her mind drifted as she clutched sasuke's kimono, crying inside his embrace.
Looking at him and saying he is dead sasuke...he is dead...nejii is dead.
His look was still indifferent.
His face was still stoic, but his grip was still tightened around her.
The time they met at the woods, sasuke stole her first kiss...but neji died too soon before even marrying hinata..before they'd share their physical bond.
Neji died leaving hinata empty soul.
This year passed like eternity, she took over the hyuga...after months of struggling, of isolation, of grief.
she decided to eliminate the hyuga's seal...the hyuga's system...to protect her dream with neji.
After he became to acknowledge her.
After he fell in love with her...she'd revive his soul through such.
And today was the promised day...the elders are meeting up, they'd discuss her way of ruling.
Words have been thrown here and there, the hyuga heiress has became one of the most powerful ninja's in konoha.
The descendant of the otsutsuki.
Hinata pulled her body up and headed to finish her morning routine.
She dressed in her purple shirts and shorts.
She headed to the meeting room.

"Ohayo" hinata said and bowed to the elders. Even though she is still the hyuga heiress, she was well mannered.
"Hinata sama" the elders said as she sat across them.
"We have gone through such requests that you issued...wanting to end the hyuga seal and ending the branched family differences, right?" One of the elders said.
"Hai" hinata said, her father was looking across from her.
"Hinata sama, those requests are to be denied, its the hyuga legacy" they said.
"My lord, those aren't requests...i may believe you misunderstood...they are orders, as the hyuga heir and the strongest one now...i believe such matter shouldn't be gone through, and i would have loved for all of you to co-operate..to change the hyuga just like my beloved cousin and uncle died..protection of the main branch should be done out of respect and love, not oppression" hinata smiled.
Her father was awed. This is the gentle hinata, the mute shy one...how she changed to be such a wise, strong leader.
The elders were bewildered.
"Thanks for your co-operation...may i leave now, i have to train my children and head to the ANBU" hinata said and stood up, she bowed and turned around, leaving a crowd that murmurs and whisper.
"I am afraid we would have to deny your orders, and take away your title.." the elders said.
Hinata stopped and turned around, her mouth was gaped.
"As you know, you can't issue such orders without having a husband, i am afraid hinata sama.." they continued.
Hinata smiled and turned around.
"Then choose me a suitor...they are all same to me" hinata said and walked out of the door.

The echoes of foot steps approaching the cold cell.
The chakra absorbing chains clattered.
A raven head with spiky hair, that grow now a little bit longer, reaching the shoulder.
Its been a year since sasuke was imprisoned.
Since the plan for destruction of konoha.
Since the war...
Since he saw the lavender orbs...crying and shivering.
It felt like time stops whenever he sees hinata.
The day they kissed...time stopped for a while.
He kept thinking about her. He didn't know why she crossed his mind...she had feelings for her cousin.
His mind played games, did they kiss? Did they hug? Was he tender? Did they sleep together, and thats when he paused to find himself wounding his lips or cutting his fingers.
After the war, and before being captured, sasuke made sure that she receives tulips.
He told suigetsu to do so.
Sasuke had only one goal, but hinata's presence was persistent.
He kissed her, he wanted to do it..no reason, and what the uchiha wants, he takes.
He stills remember how she went berserk after the death of her cousin.
Her powers were overwhelming, in the end, she is an otsutsuki descendant just like he is.
She ended up hurting herself with fatal wounds.
He had to do something otherwise he'd lose her, just like he lost itachi.
His train of thoughts were cut when The cell opened, to show the boisterous blond smiling.
"Sasuke teme" he said.
Sasuke sighed.
Its been a year now and naruto came to visit him everyday.
He knew that hinata took over the hyuga, the whole villages spoke of the mighty hyuga heiress.
The girl that rose from ashes.
Naruto sat by sasuke..he started talking.
From time to time, sakura came to visit too.
But she never came alone...she was too scared.
Naruto started telling sasuke about the missions, and the news.
Kakashi is still the hokage.
Sasuke listened intently, but he never spoke much.
The subject wasn't that important to sasuke, only he paid attention when a single name came across...but he was too proud to mention it.
So he always waited for naruto to initiate the subject about the hyuga's.
Naruto noticed that too.
Noticed that whenever sasuke is distant, his attention was grabbed just by mentioning the hyuga name.
Naruto always smirked and loved to tease sasuke.
Naruto kept talking and then he said.
"Kakashi sensei and oba chan, are rethinking my request...they'd want to set you free" naruto said.
"They are just scared...they need some sort of.." naruto continued but was cut by sasuke's words.
"Guarantee" sasuke said.
"Hm" naruto nodded slowly.
Sasuke smirked.
Suddenly, the cell door opened to show kakashi sensei.
"Oi, naruto, sasuke" he greeted.
"Kakashi sensei.." naruto said.
"You look good sasuke" kakashi noted.
"Hm" sasuke just hummed.
"Your hair gone pretty long too" kakashi said.
Sasuke just nodded.
"Anyhow, i am here to tell you we have news, after many much meetings, we decided to set you free" kakashi said.
"Hontoniii" naruto squealed.
"What condition" sasuke interrupted.
Kakashi smirked under the mask.
Sasuke was still sharp.
"To get married, the elders are afraid you might betray konoha again..." kakashi said.
"What???" Naruto yelled.
Sasuke smirked.
"And who shall be the lucky girl, or i can say, the unlucky girl" sasuke taunted.
Over his dead body he'll marry.
"Sakura" kakashi said.
Sasuke laughed.
Kakashi was still looking stoically.
"She is the only one who is still ready to sacrifice for you...she still loves you" kakashi said.
"I'd prefer to stay in here than marry" sasuke said.
"Sasuke! Come on...sakura had always loved you, and..i need my best friend" naruto whined.
"I'd prefer you to think about the offer sasuke" kakashi said.
"I'll pass by tomorrow..., have time to think"kakashi said.
"Come on sasuke..think about it...its your chance" naruto said.
"Kotoware" sasuke said and turned around.
"Sasuke! You bastard with your stubbornness!!!" Naruto spat.
Sasuke kept silent.
Naruto sighed.
"Maybe i'll talk to you later about that"naruto said.
"Naruto, lets go, we are late" kakashi said.
"Isn't today your day off" sasuke asked.
"Yes, but naruto and I have a meeting with the hyuga's elder" kakashi said.
Sasuke had his full attention now.
Kakashi noticed but decided to dismiss.
"What of" he wanted to know but still wanted to sound cool.
"Its a hyuga matter, hinata now is the head of the clan, she ordered to remove the seal, They are refusing such matter, and instead, they are choosing a suitor for her so she'd be able to have the full power..." kakashi said, and watched how sasuke's face started to darken, yet a glimpse of something started to be shown.
Kakashi hide his smirk.
"Naruto, ikuzo?" Kakashi said.
"Hai" naruto nodded.
"Ja na sasuke" kakashi teased.
Sasuke sighed.

"So are you ready to give us an answer?" Kakashi asked.
Sasuke nodded, it was the next day, he spent the whole night thinking about it, and came to a final decision.
"I accept your offer" sasuke said.
Kakashi smirekd.

To be continued...

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