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Sasuke whimpered as he felt a ray of sunlight over his eyes, he grunted and opened his eyes as he heard the bird chirping.
He had a hideous headache from last night.
Sasuke wasn't of a drinker, he used to drink occasionally, but last night was different.
He rubbed his temple, and then pushed himself up.
He was lying naked in a bed...not his bed, he looked to the side to see ino sleeping by his side with her undergarments.
Ino opened her eyes as she felt the terror coming from her side.
Sasuke was sitting on the bed edge with his bareback towards her, wearing just his pants.
"Sasuke k..." but ino was interrupted by sasuke's words.
"Its better if we forgot it happened..." he said coldly.
"B..." but ino was interrupted again.
"And no string attach" he said and he put on his chemise and cloak.
Sasuke took off and ino was blinking in bewilderment.
She sighed and got up.

"Obaa chan....is hinata awake" naruto asked.
"She is still asleep" tsunade said.
"Is she fine?" Naruto asked.
"Getting better...you know, sasuke..." tsunade said and then stopped.
Naruto nodded and clenched his fists.
Sasuke is so powerful compared to hinata.
And over all, he treated her like a full fledged shinobi, in front of her what said to be her son.
"Where is hikaru?" naruto asked.
"He refused to leave his mother's side, he is so traumatized and now the hyuga maidens are attending to him" tsunade said.
"How about hanabi and konohamaru?" Naruto asked.
"Both are still in a coma..." tsunade said.
"I'll leave, and sakura is coming now..."tsunade continued.
"Oba chan? Did you run the test?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, i am heading to see the results...i'll inform you" tsuande said and walked away.
"Oi, naruto..." naruto turned around and saw kiba and shino, along with sakura.
""Oi...." He waved back.
"Hinata is still fast asleep..." sakura said.
"Yeah, oba chan told me" he said.
"That sasuke bastard..." kiba grunted.
"Calm down kiba...she'll be fine, hinata is a strong girl" naruto said.
"How dare he? How dare he does that!!!! And infront of their child!" Kiba spat.
"He says its not his!" Sakura said.
"Shut up sakura! Are you implying hinata is a cheater! She'd die before that" shino spat.
"I didn't mean that....something is off thats what i am trying to say!" Sakura said.
"Guys calm down! Okay, we will run a DNA test...anyways." Naruto said.
Suddenly, the whole gang heard an ominous footsteps approaching in the hall.
All turned to find the uchiha was approaching.
When kiba again ran to punch him and naruto stopped him.
"We are in a hospital!" Sakura said.
"Goddam it that bastard why are you here? Coming to celebrate that she isn't waking anytime soon? Or to kill her!" Kiba spat.
Sasuke didn't bother kiba's growl and he kept walking.
"What brought you here sasuke?"Naruto asked
Sasuke was no liar. What brought him here!
He is confused and enraged...he is lost like he was when he killed itachi.
He can't lie....he hates hinata for cheating on him, but he doesn't really hate her...hate is the opposite of love! Ne? But no! Hate is a strong emotion that mimics love!
He loves hinata and hates the idea that she cheated! What makes him confused is that he is sure hinata is no cheater! But something tells him that it can be expected....
But he has a living evidence! The boy...
He hated what he did yesterday, he hated losing his first to someone not hinata...maybe its awkward for the uchiha, but he is one girl man, he wanted his first to be with hinata....
And he hated what he did to her...but he lost it! Lost it like he did with his brother.
Sasuke dismissed the inner turmoil, and looked at naruto.
He then turned his eyes to the room where hinata was lying between all these tubes and machines.
Apparently she is still.....Sleeping.
Sasuke didn't say a word, he closed his eyes and turned around to leave.
"You bastard uchiha!!!!" Kiba growled again.
Sasuke turned around and looked at kiba.
"You hate my guts because you always desired hinata....yet she choose me to marry!" Sasuke said.
Sakura's eyes widened along with the rest.
Kiba's mouth gaped yet he smirked.
"A business marriage! You say that a choice! Hinata married you because it was better for her clan! I pity you uchiha sasuke, for you who desired hinata who always loved her cousin and never ever thought of you, like those silly girls...." Kiba hissed and the words hit sasuke like a venom.
His eyes widened and he bite his lips.
He charged his chidori and decided to shut this person forever.
When all of a sudden a loud scream came from afar.
"OJIIII SANNNNN" hikaru screamed.
He ran towards sasuke and started punching his legs while crying.
"I HATE YOU I HATE YOU, KAA SAN IS HERE BECAUSE OF YOU...naruto san, kill oji san, he hurt my mommyyyyyy...." Hiakru started wailing and sniffling.
Naruto leaned down and held hikaru up.
"Yosh yosh....hikaru" naruto sent dagger look to sasuke.
"No..i want my mommy....he hurt her...." Hikaru wailed and kiba took hikaru from naruto.
"Hikaru dear, wait for oka san to wake up and she'll do it herself" kiba said and rocked hikaru taking him away.
He gave sasuke a glare then he turned around and left.

Everyone waited outside until hikaru and the maidens finish visiting hinata.
They were inside.
Hiashi was already inside since the incident as he was attending now both his daughters.
He left hinata with hikaru to visit hanabi in the next room.
Suddenly, naruto's eyes widened.
He saw hikaru smiling.
He ran outside.
Everyone was bewildered.
"Naruto? Daijoubu?" Sakura asked.
"Hinata she moved" naruto said and sasuke looked through the window.
"Kiba san, mommy...she is waking up..." hikaru said as sakura entered quickly.
Hinata was gaining consciousness again.
"Call hiashi....and tsunade now" sakura told the nurse and everyone entered but sasuke stayed outside.

"Niii san, take me with you" hinata cried.
"But hikaru needs you....hinata....sama..." he bowed down and kissed her hands.
The tears fell from hinata's eyes as she saw neji leaving in the light.
Hinata opened her eyes...she felt her whole body ache.
She heard echoes and distant voices.
She had multiple dreams of neji...hanabi...
She whimpered.
"Mommy" she heard hikaru's voice and looked to the side.
"Hikaru..." she smiled.
He hugged her and hinata hissed from pain.
"Hikaru take care" sakura said.
"Gomenee...kaa san" hikaru said and hinata smiled.
"Welcome back hinata" everyone said in unison.
"Everyone, can we leave hinata to rest...please" sakura said and everyone nodded.
They turned around and left, taking hikaru with them.
After they left, sakura checked hinata up, and then hinata said
"Naruto kun you can come out" hinata said.
Naruto came out from behind, he used his shadow clone to deceive them that he left.
"I need to speak with you, hinata" naruto said.
He gave sakura the look to leave and attend sasuke.
Hinata looked through the window to see sasuke looking at her.
Her eyes were enraged and full of discomfort.
Sasuke was looking at her back in disbelief and yearning and confuse and enrage.
Hinata darted her eyes when sakura hugged sasuke and he looked at her, they both left.

"Who is the father hinata?" Naruto asked.
Hinata kept silent.
"I know you are no cheater...but this...its big hinata" naruto said.
"Not because sasuke is my friend, but because i care about you...hikaru is in danger...i fear for him" naruto continued.
"He is in danger no matter who the father is...naruto kun, wether its an uchiha or someone else" hinata said.
"What do you mean?" Naruto asked confused.
"Thats why, it shall remain like that...naruto kun" hinata continued.
"Whom are you protecting hinata...please tell me!" Naruto said.
"The bastard guy raped you? Is he a criminal? Is he a powerful otsutsuki?" Naruto kept bombarding her with questions.
"Did you love him? Is it from a neji sperm? Just who is he...help me to help you!" Naruto begged.
Hinata kept silent.
Naruto's face dropped in disappointment.
"Hinata...we will run a DNA test..." he said.
Hinata's eyes widened.
"You can't do that!" Hinata said.
"We can...thats why i am begging you" naruto said.
Hinata's tears fell.
"Hikaru will always be my son" she sniffled as naruto stood up ready to leave her room.
He stopped and turned with a widened eyes.
Naruto couldn't interpret what she said and then he left.

"You okay sasuke?" Sakura asked as they sat sipping coffee.
Sasuke was waiting for the DNA test.
He was feeling horrible for cheating on hinata, yet he sees that she deserves to feel what he felt.
Sasuke didn't answer sakura's question, their silent gathering was interrupted by naruto.
"I tried to ask her about the child." Naruto said.
"But she was reluctant" naruto continued.
"She told me the weirdest thing however..." naruto said but suddenly was interrupted by one of the nurses who came running and heaving.
"Naruto...san, tsunade sama is requesting you to come...quickly" she said.
And everyone in the table stood up and followed the nurse.
They entered the lab where tsunade was sitting and couldn't believe her eyes.
"Naruto..." tsunade said.
"Tsuande sama" sakura said unsure.
"The DNA test..." she said and she pointed to the screen.
Everyone was in awe....
Sasuke couldn't believe his eyes.
Hikaru was hanabi and konhamaru child.
A nurse rushed inside the lab.
"Tsuande sama...., hinata, hanabi and konhamaru are missing!" 

To be continued...

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