Chapter 31

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Ugh! I'm so worried now. This is the third day of Mrs. Sinha being absent. I can't believe that it's normal. I mean sure it would have been normal if someone just didn't turn up for work for a couple of days, especially when they have accumulated paid leaves; but this is Mrs. Sinha we are talking about. In my whole time at the University that has been over five years, she has never been absent without prior notice.

I might have not even noticed had it been someone else. However, it's her. She has been more than a teacher for me always. She's like an elder sister I never had and a mentor who can solve any of my problems in a blink of an eye. She was my only family after Mother whom I can call a family here at the University, before Kirna came along. I can't wait any longer I need to see her. I'm not having a good feeling about her absence and my guts have never deceived me until now, so I'm going to trust my instincts and go check on her.


I reached Mrs. Sinha's residence late in the evening. I had to leave for a meeting with my activist group and thus got late. However, it was all right since one of the members dropped me off so I wasn't more late than I already was. I was about to enter the main gate of her house when my phone rang. It was Him.

"Hey" I said as I picked the call.

"Hi, so where are you busy? Your text said you're done with your meeting," He asked.

"Yeah I'm done with the meeting but am visiting one of my teachers," I told him while climbing up the porch of the house.

"What? At this time?" he asked worried, "Preeti it's so late, shouldn't you wait till tomorrow to see her at the University?"

"I know but she's been absent for a few days and I'm worried. My instincts are pushing me to check on her and- Oh No"

"What? What's wrong?" He asked worried on my sudden exclamation.

"Her house is locked. Maybe she really did go somewhere; wait let me try her cell once more" I said or more like stated before dialling her number putting him on hold.

I heard the phone ringing from inside the house, which was weird because the house is locked. However, I noticed an open window and realised that the ringing sound was coming from there. I wouldn't usually go around snooping someone's house, but something pushed me to do that. So I moved towards the open window to take a peek inside, and what I saw, left me in a state of shock.

I wasn't able to process what I was seeing and thus didn't realise when the call I'd made to her phone disconnected, allowing the call with him to resume. His voice brought me back to my senses.

"Preeti! What happened? All good?" he asked.

I took a shaky breath before saying,

"Call the ambulance please"

"What? Ambulance! Preeti what are you saying? What happened?" he asked frantically but I was in no condition to form proper reply.

"You'll understand later; but please for now just trace my GPS and send an ambulance here fast. I need to call the Police," I said and disconnected the call to make another.



I was left shocked with the happenings of last couple of hours. I was just done with the days' work when I called Preeti. I had seen her text from a few minutes ago that she just was done with her meeting. Since it was late, I thought I'd pick her up from wherever she is if required. I can't thank God enough for making me call her when I did, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to help.

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