Chapter 32

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It has been a whole week since Mrs. Sinha has been hospitalised. Even though the doctors were able to save her life, she hasn't gained consciousness due to medically induced coma. The doctors said it was necessary to keep her comatose since she was in too much pain and in addition, weak to be conscious without going into seizure and causing further damage to her. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Moreover, her culprit, that damned husband of hers is still roaming free. The police said since he probably had a couple of days to flee before I found Mrs. Sinha, he might be long gone by now. However, I don't believe that. People like him are not that easy to get rid of. Moreover, he doesn't have money. From what I know, he couldn't have gotten much from the house. Mrs. Sinha didn't have anything valuable at her house; she used to keep all her valuables with the bank. She didn't even have any cash for emergency at home since she used digital money through her phone, which was not missing. Therefore, all in all, that man will surely come back, if not to harm her then for the money; and therefore, I believe we need to move Mrs. Sinha someplace else.



It's been a week to that incident. Preeti is spending all her spare time with Mrs. Sinha and I'm left with the responsibilities of both our kids. I had to tell Bitto a little about what happened and it was the most difficult thing ever, especially when she started crying. I just can't see her upset. Aman was better understanding, maybe he had to learn considering Preeti's work. I took the job of taking Aman back and forth for his classes. It was a bit difficult to do that without their parents knowing, but we managed.

I've not been able to meet Preeti due to such division of our responsibilities. However, Preeti asked to meet today at the hospital and said to bring Anand as well considering he's been pestering us to let him help somehow.

We reached the hospital and I learnt that Mrs. Sinha has been transferred to a normal ward from the ICU. We asked the room number and reached there. There, Preeti was present along with doctor and the police officer from the other day. I did the introductions and then asked about Mrs. Sinha's condition.

"She is stable. In fact, we have withdrawn the use of medicines that renders her comatose since she is healed enough to take consciousness" informed the doctor. "However, there is another thing that may be of concern..." the doctor trailed making us worry.

"What's wrong doctor?" Preeti asked panicking; I moved to her side to hold her for comforting.

"I can't say for sure as the results have still not come from the lab; however, the tests that I draw the samples for were based upon certain symptoms I found while monitoring her," the doctor was speaking in circles and it was irritating me to no end because it was scaring Preeti more and more.

"Doctor, please come to the point please." I said losing my patience at last.

"Right..." the doctor finally spoke somewhat hesitant still, "I think she might be pregnant," he said making us freeze.

No one moved or gave any reaction for a moment and then Preeti lost her footing as her knees buckled under her. I held her immediately and made her sit. She paled hearing the news and tears were flowing without any heed from her eyes.

"She needs to be moved." Preeti spoke in a whisper after a few minutes of silently crying and that jerked us out of the stupor.

"What do you mean love?" I asked without thinking and Anand coughed making me realise my slip. I noticed Preeti blush for a moment before her concentration was drawn to my question and thus we just focused on the matter at hand, ignoring the awkward situation I caused.

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