Chapter 10

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It was hard for me to concentrate on my meeting today since He was there. Even though I was trying my best to focus on my work and not stare at him, I realised he's quite some distraction for me. I was very tired by the time meeting finished, so telling everyone to pack up I went straight for my fresh lime as only it can relieve me of this stress. As soon as I put the glass down, I felt dizziness envelop me. Maybe I was more tired than I realised.

I felt his arms drape me when I was about to fall due to dizziness. The warmth of his touch sent shivers throughout my body and had it not been for my dizziness, I wouldn't have been able to hide my feelings. By the time he put me in his car, I was falling into darkness.

I opened my eyes in room enclosed in darkness, which was enough to make me panic since I couldn't recall whatever happened after my meeting with the council. I recalled being dizzy and being helped by Prem after a few minutes and just then the room opened making me panic. I couldn't think rationally and thus reacted on whim.



It was a good thing that our house was all ready to live in. With all the rituals already done by Bitto over her last visit, it was easy for me to finish with everything else in time to bring Preeti home. I wanted her t feel at home in her own room when she comes over that's why I prepared a separate room for her. All the stuff in that room is whatever memory I have gained of her, and was decorated according to her taste, as much as I knew anyways. Nevertheless, she can always amend it, as she likes. Now she just needs to wake up.

She didn't wake up till late in the evening. I went to her room as soon as I heard groaning. I've left the door open so she won't freak out feeling trapped, but I guess forgetting to turn on the lights was a mistake as she panicked on seeing me, or more like not being able to see me, in the dark.

"Who are you?" She asked scared "What do you want from me? Why am I here? What did you do to me?" She was getting enraged now.

I went ahead and turned on the lights so she can see me.

"Relax! It's me Prem, Prem Saxena... Brother of Kiran Saxena!" I knew this would calm her down "I was there when you fainted and none of your friends were there so I brought you here. This is my house. You can relax. I mean no harm." I told her and she relaxed.

However, then she looked around, found her pictures around her and this got onto her nerves again and she glared at me. I felt like if looks could kill, I would have turned into ashes by now. So I decided to spill.

"Okay now don't give me that look. I didn't lie. I just didn't give away the complete truth." I said looking down, then I looked at her and the look she was giving me was comforting, as it appeared as if she wanted to hear me. So I continued, this time looking at her.

"I genuinely am truthful. My identity and that I brought you here when none of your friends was around and that you are in my house, safe; none was a lie. But; But the truth is I made you faint." Her eyes widened "Look don't get me wrong okay; I like you, I've liked you since very long but never had guts to tell you. So just to get to talk to you alone I did this." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"I know I made a stupid move, but I really want to talk to you; to know you and for you to know me. I understand my first impression is not much... I mean at all good, but please give me a chance!!" I asked expectantly.

She gave me look like 'are you mad or what' and I don't blame her. After some time she spoke

"Look Mr. ..." I told her my name again "Mr. Saxena, what you did was utterly non-sensible, but everyone deserves a second chance. But again, what you did is a legal offence and I'm not someone to support or abet a crime. So what should I do about that, you tell me?" She asked and I was shocked.

"Umm, well if you want me to answer your question genuinely then I'll say that you should report me." She raised an eyebrow at that, as if mocking me.

"But if you'll let me explain then let me tell you I didn't mean any harm. I just wanted a meeting alone without anyone's notice, especially my sister. Also, I've not created any trouble. I have informed your college about your fainting and your family that you are here, as you know my sister. Therefore, I didn't make any ruckus in your life. So if you don't want to give me chance I won't force you, you can leave like this never happened; but I'll still request you to think once."

The look on her face was quite unexpected and more was what she said...

"Okay" I looked at her wide-eyed.

"What" I asked almost in a whisper.

"I said its okay; and I won't report you. But I'm not gonna stay." I tried to speak but she stopped me by showing her hand "Look I need time to think about everything and moreover I need to reach home for now. Just give me your contact and I'll give you a call when I'll decide something." She said and came towards me.

I had no other option so I did what she said. The whole ride to her home was spent in silence. I think she will give me a chance because what she said while leaving...

"Your first impression was really not good, but today wasn't that"

It means she remembered me from earlier. We haven't crossed paths much and that were also the times when Bitto was the reason for us to meet. Yet she remembered. Maybe that's why she agreed to give me a chance! I don't know but I just hope everything turns out to be good.


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