Chapter 46

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I was seeing off the last of my business associates when I saw Preeti across the hall in the corridor leading towards our room. I might have ignored the fact that she was going there when we were supposed to staying in the front room, if not for the fact that she was dragging Anand along with her who had his head bent. Now it may not seem to be a big deal to anyone else, but I know my best friend. He has faced every hurdle, every pain in his life with his head up and shoulders strong and ready to bear the weight of everything; therefore, to see him looking down let me know that something big has happened.

Since all the professional guests and media people have left, I request Maa-Papa to see off the relatives and ask Suraj to see off everyone from the office. I let them know that I'm going to check on Preeti without telling them about what I saw, so as not to worry anyone. Since I myself am not aware of the situation yet, it wouldn't be wise to worry anyone.

When I reach my room, I notice a girl knocking on the door incessantly and calling for some 'Pretty Pie!". As weird as that was, I was more worried for what was wrong behind those doors.

"Excuse me!" I try to get the girl's attention so I can ask her to move aside and let me check on my wife, but the girl seems not to be paying attention to me as she continues banging on the door. Having left with no other choice, I tap on her shoulder to get her attention, which thankfully works as she turns around.

"May I help you Ma'am?" I ask her. She looks me up and down weirdly and then denies asking me to leave, that too quite rudely I must say.

"Well since you don't need any help, would you please step aside?" I ask her.

"What? Why should I? Look mind you own business and let me be." She speaks very rudely again.

"Well I'm sorry to cause you inconvenience, but I would really have to ask you to move since it's my door you are banging on." I tell her, which finally makes her give me her attention and stop banging on the door.

"Your door! You mean to say this is your room and Preeti is-" I cut her off to complete her sentence.

"My wife, yes. So if you don't mind I would like to check on my wife and siblings please." I tell her and try to move towards the door, but she steps in my way, again.

"Wait! What do you mean your siblings? Are you saying that that guy inside with her is your brother?" she asks with a horrified expression, which makes me anxious as to what might have happened.

"Yes miss, now would you please step aside?" I ask her again exasperatedly.

"NO!" she shouts suddenly startling me. "I mean... no wait... I should introduce myself first, I-" I cut her off impatiently.

"Ma'am I'm trying not to be rude here but please try and understand, I need to check on my family. So please step aside and let me pass." I ask her and try once again to go past her. However, her next statement makes me pause.

"Jij it's me, Sandhya."

I turn around to face the girl. The girl who was a mere stranger moments ago, turned out to be one of the most important persons from my wife's life. This made me reconsider everything that was happening and I instead focused on Sandhya to get some answers.

"Sandhya! What? How? When did you arrive? What's going on here? And why were you asking about Anand? WHY were you banging on the door? Please explain something!" I fire questions after questions at her before allowing her to speak finally.

"Jij, I'm so sorry." She says making me confuse. "I think I have made a huge mistake. I didn't mean to do it but I was just scared and I panicked. Having just finished with the trial, the shock of seeing my stalker up close was too much and ... and I don't know but I just reacted impulsively. I'm so sorry," she says making me anxious as to what might have happened. I ask her to explain further after motioning for her to take a seat with me on some chairs placed in corridor.

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