Chapter 42

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As expected, the fever did not last a day. I was recovered and well rested by the end of the day. Next day Jiji and Jiju (Pratham), along with Prutha, took their leave to finish packing. Suraj and Devarji also left to get back to their work. I received call from Singh for some work but after learning that I'm unwell, he reprimanded me and said to take a few days off and he will communicate with someone else at our activist group or NGO, as required. Thus, with only the kids, and us we had a peaceful day and then I went back with Aman to help him prepare for school the next day.

Kiran and I had a week before college started and therefore we decided to have a lazy week while her brother got busy with work. We would finish daily chores and then she would join me in our room. We would lie down on the cool stone floor, perks of being underground, and would chat about anything and everything while watching the bright sky from the glass roof.

Kiran told me that Suraj asked her to join his firm as the legal head once she is done with her final year as she is already trained after all the internships she had at different firms and NGOs. This summer, she was working at our own company, training with the legal team. She said she wants to join our company but her brother is not letting her. I know he did this so she would accept Suraj's offer, therefore, I made her understand that his brother just wants her to explore and get independent. After that, she did not say anything, but it seems she is pondering on accepting the offer.

I told all this to her brother and he got all emotional that soon we would have to let our baby go with Suraj to start a new life, both professional and personal. I just hope she have a happy and blessed life and never have to face any troubles. She is already starting to learn that life is not all sunshine and rainbows. Her work with the NGOs has really matured her.

Jiji and Jiju left India to go back home and life moved on once again. Thus, after the week of lazing around, it was time to get started with my new job. I also moved in at home completely this summer as Ammu said he'd rather visit me when he has time than have me living there as he knows how much trouble it is. He also said that these days he is tired enough by the end of the day that sleep comes easy. I know I should not worry as he is doing all this for his future, but I can't help but feel that he is putting himself through more than required just to avoid Maa in my absence. I just hope he does not harm his health in doing all this.


It was fun teaching. I left the NGO and my activist group a few weeks back as managing both was getting difficult. I couldn't let me students suffer so instead I handed over my position at the NGO and the Activist group to two separate and responsible persons. At the NGO, I myself took interviews to replace myself and even took time to guide them through before leaving. I told them that I'll always be happy to volunteer when they need me to, so they won't hesitate to call me when required. My Activist group expanded its area. Now they even go to other states to work for women rights and welfare, which meant I cannot possibly join them whenever. With my responsibilities increased on both personal and professional front, it was not possible for me to be a full time activist anymore. Therefore, I gave my position to the person I would leave in charge in my absence. I told them that even though I am leaving at full time position, I would always be available on legal front in any matter. Thus, now I am a full time teacher and with my PhD, I guess I will have my hands full enough that I will not miss the jobs I left behind.

Time flew away quickly and another year ended. My PhD Papers were not only appreciated but published in the international journal of the University, which got me some really good job offers, which I had to decline as I'm not planning on going anywhere leaving behind my University, SSL or my family and friends.

Talking about friends, Inspector Singh aka Rana said he is also starting to feel the absence of the missing person from our trio. It was always Rana, her, and I since school. When Rana told us that he is going for the IPS, she was the most upset. Even more than Nandini who has just come into our lives and have taken Rana captive in her love. They were the goal couples and the best example of love at first sight. Rana was so taken by her that he didn't even wait to get married as soon as he finished training and joined the force. Then she moved away for further studies and Rana and I got busy with our lives. If not for our jobs bringing us together every now and then, I guess our friendship would have been just a beautiful memory. I am so glad it didn't happen and thus, even with one member of trio missing, we are still strong as ever.


"Oh my," not again!

Convocation was coming for Kiran. Since she is the valedictorian, she asked me to help her with her speech. Since I have been holding that post in my batches as well, it was only fair. However, I was not expecting this. I entered the auditorium thinking that it will be empty with Kiran waiting for me, but I found not only her whole batch but also her brother waiting for me. It is no longer a secret here at SSL that we are married. Although not everyone in the university outside SSL know of us being married, but still everyone knows that we are together as a couple. It was not possible to hide our marriage in SSL, what with him always dropping and picking us up, and Kiran slipping in calling me Bhabhi, instead of Ma'am or Ms. Dixit, everyone soon started to suspect our relationship status. Thus, Kiran's dear brother decided to take matter in his own hands and came to see me in between one of my class once. It was not with Kiran's batch and therefore, there was no excuse for him to visit me. Further, when one of my outspoken students openly asked whether he is visiting his girlfriend, i.e. me, he went ahead and told them that I'm not his girlfriend but wife. This brought upon an uproar of gossip everywhere in SSL and though the detail didn't go beyond, everyone in SSL was not only aware but interested in our story. Therefore, I believe what I'm attending today is no practice session for Kiran's speech but more like a story session for my students and colleagues. Soon almost everyone at SSL was present in the auditorium to join in to learn our story. Kiran told me that her friends blackmailed him into sharing it with the excuse of leaving the university and all that.

We had some great time with everyone and with everyone careful with his or her questions, it was not uncomfortable sharing about our lives. He even announced that soon we would be holding our reception to announce our wedding to the public, to which I had no idea. Since no specific time was given and we just left it at foreseeable future, it was all good fun.


Kiran joined Suraj's business soon after her convocation. She has already started there during the summers as a trainee to learn the ropes from their previous legal head who has been working since his father started and thus was ready to retire now, giving the reins to Kiran to maneuver. Kiran managed to learn everything required to take over within the summer break and was all good to go as soon as she was done with her convocation. I managed to clear one last hurdle and got qualified as a professional lecture/professor. Now I can focus on teaching my students completely. Mother Stacy said that I'm a rare case of completing my PhD and becoming a professor so early in age. I believe it was all possible because my work a teacher was not taking much from me since I was so used to teaching with having Aman to teach.

Now that Kiran is busy, she mostly stays out during the week; and with this year being Ammu's last year in middle school, he is rarely ever free to visit. With both our kids growing up, we finally decided to move on with our married life and play the duties of each other's spouse rather than parent to the kids.

As he had promised to everyone at SSL, we started preparation for our wedding reception. Since this year, we were all much occupied; our wedding anniversary was a quite event. We just went out for dinner after work. Devarji informed us that he is looking for partnership with some wedding planner to start taking over wedding planning as well. He is receiving quite some bookings after he organised wedding for Mr. Pratham's brother. So nowadays, even he is occupied with meetings after meetings to discuss proposals for partnership with good firms. However, so far, he is unable to find anyone satisfactory. I guess he will just have to hire one independent planner on his team rather than collaborate with some already up and running business. Nevertheless, I just wish him success in any case. He is also the one planning our reception at his Banquet Hall. I'm telling you, he really needs to give his hall some name than calling it as 'Banquet Hall' or simply his office.

Jiji-Jiju didn't join us for our anniversary so they can get proper time off work for the reception. Suraj is even planning to propose Kiran during the celebration since we are inviting his family as well. Let's see if he conjures enough courage to do it. Other than this, the planning is going on in full force with Kiran and Ammu giving their inputs when they get a time and making the team make necessary changes as they wish. He and I on the other hand are just letting them work. We just wish for everyone to enjoy the function, so whatever everyone want will work for us. We have even agreed to dress in the attires of their choice, but Maa-Papa luckily took over that department so we know it will be comfortable enough.


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