Chapter 48

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I woke up feeling as if I was run over by a truck or something. I guess whatever happened last night and whatever I learnt really took a toll. I guess I just didn't realise how much mentally, but my body did physically. I turned my head to look for my husband, only to find him missing. I frowned and tried to turn to look at the clock, but my body felt like lead and I gave up after a few tries. I was just about to shout my frustration when the door to my room creaked open and in came my husband. He smiled when he saw that I am awake, but the smile turned to a frown when he received a glare from me in return.

"Hey! What's wrong? Why are you angry? Did I do something?" he asked as he moved towards me.

"I can't move." I told him to which he looked at me confused. "Huh!" I glared harder before repeating my words. "What do you mean 'can't move'? Why can't you?" he asked stupidly.

"As if I know" I raised my voice a little. I was sure getting cranky. "My body feels like lead. I feel like a truck ran over me." I whined.

"Oookaayyyy! I guess I will just go call Maa and Jiji then. Because God knows, I do not have the slightest idea on how to help you." He tells before exiting, but not before putting a kiss on my forehead and telling me not to worry and that he will be right back.

A few minutes pass of me trying to move to which I fail miserably, before the door to my room open up and in comes Maa, Jiji, Bitto and Ammu, followed by my very worried husband as well as brother-in-law.

"I thought you said you were calling Maa and Jiji only," I groaned in complain to my husband, embarrassed to be seen like this. Devarji and Ammu stops in their steps as if unsure whether to come near me. Luckily, Maa asking me what is wrong saves me from answering, as I didn't know what to say. I explained what was wrong without indulging the information about the stress I might have had been last night unknowingly. This brings frown on her face as she and Jiji looks at each other before looking back at me.

"Were you stressed for some reason honey? Did you have a restless sleep? From what you are telling me, I can only say that overstressing or lack of proper sleep may have worsened your already tired state that might have caused this. Whatever it was, there is actually no need to worry. This generally passes in an hour or two after waking up from sleep. However, if there is anything worrying you, please tell us. Keeping it inside will only make it worse."

Listening to Maa, knowing I was fine and this will pass soon, I was relieved. I didn't want to tell anything to her without talking to Sandhya, thus, that was out of question. Therefore, I went for the safe option of fabricating the truth a little. This is the best thing I learnt from Law, how to twist a fact that it is neither a lie nor the truth. This really helps me go as I don't like to lie but can't always avoid speaking the truth as well.

"I don't know Maa. I was fine as far as I remember when I went to sleep. I don't even think I had a bad sleep. I just felt like I woke up in hell with not able to move and feeling all the strain. Maybe it was the subconscious stress of the event yesterday or the excessive tiredness. Nevertheless, don't worry; you said it would pass so I'll just wait for it.

By the way, what time is it? Don't you all have to return to work? Or has everyone taken a leave for today such as me?" I ask trying to make light of the situation. It works and everyone smiles a little.

"Well I'm free since I'm vacationing here for the next couple days." Jiji says with a smile.

"I am not on leave, however, since my boss is still asleep upstairs, I think I can spare a few hours." Kiran says cheekily to which she earns a hit on the back of head from her brother.

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