Chapter 7

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I was anxious to see him once since it's been so long and I got the perfect opportunity when Mother asked me for my advice over the Chief Guest for the Annual Function. I took it and advised Mother to call him. She liked the idea very much and asked Kiran about it too as she doesn't want to him to feel obliged. Kiran was literally jumping when we told her and it made me smile widely. But when she asked us to keep it a secret, we were confused. Nevertheless, when she requested, Mother agreed to leave it on her to bring him in without telling him.

It wasn't until later when she told me what was on her mind. She actually wanted to surprise him with her performance and wanted to welcome him in the most loving manner. She asked me with such hopes that showed her so much love and care towards him that I had to give in. It wasn't the first time for me to perform unlike Kiran; but I was going to perform in front of him and that was what bothered me.

I made Kiran learn the dance and arranged for all the other things. As her thanks, which actually weren't required, she agreed to become my first hand volunteer. I didn't deny as it was an opportunity for her to learn to open up. It was after whole 1.5 years that she was actually taking initiatives to socialise and to become a confident and independent girl, which she said was his only dream behind separating her from himself. Then how could have I refused, right?



Vacations came, went, and then came the annual function of the University. This year Bitto is going to perform and it will be her first time on a stage. I'm excited as well as nervous; nervous for her because she has never even stepped on a stage ever, without me. Yes, whenever I tried to make her participate in any activity, she would agree for my sake but would become a nervous wreck in the last minute. Every time she performed to present anything, I had to be there with her holding her hand or even accompanying her sometimes. *Chuckles*

Anyways, she haven't told me anything about what she'll be doing saying it's a surprise for me, but she just asked me to be present at the University beforehand. So currently, I'm rushing towards Mother's cabin where Bitto told me to be, since I'm running late.

"May I come in Mother?" I knocked on Mother's cabin and opened the door.

"Oh Prem! You came. I thought I'll have to ask Kiran again to ensure your coming," Mother said coming towards me smiling.

"Really sorry Mother, something suddenly came up" I said touching her feet.

"Oh how many times should I tell, you need not do this," she said hugging me. She always objects when I touch her feet. It's not because of our cultural difference, but because she says I am a piece of her heart and thus, should only hug her and be near her heart. She has always been my strong support when we lost our parents. Has it not been for her guidance, I would have never been able to raise Bitto. After all, it's not easy to raise a 12 year old girl for two young boys.

"So Mother why did Bitto asked me to be here instead of at the Auditorium and that too this early." I asked but then realising "I mean I would have been early if I wouldn't have been late" I added scratching the back of my neck.

"It's okay. Function is just about to start. Let's go." Mother started to walk towards the auditorium with me following behind. Everyone stood up as she entered and she walked to the front. I stopped after a few steps only to be asked by her to follow her further. I was confused as to why she is inviting me to sit with her, but I nonetheless did as told. We seated in front and the function began.

"Good Afternoon one and all present here." Anchor's voice boomed through the speakers but no one was on the dice "We are here to celebrate our annual day function. However, today it's different than all the other functions we have had till date. Today is special as today on the auspicious day of our foundation, we are going to honour a very special student of our University. He had been amongst the few students who hold the highest scoring records of our University. But unlike others, he didn't forget our University. He, even after succeeding in life, is still connected in every possible way. He is one of the major investors of our University and is the best student our University has ever had till date. He holds the highest records in the Commerce as well as Management. He is the best reader our Library has ever had and a student our teachers and University never forgot." She took a pause but my heartbeats were not ready to calm down. I couldn't believe it was happening but her next words made it a reality "Everyone he is none other than brother of our topper of the SLS's new batch Ms. Kiran Saxena, Mr. Prem Saxena." She finished and the whole auditorium erupted with applause. They were applauding me while I was still in shock to respond and I was glad when no one sought any from me.

Just then, a soft music began and the sweetest voice that exists for me came from the speakers.

"Bhaiya, this is your surprise," Bitto said and the music started to play.

Bitto along with Preeti came up to Dance!! I can't believe My Bitto is dancing along with the love of my life and that to a welcome dance preceded by a prayer to Goddess Saraswati. They are performing to welcome ME! Happy and proud tears brimmed my eyes seeing Bitto performing too well with confidence and I was able to convince my heart finally on the reasonability of my decision to send my baby away from me. I wish Anand was here but he has an event to plan today.

Suddenly Bitto started to move down the dais still while dancing, while Preeti looked like she was preparing to finish the show!! I was really having hard time deciding whom to look, but Bitto would always be my first choice. I looked at her coming towards me and she finished the same time when Preeti did on stage, but the difference was that she was presenting Goddess Saraswati with flowers at the end, while my baby sis stood before me with a bouquet of my favourite Tulips of all my favourite colours.

I took the bouquet from her while both our eyes brimmed with tears. Not able to control myself I engulfed her in a tight hug while everyone applauded. I released her when I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked in that direction to see Mother smiling softly at us. She eyed me to let Bitto go and I looked back at her. I let her go as she gave me soft smile with a nod and took back my seat keeping the flowers in my hand only. I knew these are especially from my baby sis for me.


The function was great. I didn't see Bitto after that performance much, except when she came with a few other students to put snacks and drinks for us guests and staff occasionally; which made me anxious to her well being and had me worrying about her eating or not. Then Mother told me that she is volunteering for the function under Preeti's monitoring and that had me less worrying; only less not giving up still.

After the function, I had to go to with the senior staff and other guests to have an early dinner in the Community Hall of the University, while all the students and other staff had their dinner in the open buffet organised in the University Garden. I was really worried for Bitto until Preeti came with the waiters to serve us. She slipped a piece of paper along with cutlery in front of me and when I looked at her confused, she eyed me to read it. I opened it and it was a short note from Bitto!!

Bhaiya, I know you won't be able to eat until you make sure that I had eaten. So just for your knowledge I'm gonna eat as soon as everyone leaves with Preeti Di BECAUSE she won't be able to eat before that and I don't want her to eat alone. So please please please eat your dinner and I promise I will eat mine for sure after this.

AND if you want, you can stay to make sure of it later, but please have your dinner now as I can't invite you to have it later with us, as Di might not be comfortable. PLEASE BHAIYA!! :):):)

After such a sweet request that too from my baby sis, how could have I refused! Therefore, I had my dinner but I really wanted to thanks Preeti for whatever she did for Bitto and indirectly for me too. However, she was always busy while I was around and then she left soon after we finished our dinner. I wanted to see Bitto before leaving but Mother told me that I should leave with other guests and can come in the morning to see her, so I just texted her about me leaving to which she came our way and waved me from afar only. It wasn't enough but I had to satisfy myself for the time being.

I left with the thoughts of Bitto and Preeti. I had to see Bitto tomorrow to praise her for her performance as without that she won't be satisfied and to thank Preeti. With her care and support towards Bitto, Preeti is making her place stronger in my heart day by day.



He was very happy with the surprise Kiran planned. His tears and eyes spoke everything even though he didn't say anything; and the way he looked at me, I felt he wanted to talk but didn't get a chance. Even when I slipped Kiran's note to him, which she has handed me saying that I should give if I feel he is not eating, I felt his eyes on me. All the time when he wasn't with Kiran, his eyes were on me. I felt it but didn't dare to look back; neither did I try or got a chance and he left just like that.

Kiran told me the next day that he wanted to come over but couldn't due to work. She went to see him on the weekend, but was picked and dropped by his friend and just like that, the last a couple of more months passed.


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