Chapter 9

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I spent most of my time sorting this alliance issue during the summer break. I learnt from Bitto after a couple of days from her coming home that Preeti was able to avoid the alliance. She said something about the boy failing at her very first condition. I was really impressed to learn that she has conditions for her future husband, as they will help me know how to reach her. However, I wasn't able to learn what they were. I tried a lot but got nothing.

After doing everything, I decided that I have to face her directly. After dropping Bitto back last week, I kept an eye on Preeti's routine more keenly. Yes, I'm stalking her since a week so that I can find a way to meet her. After noticing that she is around Bitto whenever she is free, I decided that I'll have to take her somewhere alone to talk and that too without anyone's noticing as everyone knows me and her both.

I've spent whole of my time decorating the new house. Bitto came over a few times to look around the house, but I didn't allow her into any of the rooms. I showed her the guest room as the structure of all the rooms is alike to ask her requirements in her room, but else I've kept everything a surprise. I didn't even let her go down into the basement area as that's going to be my ultimate surprise. I've used fog machines around the railings to generate fog which will prevent the view of the basement from the above. In addition, the Glass Ceiling in the middle will help the daylight reach the basement through the fog giving it a cloudy texture from below, which is the surprise I'll disclose later on.

I've decided to abduct Preeti tomorrow. Yes, I'm going to abduct her and bring her to the new house as I've planned to bring her here before we officially shift here. I want to talk to her at our home. I've completed the house just a couple of days back with all the stuff moved from Banquet Hall and today I completed shifting our stuff from Anand's house. This house is completely ready and now I just need Preeti and Bitto to make it a home.

I'm a nervous wreck already and I've no idea how I'll do what I've planned. For the first time in my life I'm going to pull such a stunt and that to in such a delicate matter. I've left it all on the almighty as my mother always used to say that 'whenever there's no way, we should take his way'. I just hope God will help me.


I've learnt from Bitto that Preeti always take a glass of fresh lime after every meeting and she was going to have a meeting today. Luckily, for me, there was no rush in the cafeteria as Preeti was having the meeting in the most rushed hour at the University. Almost no one have a free class in this hour, as it's the last official hour of the University. Only in rare scenarios, there's a free class and then too people rarely visit cafeteria as they prefer to leave for their respective destinations than wasting time in the cafeteria. Moreover, Preeti's meeting has resulted in elimination of the remaining few who may have stopped had there not been any meeting.

Bitto is also in her class and thus I took the opportunity and reached cafeteria. I talked with Cheenu and remained behind the counter with him. Just when meeting seemed to be winding up, Cheenu began to make fresh lime for Preeti. He put it on the counter for her and we talked for some more time. As the meeting was about to finish and students were supposed to come, Cheenu began to prepare for that and I got a chance to slip a strong sleeping pill in Preeti's drink. I had that pill since our site doctor gave it to me a few days back when I didn't sleep for a whole 48 hours due to work and passed out at the site. He had given me a pill along with injected dose stating that I should take it if I'm unable to sleep due to over-exhaustion. I hadn't thought at that time that this pill would really be useful. But my luck!

The meeting finished and Preeti came to take her drink as everyone started to fill out of the cafeteria. She was too tired and thus drank all in one go and because of that the dose I had put in it hit her hard. As soon as she put the glass down, she started to feel dizzy. I took the chance and held her before she would fall. Everyone has left and Cheenu was busy, so I took her to the chairs outside in the open and made her sit while she was still swinging between consciousness and unconsciousness. I then went to say my goodbye to Cheenu and after telling him to not tell Bitto about my visit, as I couldn't stay to meet her, I left the cafeteria. I came out to find few new students staring at Preeti. I told them that she is unwell and I'm taking her home. Since none of them knew me, no one asked any questions. I picked her up and hurriedly left the campus before anyone knowing us would see and luckily, for me no one did. I put her into the car and took her phone from her wallet as she carried only that with her. I took her mother's number from it and I was quite shocked to find no password on her phone. I called her mother and stated that I'm a friend's brother and she is staying over for a while to help her with some work. It wasn't much hard to convince her as she was a really sweet lady. Then I used Preeti's phone to leave a message to Bitto that she isn't well and thus leaving off early, but didn't forget to mention that there is nothing to worry and she was just tired. I did the same for Mother when I learnt that she always leave a message to her too from her records. Then after turning her phone off, I brought her home and settled her in the room I made for her. Then I left to wait for her to wake up.


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