Chapter 16

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I'm with Anand at Banquet Hall, as I didn't have much work today. With all the projects on and running quite well, I don't have much of paperwork to do these days. Generally, I would go over to University to see Preeti and spend some time with Bitto, but today they are busy. Preeti is on field and Bitto wants to sleep, as she didn't get chance to rest after the rally a couple of days back. After Preeti successfully managed to coax her, she managed to coax her into taking her to the rally as well. Although Preeti put her foot down on not letting her lead any of them and just let her join the one she was leading. Bitto is getting busier day by day now.

We were planning to go out for lunch when my phone rang. It was Preeti and I wasn't sure whether to take her call or not in front of Anand. However, as it was unusual of her to call when on field, I decided to take it.

"Hey" I said glancing at Anand who was giving me curious glances, as I never take a call without telling him who the caller is.

"What is the address to your house?" she asked confusing me.


"Address; tell me the address to your house" she said again.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Why! Can't I come over to your house?" she asked with a fake anger lacing her voice resulting in a smile threatening to spread over my lips.

"You are coming over?" I almost shouted the question, but controlled myself remembering Anand's presence.

"Yes; why? You have a problem?"

"Of course not; and by the way it's not my house, it's ours" I told her and at the same time I didn't miss the expressions on Anand's face turning from confusion to horror to surprise to joy. I was surprised how his expressions can change in a matter of moments this fast.

"Okay, so will you tell me your address now?" she asked again.

"First tell me what will you do visiting an empty house?" I queried back.

"Empty?" she asked confused "But didn't you say that you left office around an hour back? You are free today right?"

"Yes I'm free and I left an hour back, but I didn't go home. I don't like to stay in an empty house without Bitto or you" I explained.

"Yeah right" she said and I can feel her rolling her eyes "So you don't go home because it's empty and it remains empty right?"

"Yeah, right" I replied softly.

"What!" shock was evident in her voice "So where do you stay?"

"I spend most of my time at office working and if I don't have anything to do there, I visit Anand as I'm doing right now," I told her and glanced at Anand to see him getting impatient and innumerable questions lacing his eyes.

"Oh..." she said after a pause "I'll see you some other time then" she said sadly making me smile.

"Where are you? Aren't you supposed to be on field?" I asked.

"Yeah we got free early so I thought... never mind," she said.

"Tell me where you are now, I'll pick you up." I told her.

"No. You are with your best friend. I don't want to interrupt."

"You're not. Tell me."


"Preeti..." I cut her in between only to reveal the answer to all of Anand's questions and as expected, he screamed on the top of his lungs.

"WHAT!" There was pin drop silence for a while. His staff looked at him in confusion and Preeti fell silent, may be because of shock.

"Everything is fine," I told the staff "And will you keep quiet for a moment!" I asked Anand to which he nodded. I focused back on Preeti.

"Hey, you there? Preeti!"

"Huh?" she asked still in shock making me chuckle.

"Relax, that was just Anand. He got a shock knowing it's you." I told her.

"Will Kiran react the same way?" she asked somewhat scared.

"So what's the problem if she would?"

"He didn't sound very pleased" she said and I can imagine her frowning.

"That's because he is an idiot," I said looking at Anand to which he glared at me.

"Huh?" Why is she so cute!

"We can talk in person Preeti, only if you tell me where you are," I told her.

"Umm right, but your friend!"

"Fine I'll ask him. Hold" I gave up.

"Anand, would you mind if I'll ditch you to meet her?" I asked Anand keeping the phone in between so that she can listen to his answer, but regretted when I saw mischief in his eyes.

"Well depends. Who is the person you are going to see ditching your best friend?" He asked teasingly raising an eyebrow making me glare at him for teasing Preeti.

"Anand" I warned him.

"Okay fine, but I have a condition"

"What condition?" I asked glaring.

"Don't glare at me, it's not for you" then he looked at the phone and said "It's for you Bhabhi" giving extra emphasis on the last word. I'm sure Preeti is deep red by now.

"Will you spit it before I punch you?" I warned him again.

"Okay okay, don't kill me geez. I just want to meet my future sister-in-law, if she's comfortable," he said.

I gave him a look and picked up the phone back.



"Where are you?" I asked slowly as I wasn't sure how she is feeling after Anand's request.

"I'm near Central Market, around the McDonald's at the right corner"

"Okay I'll be there in five. Just stay there."

"Is he coming now!" she asked hesitantly and I looked at Anand shaking my head.

"No he's not. You'll see him only when you'll want to." I assured her and saw Anand mouthing a sorry with a puppy face that depicted that he realised his mistake.

"Okay, I'm waiting" she said after a while making me relax.

"Okay I'll be there in five." I said hanging up and looked at Anand.

"You are too much buddy."

"Sorry buddy but I didn't know she would get serious"

"Okay I'll leave it this time," I said collecting my things "I'll take your leave now"

"Okay but I want the whole story soon"

"Okay but don't mention anything to Bitto, I want this to be a surprise for her"

"Okay got it"

I bid my goodbye to Anand and left to take my love home again; and this time with her full permission, even wish.


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