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As I watch my family mingling about and enjoying this new beginning, I can't help but be satisfied with how things are.

Kiran and Suraj are finally together, Suraj's patience has paid off just how we hoped. They have come a long way in their relationship that I have no doubts they will overcome every hurdle the time may throw their way. Moreover, they will always have us beside them to help.

Sandhya is again arguing with Devarji over something, but I don't miss the way their eyes hold the adoration for each other, even though they try so hard to hide it. I don't know whether this will develop into a beautiful friendship or more, but I am glad that they have each other now. They both have helped each other gain a sense of normalcy their life was missing. They both have overcome their grief and are happy now. I am glad as they both mean so much to me. I can't believe I could have chosen had they both failed to bridge the gap their first meeting has left.

Next, my gaze move towards Ammu. He is there, following his Jiju around as usual. My baby brother has grown so much more since my wedding. Now, he is on his way to following in the footsteps of his Jiju. He has already chosen commerce for his specialisation and is adamant on choosing architecture for his preferred career. Maa as usual was less than supportive, finding faults, but with my husband guiding him and Papa supporting him, he got his way. As much as it hurt to see Maa still be like this, but we have moved past this now. Ammu has also learnt to be ignorant. Sandhya's presence also helps a lot.

Rana finally came in, after the engagement, but well before Nandini lost her calm. He managed to pacify her, which wasn't difficult with her being so understanding and all. They are with Mother Stacy, talking as everyone else moves about enjoying the party. I just hope for God to fill the last of emptiness in their lives. They have helped so many during their lives that I know they deserve for their only wish for a family to be fulfilled.

Everyone is here, except Jiji. I know she is happy in her life finally, but it is still hard to, not have her by my side after all these years. Nevertheless, her happiness means the most and with Prutha starting playschool, I know it would no longer be easy for them to visit every so often.

I feel hands wrap around my waist, startling me out of my thoughts. Knowing it's my husband, I lean back in his arms. I feel him kiss the side of my head and blush. However, I don't pull away from our moment as I know we are quite hidden from the crowd; also the only people here are our close ones.

"Why are you standing here apart from everyone, huh?" He asks as he holds me.

"I am not standing apart; I am just watching our family. Everyone is happy today. Our princess has grown up and found her prince. Ammu has already started working towards a career. Devarji and Sandhya are starting their new partnership. Everyone is moving on. I am just looking at everyone. Who knows when will be the next chance we will get to gather together like this." I tell him.

"Why? We still have a wedding to plan and a baby to welcome. This is just the beginning. We will have more of such happy moments together." He says as he caresses my baby bump, which is growing healthily every day.

I turn around in his arms and tell him not to jinx anything to which he merely laughs.

"I am not jinxing anything; I am just putting my faith in everything going well. So relax and let us go join our family in the celebrations." He says as he pulls me towards our family.


Later that week, we are left amazed after getting results from our first scan. We are well into our second trimester, however, for the past few days, I've been feeling like I'm showing a lot more than what I have seen other pregnant ladies show at this point. I wasn't comfortable talking about this to Maa or anyone else since everyone is already so overprotective. Therefore, I called for Reema. She came and after checking me up, she said that she doesn't see anything to be worried about and moreover, as we are due for our scan, we will find if there is something different. Since she used the term 'different' instead of 'wrong', I was relieved and didn't broach the subject with my husband. Nonetheless, the scan results gave me the clarification and everyone else the surprise, for we found that we are having twins. It was a pleasant surprise especially when Reema said she suspected as much but didn't want to spoil the moment when we find out from the scan together for the first time.

Life has given all the blessings I could ask for. I am more than grateful for everything I have, for everyone I have.

"Today is one of the best days of my life." My husband says as we lie in the bed after a tiring day filled with sharing and celebrating the news of twins.

"I still can't believe it. There are two lives within me." I say awed as I caress my stomach. His hand soon joins in and we both just relish in the happiness, until sleep consumes us in a peaceful slumber.

"A long life lies ahead of us, one filled with happiness and joy. We will try our best to provide for our kids, family and friends. May lord give us strength and bless our family." These are my last thoughts as I slip deeper into the dreamland, dreaming of a prosperous future together.


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