Chapter 28

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We are all set to tell Bitto. Preeti is coming over in few and Bitto will be done with her exam in a couple of hours and then after her lunch date with her dear Bhai, she'll be back home with him, giving us ample of time to prepare everything as planned.

I am arranging things in Preeti's rooms that we have planned to give Bitto to coax her while explaining everything. I have already arranged all the necessary ingredients for her favourite dishes that her dear Bhabhi is going to cook for her for dinner and have decorated the dining room nicely for a good family dinner. Aman would have joined us too had he been in the town, but he is gone with Preeti's parents to visit a family friend out of town. They are supposed to return tomorrow; therefore, it was perfect opportunity so Preeti can stay over without any issues.

The doorbell rang indicating Preeti's arrival and I felt confused as to why she didn't use her keys because we rarely ring the bell not wanting to disturb the other, in case they're working from home.

I went to open the door and what stood there was my love looking pale and tired. She looked like she would faint any minute, thus I held her and carefully took her inside. We barely made it to the couch before she collapsed in my arms. It made me very worried and I tried to steady her on the couch in a sitting position so I can call a doctor, but she wouldn't let me leave. She was partially conscious and was mumbling at me to not to go anywhere. I sighed and held her as she tried to retain some senses.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes slowly and sat up. I cupped her face and looked at her worried at her condition. She saw me and signed me to relax, but how can I?

"Preeti what's wrong, are you not well?"

"Noooo, I'm okay. I'm just very tired. How much time do we have before Kiran comes home?"

"We have a few hours, why?"

"I think I should take a short nap before we start on the dinner. Is everything else prepared?"

"Yes, all is done. But you are not looking well Preeti; let me at least call a doctor to check you."

"There's no need. Just hold me to sleep for a while and I'll be all good to go."

Since I didn't want to argue with her in her condition, I agreed and took her to my room to rest. Her room is to be kept locked until Bitto comes over. I held her until she dozed off and then carefully put her down. I called a doctor outside in the lobby to not disturb her and then went back to check on her. I touched her forehead to remove some hairs when I noticed that she was burning in fever. How did I not notice it? I tried to wake her up as it is not good to sleep in fever without medicines or food, but she wouldn't respond. This really worried me and I called the doctor back to tell him the situation. He told me that he would be here soon so now I'm waiting and roaming in lobby to be able to keep an eye on Preeti and on the door as well. It's still open from when Preeti almost stumbled in.

The doctor came after half an hour and after examining Preeti told me that, she seems dehydrated as if she hasn't been eating properly. He also said, she looks exhausted, and is running a fever due to either exhaustion or stress. He gave her an injection and left after prescribing some medicines that he actually had brought with him after I gave him the second call as he presumed this to be the case; he left with instructions of bed rest until she is completely fine.

I left her to rest and left to bring some lukewarm water and cloth to keep on her forehead as the weather is not suitable for cold water. I kept putting the water soaked cloth on her forehead until the water turned cold. Then after covering her properly with the duvet and an extra shawl on her forehead to avoid getting cold on damp skin, I left to prepare dinner. Since, Preeti wanted to make Bitto's favourite; I decided to do that for her.

I was almost finished with everything when the doorbell rang and therefore, after carefully turning off all the stoves, I left to open the door.

Bitto greeted my with a big bear hug as soon as I opened the door.

"So enjoyed you time with your Bhai?" I asked hugging her back.

"Yes Bhaiya I did. But why didn't you join us if you were home?" she asked. Well now was supposed to be Preeti's entry but as it's no longer the case, I decided to spill the beans myself.

But, before I can do that, I heard some commotion from the lobby and turned just in time to see Preeti stumbling in the living room. I ran to hold her and picked her up while also chiding her for being reckless.

"Preeti!" I said when I held her, "What do you think you're doing?" I asked picking her up to take her back to my room, "the doctor put you on bed rest, you are injected with drugs and are not allowed to move from here," I told her while laying her down on my bed.

I tuned to see Anand giving Preeti a worried look, which showed his care, and Bitto giving us a look of disbelief and hurt making me feel bad for not being able to disclose the matter properly.

I signed Anand to take her out and turned to look at Preeti who was trying to fight sleep.

"Love, you please try to sleep and give me a few minutes to talk to Bitto. Then I'll come back to stay here with you as long as you need." I told her.

"Noooo... we need to tell her together... She must be hurt... on learning like this... Let me talk to her..." Preeti said slurring her words due to effects of medicine.

"You can talk later when you are well rested and don't worry, I'll manage to explain her without giving out everything and then you can tell her the full story yourself, okay," I told her, "Now please rest and I'll be back soon."

I kissed her forehead and after making sure, she would stay put, left to talk to my baby girl.

"But didn't they trust me?" I heard my princess asking Anand as I entered the living room making me feel how hurt my princess is over this whole ordeal.

It's time to placate my baby girl now.


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