Chapter 22

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This day can't be any worse, so I'm hoping for it to get better.

I woke up really very early by a phone call from Suraj to learn that my dream project is at risk. I've been preparing for this auction to open for months to get the land I desire. It's one of the most beautiful locations of the town and I've put my innumerable nights to prepare quotations to get it. I've given up every condition, even beyond reasonability and even to the extent of taking in some initial loss, just so that I get that land in my possession. It's not some normal purchase for some govt. project, it's a private land being auctioned after years of wait of getting governmental permission to auction it just because there are more than believable amount of realtors and riches and constructors lining up for it.

I've almost got the place for funds when he refused on the last minute announcing the auction. I've waited for months for it to open and agreed in my offer to accept every damn condition that man has negotiated just so he agrees for the land. I knew that he was almost on the edge to accept my offer has he not gotten the permission for auction. Thus, I knew for sure that he wouldn't disclose our negotiations with anyone in the hope of getting better out of me. And I was more than ready to offer that because it's my dream.

But now! One betrayal and I was back to zero. Two days to auction and I'm not sure how to arrange a whole new offer in two days. I've kept my offer for the last minute since I was sure no one will offer better than me. But now!

I'm working like hell since 6 in the morning and now it's 3 after noon. I've not even figured how much, what can I amend, and what will be the effects. My financials are not proving of any help and I'm not able to get a trustworthy legal help after my so-called legal advisor of the lawyer chose to betray me. I still can't believe that after being with me for five long years and growing to the heights of sky because of my company, he chose few bucks over me! If I wouldn't have seen better, I may have lost hope in trustworthiness of humankind after this.

I called my PA to locate Suraj and send him with the updates. I was just about to go back to go through the offer already for the hundredth time today when my phone rang. I picked it up without seeing the ID and was just about to answer it when Suraj entered followed by my useless of the finance manager. My anger shot up.

"Where the hell were you and what the damn hell are you doing?" I burst on him. "I asked you to do one thing, just one and you can't handle that! Is this what I'm paying you for, you useless person ..." I would have spat a few more words not at all suitable for my personality when Suraj interrupted.

"Sir!" I was too engrossed in my anger that I almost snapped my head at him. However, he is all I have with me for now, and ever, in the company who never let me down that I know better than to let loose on him.

"Sir Mr. Bala here has gone through the old offer and is currently going through the probable changes after amendments." I looked over to my manager and knowing he doesn't have anything else to say, signed him to leave.

"Suraj I want results by evening otherwise I swear I'll sign termination of every damn person of the staff tomorrow first thing." I told Suraj trying to control my anguish, but still couldn't keep my voice at par.

"Okay Sir, I'll do that Sir. Would you please relax now? I swear if Kiran would see you like this, she'll have a mini heart attack." He said teasingly and I lost it again.

"Stop calling me Sir again and again, you're giving me a headache. And don't talk rubbish." I snapped and knowing me well, he took a step back with a not so amused smile.

"And what happened of that legal aid. Are we getting any or should I do it myself overnight." I asked shouting out of frustration.

"Sir we are working on it, don't worry we'll find some way." He said and I tried to relax. After a couple of minutes I saw him eyes me confusedly and asked

"Why are you looking at me like this now?"

"Sir has you kept someone on hold?" he asked confusing me. "Sir you're holding your phone, is there someone on hold?" he explained and then I remembered.

I looked at the phone and it was locked.

"I picked it up when you entered and never got a chance to answer it." I said and then remembered, "What if it was Bitto!" I reached back for the phone in a panic when he stopped me.

"No Sir, it can't be her. As I said, she would have had a... uhm... I mean she would have called me right away asking for the reason of all of your shouting by now," he said and I realised he was right.

I asked him to get back to his work and again get back to look into the previous offer for the possibilities of a new one.



I'm really worried now. He hasn't replied to any of my texts and even Kiran don't know where he is. She said she called the office and learnt that he's really busy. But he always takes my calls nonetheless. I tried calling and he picked after a few rings. However, before I can say something, I heard him.

"Where the hell were you and what the damn hell are you doing? I asked you to do one thing, just one and you can't handle that! Is this what I'm paying you for, you useless person ..."

"Sir!" He was shouting loudly when someone interrupted,

"Sir Mr. Bala here has gone through the old offer and is currently going through the probable changes after amendments." Someone said and everything went silent. I was waiting for him to say something when he spoke.

"Suraj I want results by evening otherwise I swear I'll sign termination of every damn person of the staff tomorrow first thing." He still sounds angry and stressed. But why isn't he talking to me!

"Okay Sir, I'll do that Sir. Would you please relax now? I swear if Kiran would see you like this, she'll have a mini heart attack." the other person said I guess he is not some random employee by the way he is talking.

"Stop calling me Sir again and again, you're giving me a headache. And don't talk rubbish." he replied shouting again. What the hell is going on?

"And what happened of that legal aid. Are we getting any or should I do it myself overnight." He asked and what? Why does he need a legal aid?

"Sir we are working on it, don't worry we'll find some way." The same person replied and that's all I heard before I disconnected. I don't think he's going to answer. Nevertheless, I need to be talk to him. There must be something wrong that he's so angry. I never knew he could shout too. He sounded too furious, yet too vulnerable. He needs me right now.

I informed my team to take care if anything comes up and then took leave from the campus, as there's no such class I really need to attend. Also, nothing is more important than him right now.

I reached office and asked to meet him at the reception.

"Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked

"Umm no, I don't. But if you'll inform the boss that I'm here, he'll definitely see me." I told her

"I'm sorry ma'am. If it had been some other day, I definitely would have helped you, but not today. Boss is not at all in good mood and I don't want to risk my job," she said and I realised that it's not her place to do anything.

"Okay but can I see Mr. Suraj instead? I guess that wouldn't be a problem." I said after a while.

"Excuse me!" suddenly I heard a familiar voice behind me and turned to find a man looking at me confused. I guess he is the one.

"Mr. Suraj?" I asked.

"Yes, how can I help you?" he asked.

"Actually, only you can help." I replied smiling.


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